New publication seriesPublished on 10.04.2018

Muslim associations can contribute to preventative measures against radicalisation

While the debate on radicalisation and the mentoring of persons at risk rages on, a new publication of the Swiss Centre for Islam and Society (SCIS) emphasises the social role to be played by Muslim associations in the struggle against this phenomenon. The results of this study will be presented at a public event on 16 April in Geneva.

The Swiss Centre for Islam and Society (SCIS) is finalising its project «Muslim organisations as social actors» by issuing a series of five publications with the title: CSIS-Papers. The first deals with Muslim chaplaincy in public institutions and was presented on Monday evening in Zurich. Next Monday 16 April, CSIS will publish the second paper which outlines the areas in which Muslim associations can be partners in preventative measures against radicalisation and the disengagement of persons at risk.
Link to the CSIS-Papers series: German version here, French version here.

Muslims have a role to play
The CSIS-Paper about prevention of radicalisation shines a new light on the process of radicalisation and the role of  Salafism in the Swiss context. In it the authors underline the preventative role which imams can play, notably when it comes to the contextualisation of religious knowledge. The paper also emphasises that the mosque has an important function as a socialising force.
These conclusions will be presented in detail on 16 April in Geneva. A round table discussion between professionals in the field and leaders of Muslim associations will follow on after the public presentation of the results. This evening will enable reflection on the roles of the various stakeholders in the face of the radicalisation phenomenon, particularly in the context of the collapse of Islamic State.

The CSIS-Papers
The CSIS-Papers have resulted from training workshops organised within the framework of the project «Muslim organisations as social actors», supported by the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) and the Service for Combating Racism (SLR). Their aim is to raise the awareness of the general public of the insights arising from these workshops. Apart from the papers on chaplaincy and prevention, three others will be published this spring: one devoted to Muslim youth, a second to sexuality and the gender roles and the last to the public debates about Islam. The CSIS-Papers are available in German and French on the SCIS website.

Practical Information:

The Swiss Centre for Islam and Society
CSIS is a Swiss centre of excellence supported by the state and dealing with questions related to Islam and society. It operates in close collaboration with public institutions and Muslim organisations. CSIS also offers its expertise to outside organisations in the areas of continuing education and training and consultancy.