Room reservation

Are you organising a conference, a thesis defence, a Fachschaft meeting or another event? To book auditoriums, seminar rooms and other rooms in the different buildings of the Faculty, contact the person or service in charge in the list below.

Please note that room reservations for lectures and practicals are made by the persons of reference for the different fields and not the persons listed below.

Building Domain Contact
PER 04, PER 05, VIL01 Biology, Biochemistry

Rachel Sauge 

Eirini Maikanti

PER 02, PER 03 Anatomy Christophe Duding
PER 07 Earth sciences Sylvie Mauron
PER 08 Physics Anne Fessler
PER 09 Medicine

David Michel

Reservation form

PER 10 Chemistry Maja Ivanovic
PER 11, PER 12 Mathematics Isabella Schmutz
PER 06, PER 13 Dean's office Dean's office
PER 14 Geography Sylvie Bovel
PER 17, PER 20, PER 21, PER 22 Informatics and others

Facility management

Reservation form

Sky view of the campus with building numbers
Sky view of the campus with building numbers