Resources for doctoral students
Here, you will find a list of resources available for doctoral students.
Arriving in Fribourg
- Welcome center for academics Learn about the procedures to do before arriving and upon arrival and get assistance.
Furthering your education
- University course directory As a student at our University, you can register for many classes at our Faculty and others.
- Language Center The Language center of the University offers French, German and English classes at all levels.
- Fribourg Graduate school of Life Sciences and Medicine Available to all PhD students for continuing education and various activities
- CUSO doctoral programs. The CUSO doctoral programs are free. Classes take place at various Universities, and they can help you develop both your field-specific and soft skills.
- Didactics The didactics center offers courses to improve your teaching skills, as well as coaching opportunities.
Career planning
- Career Services The career services of the University offer workshops, advice, CV-checking and more.
- Equal opportunities commission The commission for equal opportunities offers coaching and round table discussions about career planning, family and science, job-sharing,...
- University sports Being registered at the University gives you access to all University sport offers.
- Chaplaincies The catholic and protestant chaplaincies offer various courses and programs, from meditation to mandalas. These activities are open to all, regardless of religious background.
- Psychological counseling service This service offers workshops about time-management stress, and more, as well as affordable in-person therapy consultations.
- Daycare The university daycare is available to students and employees.
- Unisocial This service offers financial, administrative and juridic support to the students of the University.
- Disability Contact the office for studies and disability if you need accessibility adaptations.
In case of conflict
- Mediation office In case of difficulties with a supervisor, the mediation office can assist in finding solutions together with the supervisor.
- Dean of the SciMed Faculty In case of severe conflicts with the thesis supervisor, the Dean can assist you in arranging alternative supervision or finding other solutions to be able to finish your thesis nonetheless.
- Software Through the University, you can obtain free or discounted software for private use (Adobe Cloud, Microsoft Office,...).
- Neptun Project Through this project, you can buy computers at a discounted price (open twice a year)
- AGEF The student association of Fribourg has a list of rooms and apartments for rent.
- Apartis foundation Apartis is an affordable housing solution for students in Fribourg.
The reference persons in your department can help with questions about the University, but also about life in Switzerland.
Booklet Conditions for the success of doctoral supervision
For doctoral students and their supervisors
Welcome to the canton of Fribourg
Pamphlet about your rights and obligations edited by the canton.