Reference persons

For questions about the choice of study fields, study organization, and mobility, please contact your study advisors.

For administrative questions about registration to classes or exams, and for questions about the MyUnifr student portal, please contact the reference persons below according to your study field:

Biochemistry - SBC
Biology - SBL

Eirini Maikanti


Chemistry - SCH Maja Ivanovic
Computer sciences - SIN Stephanie Fasel
Digital Neuroscience - SDN Esther Mauron
Earth sciences - SST Sylvie Mauron
Units with code SFS Léa Gujer
Geography - SGG Nicole Equey
Geoscience - SGS

Nicole Equey

Sylvie Mauron

Mathematics - SMA Isabella Schmutz

Medicine - SMH

Medical sciences - SME
Morphology - SMO
Physiology - SPY

Isabelle Macheret Papaux
Physics - SPH Anne Fessler
Sport and movement sciences - SSP Nathalie Chassot
Sport and movement sciences - SSM Claudia Stucki