Below, find information about registration to courses, exams, and minors. For questions about these topics, please contact the reference persons of the corresponding domain.
New students are asked to wait until the "Starting Days" welcome event before registering.
In order to register to classes, you must have paid your tuition fee for the semester. Make sure that you register correctly for the course and check your enrolment data under " cursus ".
If you follow a personalized study plan, some courses may not appear in the offer list. In this case, select "Register outside of study plan" and explain why you are registering to this class. Please note that if you do not provide an explanation, your registration might be denied.
If you decide to not follow a class, please unregister. For courses with continuous assessment, please contact the reference person of the corresponding field.
Registration to exams is mandatory and doesnot automatically happen if you are registered to a class. Please observe the deadlines. Each teaching unit is assessed 2-3 times a year.
Bachelor and Master of Science: At each session, you choose which of the available exams you wish to register for.
Bachelor of Medicine: All exams in a validation package must be taken in the same session. You choose to take all the exams in the package in the session following the semester or in the autumn session.
1) on Myunifr: until 25.07.25 2) by letter or form: until 15.08.25 3) to the Dean: until 15 days after the exam
* The projected dates of the written exams are available as soon as the registration period for the exams opens. ** Exams can be on Saturdays or holidays.
You can cancel your registration for an exam (BSc/MSc) or for all exams of a validation package (BMed) as follows:
On the student portal until the date 1.
By written postal mail or by submitting the form to the Dean's office, without justification, until the date 2. Do not forget to indicate the code of the exam and your student-ID number.
By written postal mail to the Dean of the Faculty with a justification (original medical certificate, death of a relative) until date 3. Do not forget to indicate the code of the exam and your student-ID number. The Dean decides whether the request is granted. The deadline for submitting an original medical certificate is fifteen days starting the day after the missed exam.
Results cannot be canceled after an exam has been done.
Bachelor and Master of Science: You are entitled to a second attempt, if the score of the first attempt of an exam is < 4.0.
Bachelor of Medicine: You may repeat all the exams of a validation package twice if the average of the package is < 4.0
You must be registered to the semester in order to register for an exam.
If you have a personalized study program, some classes might not appear on the list. In this case, register "out of study plan" and explain the reason for your registration. If you do not give an explanation, your registration might be denied.
For the validation of your credits, refer to this page.
A student who has taken an exam may consult the exam.
Prior consultation of the exam is mandatory in order to make a complaint about the assessment of exam content or other assessments of abilities.
The procedures for consultation are set out in the guidelines on exam consultation.
You must register in writing (form sent by email) within seven days with the reference person for the field of study of the decision being challenged. The seven-day period begins on the day after the result is published on the MyUnifr portal. You will then receive an invitation with the date and time of the consultation.