Data Management
The research promotion maintain a comprehensible collection of SNSF requirements on research data management plans and general guidelines. Furthermore the central IT services provide the infrastructure for digital research data management. Implementing a sound research data life cycle can be a big challenge depending on the different data types that are collected throughout a research project and does not always translate to a basic data storage solution.
The modern equipment made accessible by core facilities tends to produce a lot of data and each of these data producing instruments usually comes with their own challenges. Core facility staff are experienced in dealing with the particularities of their data, know if good data management can translate onto a basic digital file storage solution or they are aware of better strategies or even maintain specialised solutions for their applications. Researchers might thererfore find council and assistance of core facility staff quite useful at the beginning of their research project, even before the actual measurements are about to start.
The staff of research core facilities can help you to get an overview of research data management specific to your research project.