

Environmental Humanities Lunches: Aliens and their impacts: holistic understanding and incorporation of variation

Ouvert au grand public Conférence Cours public
25.05.2021 12:10 - 13:05
En ligne

Environmental challenges are part of many areas of research and everyday life. The Environmental Humanities Lunches invite scientists and practitioners to critically reflect on their environmental challenges from the perspective of environmental ethics. After an introduction to the environmental challenge by our guests and a brief commentary from an ethical point of view, we offer a space for debate.

Quand? 25.05.2021 12:10 - 13:05
En ligne If you are interested, ask for the MS Teams link at

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Intervenants Anna Probert & Giovanni Vimercati (Fribourg)
Contact UniFR_ESH Institute
Amélie Pochon
026 300 88 25
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