Winners of Student Awards

The following prizes and awards are given by the Faculty and its partners to students who have done especially good academic or scientific work.

Bachelor student awards

  • Best Bachelor of Science Award

    For the graduate with the best grade point average for the entire Bachelor of Science degree programme.
    The prize is sponsored by the Freiburger Kantonalbank / Banque Cantonale de Fribourg.

    Best Bachelor of Science Award

    2024 Quentin Perroud,  5.88 / 6.00  (mathematics)
    2023 Sophie Nathalie Bamert,  5.92 / 6.00  (Physics)
    2022 Joël Morf,  5.82 / 6.00  (Physics)
    2021 Matthias Murray, 5.74 / 6.00  (Physics)
    2020 Amélie Uldry, 5.84 / 6.00  (Mathematics)
    2019 Jana Gabriela Kolly, 5.73 / 6.00  (Mathematics)
    2018 Romain Moyard, 5.79 / 6.00  (Physics)
    2017 Jan Wey, 5.94 / 6.00  (Mathematics)
    2016 Robin Pierre Kaufmann, 5.90 / 6.00  (Mathematics)
    2015 Heidi Papaux, 5.90 / 6.00  (Mathematics)
    2014 Marie-Laure Mottas, 5.95 / 6.00  (Physics)
    2013 Julia von Rütte, 5.84 / 6.00  (Biologie)
    2012 Pascaline Descloux, 6.00 / 6.00  (Mathematik)
    2011 Baptiste Hildebrand, 6.00 / 6.00  (Physik)
    2009 Micha Wasem, 5.78 / 6.00  (Mathematik)


  • Best Bachelor of Medicine Award

    For the graduate with the best grade point average for the entire Bachelor of Medicine degree programme.
    The prize is sponsored by MedAlumni of the canton Freiburg / Fribourg.

    Best Bachelor of Medicine Award

    2024 Matthieu Fellmann, 5.85 / 6.00  (Medicine)
    2023 Harrison Wildhaber, 5.73 / 6.00  (Medicine)
    Thierry Witzig
    5.73 / 6.00  (Medicine)
    2022 Luca Kolly, 5.83 / 6.00  (Medicine)
    2021 Joy Sudan, 5.83 / 6.00  (Medicine)
    2020 Philipp Beck, 5.77 / 6.00  (Medicine)
    2019 Alice Tamagni, 5.68 / 6.00  (Medicine)
    2018 Brice Bestenheider, 5.75 / 6.00  (Medicine)
    Valentino Mutschler,
    5.75 / 6.00  (Medicine)
    2017 Baptiste André Pasquier, 5.86 / 6.00  (Medicine)
    2016 Emmanuel Haefliger, 5.76 / 6.00  (Medicine)
    2015 Nadja Schönberg, 5.86 / 6.00  (Medicine)
    2014 Dominik Schnyder, 5.91 / 6.00  (Medicine)
    2013 Simona Bergamin, 5.65 / 6.00  (Medicine)
    Jeanne du Fay de Lavallaz, 5.65 / 6.00  (Medicine)
    Bastien Grandjean, 5.65 / 6.00  (Medicine)
    2012 Alessandro Ostini, 5.98 / 6.00  (Medicine)
    2011 Maristella Santi, 5.65 / 6.00  (Medicine)


  • Joseph and Marie-Anne Piller award

    This prize rewards the best essay in reflective writing about the medical practical.

    Joseph and Marie-Anne Piller award


    Matthieu Fellmann  (Medicine)
    Essay: "En une seconde tout s'est écroulé"


    Annina von Mühlenen  (Medicine)
    Essay: "Mir geht es gut"


    Alizée Lorenz  (Medicine)
    Essay: "Ma santé dans le monde qui m'entoure"


    Stella Zimmerli  (Medicine)
    Essay: "Keine grosse Geschichte"


    Arnaud Morel  (Medicine)
    Essay: "Pronostic vital engagé"


    Bryan Schmid  (Medicine)
    Essay: "Ich kann nicht. Hör auf! Sei da. Sei da!"


    Christina Liu  (Medicine)
    Essay: "Rotes, piepsendes Warnsignal: Energiereserve aufgebraucht"


    Marie Biollaz  (Medicine)
    Essay: "Ne craque pas"


    Selina Leber  (Medicine)
    Essay: "Mira’s Tagebuch. Mit der Taschenlampe durch die Dunkelheit"


    Jeanne Fasel  (Medicine)
    Essay: "Avouer l’inavouable"


    Cristina Zimmermann  (Medicine)
    Essay: "Ein Luftschloss aus Haselnüssen und anderen Lösungen"


    Mick Rosset  (Medicine)
    Essay: "Le bastion enneigé"


    Benedikt Locher  (Medicine)
    Essay: "Wie zwei Freunde"


    Mickaël Lehmann  (Medicine)
    Essay: "On a toujours fait avec"


    Catherina Holeczek  (Medicine)
    Essay: "Zehn Minuten"

  • Best Bachelor in Biomedical sciences Award

    For the graduate with the best grade point average for the entire Bachelor of Science in Biomedical sciences.
    The prize is sponsored by the company Tolremo Therapuetics.

    Best Bachelor in Biomedical sciences Award

    2024 Robin Prinicipi, 5.73 / 6.00  (Biomedical sciences)

Master student awards

  • Award of the Foundation for Promotion of Informatics at the UniFR

    Award discontinued. Rewards an excellent Master thesis in Computer Science

    Award of the Foundation for Promotion of Informatics at the UniFR – Master Thesis

    2021 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2020 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2019 Lukas Zbinden  (Informatics)
    Learning Object Representations by Mixing Scenes
    2018 Urs Gerber  (Informatics)
    Authentication and Autorization for Constraint Environments
    2017 Vera Fischer  (Informatics)
    Analyse der Tourenplanung eines Online-Supermarktes
    2016 Michele Alberti  (Informatics)
    Using Linear Discriminant Analysis for Deep Neural Network Initialization
    2015 Daniel Weibel  (Informatics)
    Empirical Performance Investigation of a Büchi Complementation Construction
    2014 Laurent Cuennet  (Informatics)
    Security Protocols for Loyalty Card Systems on Mobile Devices
    2013 Thomas Schär  (Informatics)
    Adaptive RESTful Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks
    2012 Thierry Messer  (Informatics)
    Job Shop Scheduling with Rail-Bound Transportation Robots: Construction and Implementation of a Physical Model of an Automated Production Environment
    2011 Martial Seifriz  (Informatics)
    cPLC - A Generic Compiler for Fast Prototyping of Cryptographic Protocols
    2010 Mathias Müller  (Informatics)
    RESTful EPCIS: Design and Implementation of a Web-enabled Electronic Product Code Information Service (EPCIS)
    2009 Reinhard Bürgy  (Informatics)
    On Job Shop Problems with Blocking and Flexible Machines
    2008 Dominik Zindel  (Informatics)
    Postina: A Publish/Suscribe Middleware Designed for Massively Multiplayer Games.
    2007 Cédric Chevillat  (Informatics)
    Generation of Railway Interlocking Control Software using Model-Driven Architecture Technology

    Renato Löffel  (Informatics)
    The Regain Project Regainong Dynamics from a Static Signature


    Beat Räss  (Informatics)
    Reseda E-Shop Planning, Design and Implementation of an Online-Shop for Reseda Engineering

    2005 Jacek Jonczy  (Informatics)
    Kredentialnetze: ein allgemeines Modell für den Umgang mit Vertrauen und Authentizität in verteilten Netzwerken
    2004 Patrik Fuhrer  (Informatics)
    Distributed Virtual Worlds: Abstract Model and Design of the MaDViWorld Software Framework
    2003 Alexandre Gachet  (Informatics)
    A Software Framework for Developing Distributed Cooperative Decision Support Systems
    2002 David Buchmann  (Informatics)
    SyncML and its Java Implementation sync4j
    2001 Matthias Gschwend  (Informatics)
    Potential des Electronic Business in der Inkassobranche
    2000 Christian Vogt  (Informatics)
    Buildingtools für die Mikrostereolithographie


  • Award for Excellence in Family Medicine

    Offered by the MedAlumni association, this prize awards a student who showed particular engagement in the field of primary care medicine.

    Award for Excellence in Family Medicine


    Clément Gapany (Human Medicine)


    Seline Mock (Human Medicine)


    Laurent Felder (Human Medicine)


    Rebekka Kruse (Human Medicine)


  • Ethics Award of the University Council

    Rewards a Master thesis in the field of Applied Ethics or one which asks and treats ethical questions in its specific area of significance to the research, the scientific teaching and the application of scientific insight in practice.

    Ethics Award of the University Council

    2022 Lucovico Giacomo Conti  (Environmental sciences and humanities)

    Framing rewilding as a restorative justice practice: from righting wrongs to practical implementations

    2014 Timothy Tait-Jamieson  (Geography)
    The Hunter and the Wolf: Environmental Ethics in Switzerland


  • Faculty Award in Experimental Sciences

    Rewards an excellent Master thesis 

    Faculty Award in Experimental Sciences – Master Thesis

    2024 Matthias Murray  (Physics)

    Nonequilibrium diagrammatic many-body simulations using quantics tensor trains

    2023 Bastien Bornet  (Earth Sciences)

    Mapping and Dating of Siliciclastic Sediments in the Danakil Depression

    2022 Anina Ursprung  (Earth Sciences)

    Tectonics of the Mont Tendre and Mont Risoux - Mapping and forward modelling - An investigation of the local geology and tectonics of the Jura folds and associated thrusts on a regional scale

    2021 Géraldine Zimmerli  (Earth Sciences)
    Subfacies heterogeneity within the Opalinus Clay: a multidisciplinary approach (Mont Terri rock laboratory, Switzerland)
    2020 Yan Berset  (Chemistry)
    New 3‐Mercaptopyruvate Sulfurtransferase Inhibitors
    2019 Alexandra Siffert  (Biology)
    Analysis of substrate specificity in the ABC transporter ABCG36/PDR8/PEN3 from Arabidopsis thaliana
    2018 Alexandre Bory  (Chemistry)
    Investigation of secondary metabolites from the Antarctic Sponge Dendrilla membranosa. Isolation, chemical modifications and biological evaluation
    2017 Corentin Rumo  (Chemistry)
    Enantioselective Total Synthesis of Callyspongiolide
    2016 Philippe Aebischer  (Physics)
    Dual-Color Super-Resolution Microscopy of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Microgels
    2015 Marie-Laure Mottas  (Physics)
    Méthodes théoriques d'analyse de la réflectivité du 1T-TiSe2 : et si sa CDW était chirale
    2014 Philipp Aebischer  (Physics)
    An Optical Polarimeter for Measuring Magnetic Susceptibilities of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles


  • Faculty Award in Life Sciences

    Rewards an excellent Master thesis  

    Faculty Award in Life Sciences – Master Thesis


    Sarah Mathilda Vincent (Experimental biomedical research)

    Validation of a rhenium-based compound as potential novel anti-cancer drug and its implication in the hypoxic response


    Michelle Nepomuceno Tavares (Experimental biomedical research)

    Targeting PDGF receptor and NADPH oxidase 4 impairs metastatic breast cancer development


    Antonia Herwig (Experimental biomedical research)

    A Globin Study: Expression Regulation of Androglobin – A link to Ciliogenesis?

    2021 Magali Nanchen  (Biology)
    Homologue chromosome pairing dynamic and chromatin dynamic in the meiotic mutant lsl-1 in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
    2020 Laura Dziomber  (Earth Science)
    A study of the ecomorphology of the shell of extant turtles using geometric morphometrics and its application to fossil turtles
    2019 Eva Rüeger  (Sport Sciences)

    Interférences dans l'apprentissage à court terme d'une tâche d'équilibre - Effets des rTMS et de l'apprentissage d'une tâche similaire consécutive

    2018 Alexandra Maria Hickey  (Experimental biomedical research)

    Acquisition and Assessment of Locomotion Performance in Pre-Spinal Cord Lesion Macaca fascicularis: Building a Framework for Recovery

    2017 Alizée Sauvain  (Experimental biomedical research)

    In vitro models to analyze PNS and CNS plasticity after lesion

    2016 Thomas Bise  (Biology)
    Role of fibroblast growth factor 20a and connective tissue growth factor of enhanced green fluorescent protein during Retina and Heart Regeneration and Cardiac Preconditioning in Adult Zebrafish
    2015 Valentine Thorimbert  (Biology)
    The multiple roles of BMP signaling during zebrafish fin regeneration
    2014 Inès Mottas  (Biomedical Sciences)
    Characterization of the Efficacy of CD8+ T Cell Activation by Dendritic Cells Treated with a Combination of Pattern Recognition Receptor Ligands


  • Faculty Award in Theoretical Sciences

    Rewards an excellent Master thesis  

    Faculty Award in Theoretical Sciences – Master Thesis

    2024 Manuel Helfer (Physics)

    Deconvoluting strain and strain rate contributions for yielding in oscillatory shear

    2023 Andrea Tettamamti (Mathematics)

    A quantitative version of Pansu’s asymptotic theorem

    2022 Lucovico Giacomo Conti  (Environmental sciences and humanities)

    Framing rewilding as a restorative justice practice: from righting wrongs to practical implementations

    2021 Denis Marti  (Mathematics)
    An analysis of differentiability, rectifiability, and currents in and outside Euclidean space
    2020 Kevin Shibli  (Computer Science)
    Coiled Staircase LRC - Robust Locally Repairable Codes for Distributed Archival Storage
    2019 Simon Studer  (Computer Science)
    Advanced Remote Communications System (ARCSys)
    2018 Robin Pierre Kaufmann  (Mathematics)
    The Critical Random-Cluster Model in Two Dimensions : RSW Theory and how Boundary Conditions Influence It
    2017 Noriane Girard  (Mathematics)
    Shellability of posets of components of toric arrangements associated to root systems
    2016 Samuel Zappa  (Mathematics)
    Connected Components and Geodesics of the Domino Tiling Graph of Flips
    2015 Laura Rettig  (Computer science)
    Data Skepticism in Practice: Online Anomaly Detection over Big Data Streams
    2014 Attilio Bernasconi  (Geography)
    Afro-Descendant Resistance – A Strategy of Territorial Self-Determination in Colombian Northern Cauca


  • Sun Chemical / BASF Award

    For graduates with the best grade point average for the entire «Master of Science in Chemistry» degree programme.

    SUN Chemical / BASF Award

    2024 Baptiste Chapuis, 5.72 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2023 Justine Horner, 5.56 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2022 Isabelle Kolly, 5.26 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2021 Isabelle Kolly, 5.44 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2020 Gaetano Geraci, 5.45 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2019 Philipe Schiel, 5.67 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2018 Alexandre Bory, 5.27 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2017 Jenny Farquhar, 5.78 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2016 Samuel Raccio, 5.67 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2015 Freya Harvey, 5.42 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2014 Claudio Bulloni, 5.43 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2013 Laurent Vannay, 5.53 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2012 Ramona Stähli, 5.71 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2011 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2010 Nicolas Monney, 5.28 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2009 Janett Elia, 5.02 / 6.00  (Chemistry)


    CIBA Award

    2008 Angèle Monney, 5.35 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2007 Ursula Streit, 5.48 / 6.00  (Chemistry)

    Benoît Dubray, 5.39 / 6.00  (Chemistry)

    Patric Oulevey, 5.39 / 6.00  (Chemistry)

    2005 Patrick Tondo, 5.65 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2004 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2003 Claire-Lise Ciana, 5.60 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2002 Jacques Häsler, 5.10 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2001 Valéry Weber, 5.92 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    2000 Olivier Andrey, 5.58 / 6.00  (Chemistry)
    1999 Eleonora Zizzari, 5.19 / 6.00  (Chemistry)  –  Novartis Award

    Stéphane Genoud  (Biochemistry)

    Monika Rager  (Biochemistry)


  • Syngenta Award

    For the graduates with the best grade point average for the entire «Master of Science in Biology, option: Biochemistry» or «Master of Science in Biology, option: Plant-Microbe Interactions» degree programme.

    Syngenta Award

    2024 Edouard Brülhart, 5.47 / 6.00  (Environmental biology, option Plant and microbe science)
    2023 Alisson Gillon, 5.26 / 6.00  (Environmental biology, option Plant and microbe science)
    2022 Carola Velti, 5.60 / 6.00  (Environmental biology, option Plant and microbe science)
    2021 Yannick Bernard, 5.34 / 6.00  (Biology, option Plant-microbe interactions)
    2020 Charlotte Joller, 5.68 / 6.00  (Biology, option Plant-microbe interactions)
    2019 Alexandra Siffert, 5.58 / 6.00  (Biology, option Plant-microbe interactions)
    2018 Fanny Louviot, 5.74 / 6.00  (Biology, option Plant-microbe interactions)
    2017 Tu Diang Doan, 5.24 / 6.00  (Biology, option Plant-microbe interactions)
    2016 Ursina Rathgeb, 5.61 / 6.00  (Biology, option Plant-microbe interactions)  
    2015 Sébastien Pellaud, 5.63 / 6.00  (Biology, option Plant-microbe interactions)  
    2014 Benjamin Pillet, 5.60 / 6.00  (Biology, option Biochemistry)  
    2013 Jonas Koch, 5.58 / 6.00  (Biology, option Biochemistry)  
    2012 Srividya Velagapudi, 5.88 / 6.00  (Biology, option Plant-microbe interaction)  
    2011 Corinne Mugny, 5.71 / 6.00  (Biology, option Plant-microbe interaction)  
    2010 —  (no candidature met the requirements)  
    2009 Walter-Vincent Blum, 5.48 / 6.00  (Biochemistry)  
    2008 Sylvie Chappuis, 5.72 / 6.00  (Biochemistry)  
    2007 —  (no candidature met the requirements)  
    2006 —  (no candidature met the requirements)  
    2005 Isabelle Schmutz, 5.67 / 6.00  (Biochemistry)  
    2004 Nathalie Leresche, 5.78 / 6.00  (Biochemistry)  

    Alain Bordon, 5.63 / 6.00  (Biochemistry)


    Jean-Luc Baeriswyl, 5.62 / 6.00  (Biochemistry)

    2002 Maria Francia, 5.06 / 6.00  (Biochemistry)  
    2001 Nadine Rossier, 5.64 / 6.00  (Biochemistry)  
    2000 Thomas Kaufmann, 5.76 / 6.00  (Biochemistry)  
    1999 Matthias Kaeser  (Biochemistry)  


  • Best Poster Award

    This award is no longer conferred since 2010.


    Best Poster Award

    2009 Matthias Schwaller  (Informatics)
    Master thesis: WGI – Wearable Gestural Interface.
    2008 Maurizio Rigamonti  (Informatics)
    PhD thesis: A Framework for Structuring Multimedia Archives and for Browsing Efficiently Through Multimodal Links.
    2007 Michel Yerly  (Informatics)
    Master thesis: YaMoR Lifelong Learning.
    2006 Benoît Dubray  (Chemistry)
    2005 Klaus Schläppi  (Biology)
    2004 Paoli Pasinelli  (Informatics)
    Master thesis: Real-time arm Motion-Tracking Applied to a 3D Human Model Animation.
    2003 Thierry Hild  (Mathematics)
    Diploma thesis: Einsichten in die Geometrie hyperbolischer Orbifolds.
    2002 Anne-Claude Jacquat  (Biology)
    2001 Christian Vogt  (Informatics)


Doctoral student awards

  • Award of the Chorafas Foundation

    Before 2014: rewards an excellent PhD thesis.
    After 2014: rewards the best PhD thesis in one of the fields determined by the Dimitri N. Chorafas Foundation (IT, mathematics, physics, chemistry, medicine, biotechnology, bioengineering and life sciences).

    Award of the Chorafas Foundation


    Dr. Cornelia Wagner (Medical sciences)

    Life Course Socioeconomic Determinants of Inequalities in Multimorbidity and Mortality


    Dr. Ines Arous (Computer Science)

    Human-AI Collaborative Approaches for Open-Ended Data Curation


    Dr. Valeria Zoni (Biochemistry)

    Structural characterization of intracellular lipid droplets using molecular dynamics simulations


    Dr. Subhajit Pal (Chemistry)

    Towards Sequence Controlled Polymer Synthesis


    Dr. Nicolas Kieffer (Medical sciences)

    Résistance acquise aux β-lactamines de large spectre et résistance plasmidique aux polymyxines chez les bacilles à Gram négatif.


    Dr. Céline Calvino Carneiro  (Chemsitry)

    Towards Mechanochromic Materials based on Non-Covalent Interactions


    Dr. Baptiste Hildebrand (Physics)

    A Local Real-Space View of the 1T-TiSe2 Charge Density Wave

    2017 Dr. Marcus Dantz  (Physics)
    Spin, orbital, charge and lattice excitations in low-dimensional cuprates and related compounds
    2016 Dr. Roberto Vadrucci  (Materials Sciences)
    New Organic Materials for Low-Intensity Light Upconversion
    2015 Dr. Miguel Angel Uribe Laverde  (Physics)
    Magnetic Proximity Effect in Oxide-Based Superconductor/Ferromagnet Superlattices
    2014 Tomas Solomek  (Chemistry)
    Experimental Study of Reactive Intermediates with Emphasis on the Development of New Photoactivatable Compounds
    2013 Stephan Krenn  (Informatics)
    Bringing Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge to Practice
    2012 Fabian Chablais  (Biology)
    Pharmacological and Molecular Approaches to Study Mechanisms of Fin and Heart Regeneration in Zebrafish
    2011 Amos Brocco  (Informatics)
    Exploiting self-organization for the autonomic management of distributed systems
    2010 Tao Zhou  (Physics)
    Statistical Mechanics of information systems: Information Filtering on complex Networks
    2009 Corrine Jud  (Biochemistry)
    The influence of light on the circadian clock of mice and men
    2008 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2007 Munjong Kolss  (Biology)
    Constraints on the evolution of learning ability in Drosophila melanogaster
    2006 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2005 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2004 Max Goerbig  (Theoretical Physics)
    2003 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2002 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2001 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2000 Damien Challet  (Theoretical Physics)
    Modeling Market Dynamics: Minority Game and Beyond


  • Award of the Foundation for Promotion of Informatics at the UniFR

    Awar discontinued. Rewards an excellent PhD thesis in Computer Science.

    Award of the Foundation for Promotion of Informatics at the UniFR – PhD Thesis

    2017 Dr. Angelika Garz  (Informatics)
    A Human-centered approach to structural image analysis for complex historical manuscripts
    2016 Dr. Ammar Halibi  (Informatics)
    Designing ICTs for Conflict in Local Voluntary Communities
    2015 Dr. Djellel Eddine Difallah  (Informatics)
    Quality of Service in Crowd-Powered Systems
    2014 Reinhard Bürgy   (Informatics)
    Complex Job Shop Scheduling: A General Model and Method
    2013 Oliver Schmid  (Informatics)
    TWICE – a Toolkit for Web-based Interactive Collaborative Environments
    2012 Stephan Krenn  (Informatics)
    Bringing Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Knowledge to Practice
    2011 Pascal Brügger  (Informatics)
    uMove: A wholistic framework to design and implement ubiquitous computing systems supporting user's activity and situation
    2010 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2009 Nicolas Juillerat  (Informatics)
    Models and Algorithms for Refactoring Statements
    2008 Marc Pouly  (Informatics)
    A Generic Framework for Local Computation
    2007 Asmaa El Hannani  (Informatics)
    Text-Independent Speaker Verification based on High-Level Information extracted with Data-Driven Methods
    2006 Ardhendu Behera  (Informatics)
    A Visual Signature-based Identification Method of Low-resolution Document Images and its Exploitation to Automate Indexing of Multimodal Recordings
    2005 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2004 Samuel Fasel  (Informatics)
    OPTIMIBE.unifr - Un système d'aide à la décision pour la planification de production industrielle
    2003 Simon Schubiger  (Informatics)
    Automatic Software Configuration
    2002 Patrick Schneuwly  (Informatics)
    Layoutplanung von Produktionssystemen und Ausstellungsmessen
    2001 Andreas Klinkert  (Informatics)
    Optimierung automatisierter Kompaktlager in Entwurf und Steuerung
    2000 Michael Schumacher  (Informatics)
    Designing and Implementing Objective Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems


  • Environmental Research Award

    Rewards an innovative and excellent scientific work that makes a socially relevant contribution to a better understanding of environmental problems and their solution.

    Environmental Research Award


    Sophie Bucher  (Environmental sciences and humanities)
    Master thesis: The Virtue Ethics of Shrub Encroachment on Cultural Landscapes. Extensive Subalpine Grasslands in the Valais, Switzerland as a Case Study of Good Environmental Stewardship.


    Lara Volery  (Biology)
    Doctoral thesis: Impacts of Alien species.


    Anna Geiser  (Geography)
    Master thesis: Changing agriculture – Southland farmers’ struggles to reconcile neoliberal production demands with increasing environmental regulation.



    Dr. Naomi Vouillamoz  (Earth sciences)
    PhD thesis: Microseismic characterization of Fribourg area (Switzerland) by Nanoseismic Monitoring.



    Anna Lewis  (Biology)
    Master thesis: Globales Lernen auf der Sekundarstufe I. Konzeption und Evaluation eines Unterrichtskonzepts zum Thema 'Nachhaltiger Tourismus'
    Odile Bruggisser  (Biology)
    PhD thesis: The conservation of spiders in agro-ecosystems: a diversity of approaches.



    Martine Poffet  (Chemistry)
    PhD thesis: Thermal runaway of the dried sewage sludge in the storage tanks: From molecular origins to technical measures of smouldering fire prevention.



    Thomas Spiegelberger  (Biology)
    PhD thesis: Land use, soil nutrient availability and conservation of biodiversity on mountain grassland.


  • Faculty Award in Experimental Sciences

    Rewards an excellent PhD thesis

    Faculty Award in Experimental Sciences – PhD Thesis

    2024 Dr. Jessica Caldwell  (Material sciences)

    In the Aftermath of Throwaway Living: Bridging the gap between analytical limitations and the need to assess growing concerns regarding micro-, submicron-, and nanoplastics

    2023 see Vigener Award 2023
    2022 Dr. Adrian Wicki  (Geoscience)

    Assessing the Potential of Soil Wetness Information for Regional Landslide Early Warning

    2021 see Vigener Award 2021
    2020 Dr. Peng  Liu  (Chemistry)
    Telechelic Polymers via Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerisation (ROMP)
    2019 Dr. Omar Rifaie Graham  (Chemistry)
    Cell inspired force and light responsive polymersome nanoreactors and polymerisation based diagnostics
    2018 Dr. Marius Gruber   (Earth Sciences)
    Structural Investigations of the Western Swiss Molasse Basin – From 2D Seismic Interpretation to a 3D Geological Model
    2017 Dr. Christophe Monnier   (Chemistry)
    Magnetic Nanoparticles and Liposomes
    2016 Dr. Hans-Christian Koch  (Physics)
    An accurate combined 3He/Cs magnetometer with fT sensitivity for the nEDM experiment at PSI
    2015 Dr. Naomi Vouillamoz  (Earth Sciences)
    Microseismic characterisation of Fribourg area (Switzerland) by Nanoseismic Monitoring
    2014 Mehdi Jordi  (Chemistry)
    Physiological Responsive Mechanically Adaptive Polymeric Materials for Biomedical Applications
    2013 David Jaramillo Vogel  (Earth Sciences)
    Shallow-marine sedimentary records of the Eocene-Oligocene greenhouse-icehouse transition (Italy, Switzerland and France).
    2012 Bastien Mennecart  (Earth Sciences)
    The Ruminantia (Mammalia, Cetardiodactyla) from the Oligocene to the Early Miocene of Western Europe: systematics, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography.
    2011 Victor Lebedev  (Experimental Physics)
    Spectroscopy of atomic dopants in solid/liquid 4He and metallic nanowire formation in He II
    2010 Fabienne Gschwind  (Experimental Chemistry)
    The Multitopic Ligand Approach: Towards Single Source Precursors for Oxide Materials
    2009 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2008 Frédéric Cardinaux  (Physics)
    Pathways to Dynamical Arrest in Biopolymer Solutions - Spinodal decomposition, Cluster formation and Physical gelation.
    Daniel Marty  (Geosciences)
    Sedimentology, taphonomy, and ichnology of Late Jurassic dinosaur tracks from the Jura carbonate platform (Chenevez-Combe Ronde tracksite, NW Switzerland) insights into tidal-flat palaeoenvironment and dinosaur diversity, locomotion, and palaeoecology.
    2007 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2006 Jacques Haesler  (Chemistry)
    Construction of a New Forward and Backward Scattering Raman Optical Activity Spectrometer and Graphical Analysis of Measured and Calculated Spectra of (R) - [2H1, 2H2, 2H3] - Neopentane.
    2005 Markus Stoffel  (Geography)
    Spatio-temporal variations of rockfall activity into forests - results from tree-ring and tree analysis.
    2004 Georg P. Bison  (Experimental Physics)
    Development of an optical cardio-magnetometer.
    2003 Svetlana Zivanova Drljaca  (Physical Chemistry)
    Study of the Product State Distributions in Associative Electron Detachment 1. Design and Construction of the Instrument ; 2. Measurements of H/Cl and Br Collisions.
    2002 —  (no candidature met the requirements)


  • Faculty Award in Life Sciences

    Rewards an excellent PhD thesis

    Faculty Award in Life Sciences – PhD Thesis

    2024 Dr. Gaelle Botton-Amiot  (Biology)

    Associative learning and monoamine signaling in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensisin C. elegans

    2023 Dr. Saurabh Thapliyal  (Biology)

    Dissecting the mechanisms controlling multimodal context-dependent behavioral states and transitions in C. elegans

    2022 see Vigener Award 2022
    2021 Dr. Clarisse Brunet Avalos  (Biology)
    Systematic Characterization of Cell Types by Transcriptional Profiling
    2020 Dr. Hana Barosova  (Biology)
    3D human co-cultures for predicting nanomaterial possible adverse effects on human health with a focus on multi-walled carbon nanotubes
    2019 Dr. Benjamin Piller  (Biology)
    Co-translational mechanisms regulate the synthesis of ribosomal proteins
    2018 see Vigener Award 2018
    2017 see Vigener Award 2017
    2016 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2015 see Vigener Award 2015

    Catherine Pfefferli  (Biology)
    The Chromatin Remodelling Factor Mi-2 is a Key Epigenetic Regulator of Cell Programming

    Yuyan Xiong  (Physiology)
    Arginase-II as a Promising Therapeutic Target for Vascular Aging, Atherosclerosis and Type 2 Diabetes

    2013 Min Hahn  (Biology)
    Bigger, stronger and faster – Invasion ecology of the polyploid plant species Centaurea stoebe
    2012 Simone Zanetti  (Biology)
    Germ cell sexual identity in Caenorhabditis elegans is controlled through mRNA processing and stability.
    2011 Adeline Jabès  (Medical Sciences)
    Postnatal development of the monkey hippocampal formation: a gateway to memory
    2010 Dennis Pauls  (Cell and Developmental Biology)
    The Drosophila larva as a study case for chemosensory learning and memory
    2009 Klaus Schläppi  (Plant Biology)
    Importance of glutathione-dependent secondary metabolites for insect and disease resistance in Arabidopsis.
    2008 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2007 Fabien Charrière  (Zoology)
    Mitochondrial tRNA import in the parasitic protozoon Trypanosoma brucei an its consequences on mitochondrial translation.
    2006 René Köffel  (Biochemistry)
    Eukaryotic sterol homeostasis - Steryl ester hydrolases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
    2005 Hema Viswambharan  (Physiology)
    Regulation of Vascular Endothelial Function by RhoA/Rho-Kinase Pathway - Implications for Cardiovascular Diseases.
    2004 Anne Crausaz Esseiva  (Molecular Biology)
    Studies of mitochondrial in the parasitic protozoa Trypanosoma brucei and Toxoplasma gondii.
    2003 Thomas Kaufmann  (Biochemistry)
    Molecular Mechanisms of Mitochondrial Targeting and Death Protection of Bcl-xl and Bcl-2.
    2002 Henrik Oster  (Biochemistry)
    Interaction of Per and Cry Genes in the Mammalian Circadian Clock.


  • Faculty Award in Theoretical Sciences

    Rewards an excellent PhD thesis 

    Faculty Award in Theoretical Sciences – PhD Thesis

    2024 see Vigener Award 2024
    2023 Dr. Olivier Simard  (Physics)

    Nonequilibrium methods to treat vertex corrections in correlated electron systems

    2022 Dr. Jhonny Vladimir Pincay Nieves  (Computer Science)

    Smartifying Logistics with Computational Intelligence

    2021 Dr. Sebatian Arnold  (Computer Science)
    Neural Machine Reading for Domain-Specific Text Resources
    2020 see Vigener Award 2020
    2019 see Vigener Award 2019
    2018 Dr. Alberto Tonon  (Computer Science)
    Leveraging Entity Types and Properties for Knowledge Graph Exploitation
    2017 Dr. Philipp Locher  (Computer Science)
    Unconditional Privacy in Remote Electronic Voting – Theory and Practice
    2016 see Vigener Award 2016
    2015 Dr. Chrystel Feller  (Mathematics)
    Modelling plant growth: shoot:root interaction and pattering
    2014 see Vigener Award 2014
    2013 Sebastian Zug  (Geography)
    Between Capital Exchange and Moral Entitlements. Integrating Morality on Bourdieu’s Theory of Practice to Understand Water Gifts in Khartoum, Sudan.
    2012 Georges Klein  (Mathematics)
    Applications of Linear Barycentric Rational Interpolation
    2011 Zike ZHANG  (Theoretical Physics)
    Statistical Mechanics of Social Tagging Networks: Structure, Dynamics and Function
    2010 Amos Brocco  (Informatics)
    Exploiting self-organization for the autonomic management of distributed systems
    2009 Vincent Emery  (Mathematics)
    Du volume des quotients arithmétiques de l'espace hyperbolique.
    2008 Matus Medo  (Physics)
    Applications of statistical physics to complex systems.
    2007 Thierry Hild  (Mathematics)
    Cusped hyperbolic orbifolds of minimal volume in dimensions less than 11.
    2006 Simone Ulzega  (Physics)
    Theoretical and experimental study of the Stark effect in the ground state of alkali in helium cristals.
    2005 Valery Weber  (Chemistry)
    Response functions, exact Hartree-Fock exchange and parallelism in linear scaling self-consistent-field theories.
    2004 Paolo Laureti  (Theoretical Physics)
    Stastistical Physics in Socio-economic Systems.
    2003 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2002 Simon Schubiger  (Informatics)
    Automatic Software Configuration. A model for Service Provising in Dynamic and Heterogeneous Environments.


  • Thürler-Reeb Grant

    This grant is awarded to junior researchers from Fribourg to assist the startup of their career.

    Thürler-Reeb Grant


    Henry Lee  (AMI-biology)
    Publication: The impact of macrophage phenotype and heterogeneity on the total internalized gold nanoparticle counts


    Dr. Valentin Rime  (Earth sciences)
    Doctoral thesis: Multi-scale basin dynamic study of the Danakil Depression (Afar)


    Gael Emile Spicher  (Earth sciences)

    Publication: A description of a Denazinemys nodosa specimen (Testudinata, Baenidae) from the Late Cretaceous Kaiparowits Formation of southern Utah

    2022 Frédéric Chassot  (Physics)
    Master: An experimental and computational study on the effects of the ferroelectric transition in the electronic structure of SnTe
    2021  Dr. Baptiste Monney  (Material sciences)
    Doctoral thesis: Photo-patternable, Mechanically Adaptive Polymers for Neural Interfaces
    2020 Dr. Quentin Vonlanthen  (Geosciences)
    Master thesis: Géotopes fribourgeois d’importance cantonale : approche méthodologique et inventaire
    2019 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2018 Dr. Christophe Allan Monnier  (Chemistry)
    Article in Nature Communications: Intertidal exposure favors the soft-studded armor of adaptive mussel coatings
    2017 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2016 Dr. Valérie Brügger Verdon  (Biology)
    Doctoral thesis: Function of histone deacetylases in Schwan cells during maintenance and regeneration
    2015 Dr. Claudio Stalder  (Earth Sciences)
    Article in PLOS ONE 10: Microfossils, a Key to Unravel Cold-Water Carbonate Mount Evolution through Time: Evidence from the Eastern Alboran Sea
    Article in Journal of Foraminiferal Research 45: Schackoinella spina, a new benthic foraminiferal species from cold-water coral ecosystems of the Alboran Sea and the Gulf of Cadiz
    Article in Deep-Sea Research II, 99: Late Weichselian deglaciation and early Holocene development of a cold-water coral reef along the Lopphavet (Northern Norway) recorded by benthic foraminifera and ostracoda
    Article in Cushman Foundation Special Publication Series: Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from cold-water coral ecosystems
    2014 Walter Blum  (Anatomy)
    Article in International Journal of Cancer: Calretinin is Essential for Mesothelioma Cell Growth/Survival in Vitro: A Potential New Target for Malignant Mesothelioma Therapy?
    2013 Nicolas Panchaud  (Biochemistry)
    Article in Science Signaling – 28.05.2013: Amino Acid Deprivation Inhibits TORC1 Through a GTPase-Activating Protein Complex for the Rag Family GTPase Gtr1.
    2012 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2011 Martin Bochud  (Earth Sciences)
    PhD thesis: Tectonics of the Eastern Greater Caucasus in Azerbaijan.
    2010 Isabelle Schmutz  (Biochemistry)
    Extraordinary PhD publications: The mammalian clock component PERIOD2 coordinates circadian output by interaction with nuclear receptors. and PERsuading nuclear receptors to dance the circadian rhythm.
    2009 Dominique Schneuwly  (Geosciences)
    PhD thesis: Tree rings and rockfall - Anatomic tree reactions and spatiotemporal rockfall analysis.
    2008 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2007 Olivier Aebischer  (Chemistry)
    Three articles: Synthesis of Novel Flourinated Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes in Synthesis 17 2891-2896 (2006) ;) and Adrian Hofer (3 Artikel in Physik Rb*Hewn exciplexes in solid 4He in Physical Review A 74, 032509(2006) ; 6S1/2-6P1/2 transition of Cs atoms in cubic and hexagonal solid 4He in Physical Review A 76, 022502 (2007) ; Lifetime of the Cs 6P1/2 state in bcc and hcp solid 4He in European Physical Journal D, DOI 10.1140/epjd/e2007-00275-5 (2006).
    2006 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2005 Eric Schmidlin  (Physics)
    Three articles in Medical sciences (Physics): Progressive plastic changes in the hand representation of the primary motor cortex parallel incomplete recovery from unilateral section of the corticospinal tract at cervical level in monkeys  in Brain Research 1017 :172 (2004) ; Reduction of the hand representation in the ipsilateral primary motor cortex following unilateral section of the corticospinal tract at cervical level in monkeys in BMC Neurosciences 6 56 (2005) ; A unilateral Section of the Corticospinal Tract at Cervical Level in Primate Does Not Lead to Measurable Cell Loss in Motor Cortex in Journal of Neurotrauma 6 22 (2005).
    2004 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2003 Benedikt Binz  (Theoretical Physics)
    Articles: Wilson's Renormalization Group Applied to 2D Lattice Electrons in the Presence of Van Hove Singularities in Eur. Phys. J.B 25, 69 (2002) ; Weakly interacting electrons and the renormalization group in Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 12, 704 (2003).
    2002 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2001 Christophe Aebischer  (Theoretical Physics)
    Article: Dielectric Catastrophe at the Mott Transition.
    2000 —  (no candidature met the requirements)

    Richard Baltensperger  (Mathematics)
    Articles: Improving the Accuracy of the Matrix Differentiation Method for Arbitrary Collocation Points in Applied Numerical Mathematics

    Stéphane Daul  (Physics)
    Article: Ferromagnetic Transition and Phase Diagram of the one-dimensional Hubbard Model with the next-nearest-neighbor Hopping in Physical Review B (1998).

    1998 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    1997 Françoise Mulhauser  (Physics)
    Article: Measurement of Muon Transfer from Proton to Triton and PPµ Molecular Formation in Solid Hydrogen in Physical Review A (1996).
    1996 Roman Fasel  (Physics)
    Article: Alkali-Metal Adsorption Geometries on Metal Surfaces from Photoelectron-Diffraction Experiments in Surface Review and Letters

    Philip Aebi  (Physics)
    Article: Complete Fermi Surface Mapping of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8x(001) Coexistence of Short Range Antiferromagnetic Correlations and Metallicity in the Same Phase in Physical Review Letters

    Christian Mazza  (Mathematics)
    Article: Asymptotic First Hitting-Time Distribution of Annealing Processes in Siam Journal of Control and Optimization


  • Vigener Award

    Before 2014: rewards an excellent Master, Diploma or PhD thesis published in the course of the year.
    After 2014: rewards an excellent PhD thesis deemed as the best one among the three Faculty awards.

    Vigener Award

    2024 Dr. Salomée Tschopp  (Physics)
    PhD thesis: New approaches to classical (dynamical) density functional theory by including inhomogeneous two-body correlation functions
    2023 Dr. Timur Ashirov  (Chemistry)
    PhD thesis: Functional Porous Materials and Membranes for Gas Capture and Separation Applications
    2022 Dr. Mustafa Abdelsamie Sadek Ahmed  (Medical Sciences)
    PhD thesis: Emerging Antibiotic Resistance in Gram-Negatives: Mechanisms, Epidemiology, Diagnostics
    2021  Dr. Anirvan Guha  (Physics)
    PhD thesis: Bio-Inspired Energy-Converting Materials
    2020 Dr. Vivian Link  (Biology)
    PhD thesis: Statistical inference of genetic diversity: computational tools for low-depth and ancient sequencing data
    2019 Dr. Ruslan Mavlyutov  (Computer science)
    PhD thesis: Dependency-Driven Analytics
    2018 Dr. Yi Yu  (Medical sciences)
    PhD thesis: Molecular Mechanisms of Arginase II in Vascular Aging and Diseases
    2017 Dr. Valérie Brügger Verdon  (Biology)
    PhD thesis: Functions of Histone deacetylases in Schwann Cells during Maintenance and Regeneration
    2016 Dr. Jordane Granier  (Mathematics)
    PhD thesis: Groupes discrets en géométrie hyperbolique – Aspects effectifs
    2015 Dr. Martin Keller  (Sport Sciences)
    PhD thesis: Alters- und personenspezifische Intervention zur Verbesserung des Gleichgewichts und zugrundliegende neuronale Adaptation
    2014 An Zeng  (Physics)
    PhD thesis: Manipulating Complex Networks: Structure, Dynamics, and Applications
    2013 Baptiste Hildebrand  (Physics)
    Master thesis: Introduction aux fonctions de Green en seconde quantification ainsi qu’aux techniques de microscopie et spectroscopie tunnel: Application à l’étude du 1T-TiSe2
    Daniel Kauth  (Mathematics)
    Master thesis: Optimal trading programs in markets with transient linear price impact
    2012 Srividya Velagapudi  (Biochemistry)
    Master thesis: S6K1 Promotes Vascular Endothelial Senescence and Inflammation through Up-regulation of Arginase-II
    2011 Gaël Monney  (Physics)
    Master thesis: Aperçu des méthodes théoriques et expérimentales d’analyse des propriétés des solides par photoémission
    Michael Nussbaum  (Chemistry)
    Master thesis: Novel Homobimetallic Multistate Switches Based on N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ruthenium Complexes
    2010 Annick Schmitgen  (Mathematics)
    Master thesis: On the Volume Conjecture for Hyperbolic Knots
    2009 Walter Blum  (Biochemistry)
    Master thesis: 1) Calretinin’s protective effect in mesothelial cells against asbestos-induced cytotoxicity is mediated through the PI3-K/AKT pathway, but not through mTOR and pERK ; 2) Nanomaterials are more toxic to mesothelial cells than crocidolite ; calretinin may have a cytoprotective effect against nanomaterial-induces toxicity.
    Monica Constandache  (Earth Sciences)
    Master thesis: Le Bärenloch : approche structural et étude paléontologique d’une population d’Ursus spelaeus des Préalpes fribourgeoises
    2008 Angèle Monney  (Chemistry)
    Master thesis: Synthesis of Fluorinated Carbohydrate Analogues, Novel Methodologies based on Gold and Phosphine Catalysis
    Sylvie Chappuis  (Biochemistry)
    Master thesis: Defective thermogenesis in mPer2Brdm1mutant mice & A role of Per2 in circannual thermoregulation
    2007 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    2006 Robert Lee Konsbruck  (Mathematics)
    Master thesis: Rate Distortion Theory for Physical Processes
    2005 Isabelle Schmutz  (Biochemistry)
    Diploma thesis: Genetic Interaction between Per2 and Reverb a - two Components of the Mammalian Circadian Clock
    2004 Nicolas Leuenberger  (Biochemistry)
    Diploma thesis: A remarkably sub-optimal codon choice controls expression levels of human estrogen receptor beta
    2003 Frederic Mery   (Biology)
    PhD thesis: Experimental Evolutionary Biology of Learning in Drosophila melanogaster
    Simona Rucareanu  (Organic Chemistry)
    Master thesis: Supramolecular Assemblies between Macrocyclic Porphyrin Hexamers and Star-Shaped Porphyrin Arrays
    2002 Céline Chassot  (Biology)
    Diploma thesis (Plant biology): Purification de la protéine pariétale GRP-3S et caractérisation des plantes transgéniques exprimant une cutinase fongique sous introduction chez Arabidopsis thaliana
    Daniel Rossier  (Informatics)
    PhD thesis: Towards Active Network Management with Ecomobile, an Ecosystem-inspired Mobile Agent Middleware. Design, Implementation, Simulation and Application to Optical Networks
    2001 Ilaria Ciofini  (Chemistry)
    PhD thesis (Inorganic chemistry): Theoretical study of magnetic interactions and of highly correlated molecular systems
    2000 Simon Berger  (Geography)
    Diploma thesis (Climatology): Analyse der Aerosolverteilung in der Atmosphäre sowie Entwicklung einer Modellierungsumgebung zwecks Erstellung mathematischer Modelle zur Analyse des Einflusses der Aerosole auf die Strahlungsbilanz
    1999 Olimpia G. Mamula  (Chemistry)
    PhD thesis (Inorganic chemistry): Ingénierie stéréochimique des complexes métalliques mono- et polynucléaires avec des ligands chiraux
    1998 Benedikt Binz  (Physics)
    Diploma thesis: Das t-J Modell auf einem totalsymmetrischen Gitter
    Martin Raab  (Informatics)
    Diploma thesis: Entwicklung eines Lastverwaltungssystems für Netze von Arbeitsplatzrechnern
    1997 Mohammed Benghezal  (Biochemistry)
    PhD thesis: Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Anchor Biosynthesis in Yeast
    1996 Stephan Matzinger  (Chemistry)
    PhD thesis (Physical chemistry): Carbenes and their Radical Cations, Electronic and Molecular Structure
    Christoph Dobmeier  (Geosciences)
    PhD thesis (Mineralogy and petrography): Geodynamische Entwicklung des Südewestlichen Aiguilles-Rouges-Massives (Westalpen, Frankreich) während der Variskischen und der Alpinen Orogenese
    1995 Kilian Stoffel  (Geography)
    PhD thesis: Ein Neuro-Fuzzy gesteuertes Allokationssystem
    1994 Emmanuel Gerber  (Physics)
    PhD thesis: Geomorphologie und Geomorphodynamik der Region Lona-Sasseneire (Wallis, Schweizer Alpen) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Lockersedimenten mit Permafrost
    Claudine Merckelbach-Dorthe  (Biology)
    PhD thesis (Plant biology): Rhizogenèse adventive de boutures du peuplier tremble
    1993 Pascal Hayoz  (Chemistry)
    PhD thesis (Inorganic chemistry): CHIRAGEN[n] Liganden für die prädeterminierte Helizität von Metallkomplexen
    1992 Martin W. Carlen  (Physics)
    PhD thesis: Part I X-ray Kβ satellites induced in molybdenum by 4He ions. Part II Inner-shell ionization in near-central collisions of 6.7 MeV/amu 4He ions with mid-Z atoms Part II M-shell ionization. Part III M- and L-shell ionization in near-central collisions of 5.5 MeV/amu 16O ions with Mo atoms educed from theoretical analysis of high resolution K x-ray spectra.
    1991 Adrian Etter  (Biology)
    PhD thesis (Zoology): Eliminated chromatin of Ascaris contains a gene that encodes a putative ribosomal protein.
    1990 Christian Waeber  (Biochemistry)
    PhD thesis: Etude biochimique et visualisation par autoradiographie des récepteurs 5-HT 1D de la sérotonine.
    1989 Eric Vauthey  (Chemistry)
    PhD thesis (Physical chemistry): Etudes des facteurs influençant le rendement d'ions lors de réactions de transfert d'électron photoinduites.
    1988 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    1987 Petr Nesvadba  (Chemistry)
    PhD thesis (Organic chemistry): Zur Kenntnis der Konformationsbedingten Eigenschaften synthetischer Analoga der Gallenfarbstoffchromophore von Biliproteinen.
    1986 Pierre Aeby  (Biology)
    PhD thesis (Zoology): Structure and genomic organization of proretrovirus-like elements partially eliminated from the somatic genome of Ascaris lumbricoides
    Beat Jeckelmann  (Physics)
    PhD thesis: New precision determination of the Pi-mass from pionic X-rays and the quadrupole moment of 23Na from muonic X-rays.
    1985 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    1984 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    1983 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    1982 —  (no candidature met the requirements)
    1981 Bruno Cuony  (Chemistry)
    PhD thesis: Calcul de l'activité vibrationnelle Raman.
    1980 Peter Belser  (Chemistry)
    PhD thesis: Rutheniumkomplexe mit zweizähnigen Stickstoffliganden.