Master – Doctorats – Habilitations 2019
Remise des dîplomes de la faculté des sciences et de médecine pour les diplomé-e-s des filières Masters, Doctorats et Habilitations de l'année 2019 à l'Aula Magna dans le bâtiment principale Miséricorde (MIS 01) de l'Université de Fribourg.
Vendredi, 14.02.2020
17.00 |
Master – Doctorat – Habilitation |
Master of Science
Habilitation in Biology
Dr. Rudolf Philippe Rohr - Department of Biology
Habilitation thesis: Coexistence Theory, Ecoysytem Functioning, and Ecological Networks
Habilitation in Geology-Geochemistry
Dr. Afifé Marie Thérèse El Korh - Department of Geosciences
Habilitation in Paleontology
Dr. Christian Foth - Department of Geosciences
Trial lecture: Die Kambrische Explosion und der Ursprung der Tierstämme
Habilitation in Computer Sciences
Dr. Luis Fernando Terán Tamayo - Department of Informatics
Trial lecture: Collaborative Filtering and Matrix Factorization for Recommender Systems
Habilitation in Physics
Dr. Luc Patthey - Department of Physics
BASF Price
Philippe Schiel
Average: 5.67/6.00
Syngenta Price
Alexandra Siffert
Average: 5.58/6.00
Faculty Price for the best Master thesis in theoretical sciences
Simon Studer
Computer Sciences
Advanced Remote Communications System (ARCSys)
Faculty Price for the best Master thesis in experimental sciences
Alexandra Siffert
Analysis of substrate specificity in the ABC transporter ABCG36/PDR8/PEN3 from Arabidopsis thaliana
Faculty Price for the best Master thesis in life sciences
Eva Rüegger
Sport Sciences
Interférences dans l'apprentissage à court terme d'une tâche d'équilibre – Effets des rTMS et de l'apprentissage d'une tâche similaire consécutive
Informatics price for the best Master in Computer Sciences
Lukas Zbinden
Learning Object Representations by Mixing Scenes
Faculty Price for the best PhD thesis in experimental sciences
Dr. Omar Rifaie Graham
PhD in Chemistry at AMI
Cell inspired force and light responsive polymersome nanoreactors and polymerisation based diagnostics
Faculty Price for the best PhD thesis in life sciences
Dr. Benjamin Pillet
PhD in Biochemistry
Co-translational mechanisms regulate the synthesis of ribosomal proteins
Vigener Price for the best PhD thesis in theoretical sciences
Dr. Ruslan Mavlyutov
PhD in Computer Sciences
Dependency-Driven Analytics
Chorafas Price for the best PhD thesis
Dr. Céline Calvino Carneiro
PhD in Chemistry at AMI
Towards Mechanochromic Materials based on Non-Covalent Interactions
Les photos de la cérémonie sont disponibles ici.