English Translations
———, The Russian Public and Religion. In: The Russian Review. 1912, N. 1 4, 11-27
———, 'At the Feast of the Gods: Contemporary Dialogues I', in: The Slavonic Review 1/1 (1922) [Na piru bogov], 172–83
———, 'At the Feast of the Gods: Contemporary Dialogues II', in: The Slavonic Review 1/2 (1922) [Na piru bogov], 391-400
———, 'At the Feast of the Gods: Contemporary Dialogues III', in: The Slavonic Review 1/1 (1923) [Na piru bogov], 604–622
———, 'The Old and the New: A Study in Russian Religion', in: The Slavonic Review 2/6 (1924), 487–513.
———, 'The Guardian of the House of the Lord. (To the memory of the Most Holy Patriarch Tikhon). An address delivered at Prague 27 Apr. 1925', in: The Slavonic Review 4/10 (1925), 156-164.
———, 'Does Orthodoxy Possess An Outward Authority of Dogmatic Infallibility?', in: The Christian East 7/1 (1926) [Ocherki ucheniia o tserkvi. (II). Obladaet li pravoslavie vneshhim avtoritetom dogmaticheskoi nepogreshitel’nosti?” Put’ 2 (1926): 47-58], 12–24.
———, "Outlines of the teaching about the Church." Address given at the Orthodox & Anglo-Catholic Conference: Fellowship of St. Alban & Sergius, 1926/1927 Link
———, 'The Papal Encyclical and the Lausanne Conference', in: The Christian East 9/3 (1928), 116-127.
———, 'The Church’s Ministry', in: Bate, H. N. (ed.), Faith and Order: Proceedings of the World Conference—Lausanne, August 3-21, 1927, (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc., 1928), 258-263.
———, Heaven – A Cave. In: The Journal of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius. 1928, N. 3, 14-18
reprinted in: Sourozh. 1984, N. 18, 1-8
———, Passion’s Annunciation. In: The Journal of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius. 1929, N. 4, 22-25
———, On original Sin. In: The Journal of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius. 1929, N. 7, 15-26
———, 'A Word on Pentecost', in: Journal of the Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius 9 (1930), 27-31.
———, Sermon preached to the 4th Conference. In: Journal of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius. 1930, N. 9, 8-9
———, 'Judas or Saul?' in: The Slavonic and East European Review, 1931. N. 27, 525-535
———, 'On primitive Christianity', in: The Journal of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius, 1931. N. 14, 20-26
———, 'One Holy, Catholic And Apostolic Church', in: The Journal of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius 12 (1931), 17-31; reprint edition in: The Christian East, 1931. Vol. 12. N. 3, 90-104
———, 'Outlines of the Teaching about the Church--The Church and Non-Orthodoxy I', in: American Church Monthly 30/6 (1931), 411-423.
———, 'Outlines of the Teaching about the Church--The Church and Non-Orthodoxy II', in: American Church Monthly 31/1 (1932), 13-26.
———,: The Church and Non-Orthodoxy. In: , . In: The American Church Monthly. 1931-32, N. 30, 6 (1931), 411-423; 31,1 (1932), 13-16
———, 'On Veneration of the Blessed Virgin'. In: Ashram Poona, Christa Seva Sangha Review (Special Women’s Number), 1932. N. 2, 31-35
———, 'The Church – Holy – Soborny (Catholic).' In: The American Church Monthly, 1932. Vol. 32. N. 6, 414-431
———, 'The Work of the Holy Spirit in Worship.' In: The Christian East, 1932. Vol. 13. N. 1, 30-42
———, 'The Problem of the Church in the modern Russian Theology', in: Theology, 1931. N. 133, 63-69; N. 134, 9-14
———, The Doors of Repentance. In: The American Church Monthly. 1932, N. 3, 183-186
———, 'By Jacob's Well', in: Journal of the Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius 22 (1933), 7–16.
———, 'The Eucharist and the Social Problems of Modern Society', in: Journal of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius 21 (1933), 10–21.
———, Behold the Blessed Saturday: Meditations before the Cerements of Our Lord. In: The American Church Monthly. 1933, N. 4, 291-295
———, 'On Prayer to the Holy Spirit in the Holy Orthodox Church', in: Journal of the Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius 23 (1934), 25–28.
———, Religion and Art. In: Mascall, E.: The Church of God: An Anglo-Russian Symposium by Members of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius. London 1934, 175-191
———, 'The Church Universal', in: Journal of the Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius 25 (1934), 10–14.
———, The Social Teaching in Modern Russian Orthodox Theology. In: Seabury Western Theological Seminary, 1934. N. 7, 28
Reprinted in: The Living Church, 1934. Vol. XCI. N. 26, 645-648; In: Diakonia, 1956. N. 3, 115-128; In: Pain, J., Zernov, N.: A Bulgakov Anthology. London 1976; In: Williams, R.: Sergii Bulgakov. Towards a Russian Political Theology. Edinburgh 1999.
———, A Prayer: Composed […] for a special service of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius at High-Leigh, 25-27 June 1935. In: Sobornost, 1935. N. 3, 12
———, The Orthodox Church, (London: The Centenary Press, 1935), translated by Elizabeth S. Cram.
Review by Francis House: "L'orthodoxie" par l'Archipretre Serge Boulgakoff, in: The Journal of the Fellowship of St. Alban & St Sergius 20 (1933, September).
———, 'Ways to Church Reunion', in: Sobornost’ 2 (1935), 7–15.
———, 'Spiritual Intercommunion', in: Sobornost’ 4 (1935), 3–7.
———, 'Freedom of Thought in the Orthodox Church', in: Sobornost’ 6 (1936), 4–8.
———, Memorandum presented […] to the Metropoliten Eulogius [Abstracts]. In: The Christian East, 1936. Vol. 16, N. 1/2, 48-49.
———, Orthodoxy in its Relation to Non-Orthodoxy. In: The American Church Monthly, 1936. Vol. 40. N. 4, 251-263
———, 'The Question of the Veneration of the Virgin at the Edinburgh Conference and a Brief Statement of the Place of the Virgin Mary in the Thought and Worship of the Orthodox Church', in: Sobornost’ 12 (1937), 28-31.
Reprinted in: The Eastern Church Quarterly Review, 1938. Vol. 3. N. 2, 109-111; in: Sobornost, 1947. N. 12, 29-31
———, 'The Hierarchy and the Sacraments', in: Dunkerley, Roderic (ed.), The Ministry and the Sacraments: Report of the Theological Commission Appointed by the Continuation Committee of the Faith and Order Movement Under the Chairmanship of The Right Rev. Arthur Cayley Headlam, (London: Student Christian Movement Press, 1937), 85-123.
———, 'From Marxism to Sophiology', in: Review of Religion 1/4 (1937), 361–68.
———, The Wisdom of God: A Brief Summary of Sophiology. New York 1937
Reprinted in: Pain, J., Zernov, N.: A Bulgakov Anthology. London 1976 (fragment); in: Sophia. The Wisdom of God. An Outline of Sophiology. New York 1993.
———, On the Past and Future: Notes of a Paper at the Fellowship Conference, July 1938. In: Sobornost, 1938. N. 15, 8-12
———, 'The Incarnation and the Virgin Birth', in: Sobornost’ 14 (1938), 32–37.
———, 'The Spirit of Prophecy', in: Sobornost’ 19 (1939), 3–7.
———, 'Hoc Signo Vinces', in: Sobornost’ 21 (1940), 23–26.
———, On Love (An Extract from Jacob’s Ladder). In: Sobornost’. 1946, N. 33, 24-25
———, To G. Curtis. In: Phillips, C.: Walter Frere. A Memoir. London 1947, 197-198. In: Phillips, Charles Stanley (Hrsg.): Walter Frere. A Memoir 1947, 197-198
———, The Vatican dogma. South Canaan, Pa. 1959
———, The Eucharistic Dogma. In: Sobornost’. 1960, N. 2, 66-77
———, Let us Rejoice in the Lord. In: Schmemann, Alexander (Hrsg.): Ultimate Questions. An Anthology of Modern Russian Religious Thought. New York 1965
———, 'Having Trampled on Death by Death.' In: Schmemann, A.: Ultimate Questions. An Anthology of Modern Russian Religious Thought. New York 1965/1977.
———, The Church as Tradition. New York 1966
———, Father Sergius Bulgakov, 1871-1944 : a collection of articles by Fr. Bulgakov for the Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius and now reproduces by the Fellowship to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the death of this great ecumenist, edited by Sergius, Fellowship of Saint Alban and Saint, (London: Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius, 1969). (pdf available: regula.zwahlen@unifr.ch)
A Bulgakov Anthology, London 1976, translated by Natalie Duddington and James Pain:
———, 'An American Sermon 1934: Social teaching in modern Russian orthodox theology', in: Pain, James; Zernov, Nicolas (ed.), Sergius Bulgakov. A Bulgakov Anthology, (London: 1976), 163-166.
———, 'Social Teaching in Modern Russian Orthodox Theology' [1934], 163–168.
———, 'Autobiographical Notes', 3–30
———, 'Economic Ideals' [1903], 31–35
———, 'Ivan Karamazov as a Philosophical Type' [1903], 36–41
———, 'Vladimir Solovyov: Scholar and Seer' [1903], 42–50
———, 'Heroism and Otherwordliness' [1909], 51–56
———, 'Two Cities' [1911], 57–66
———, 'The Corpse of Beauty' [1918], 67–72
———, 'A Professorial Religion' [1918], 73–78
———, 'St. Peter and St. John', 79–85
———, 'The Friend of the Bridegroom', 86–90
———, 'The Burning Bush', 90–96
———, 'Jacob's Ladder', 97–99
———, 'By Jacob's Well', 100–113
———, 'The Lamb of God', 114–118
———, 'The Comforter', 139–143
———, 'The Wisdom of God', 144–156
———, 'The Apocalypse of John', 157–162
———, 'The Power of the Cross', 169–174
———, 'The Doors of Penitence', 175–177
———, 'Divine Gladness', 178–182
———, 'Pentecost and the Descent of the Spirit', 183–187
———, 'The Exceeding Glory', 188–192
———, Karl Marx as a religious type: his relation to the religion of anthropotheism of L. Feuerbach, (Belmont Mass.: Nordland Publ., 1979), translated by Luba Barna.
———, The Orthodox Church, Revised translation. Aufl., (Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1988 [1932]), translated by Lydia Kesich.
———, Sophia. The Wisdom of God. An Outline of Sophiology, (Hudson, N.Y.: Lindisfarne Press, 1993 [1937]), translated by Rev. Patrick Thompson / Rev. O. Fielding Clarke / Xenia Braikevitc.
———, 'Heroism and Asceticism. Reflections on the Religious Nature of the Russian Intelligentsia' (pdf), in: Shatz, Marshall S. / Zimmermann, Judith E. (ed.), Vekhi: Landmarks: a collection of articles about the Russian intelligentsia, (Armonk, London: M.E. Sharpe, 1994), 17-49.
———, Apocatastasis and transfiguration : comprising his essay "On the question of the apocatastasis of the Fallen Spirits" / with a memoir by sister Joanna Reitlinger (Variable Readings in Russian Philosophy No 2). New Haven: Variable Press, 1995; trans., ed. and with an introd. by Boris Jakim
———, Orthodoxy and modern society. New haven: Variable Press 1995.
———, The holy grail and the eucharist, (Hudson (N.Y.): Lindisfarne Books, 1997), translated by Boris Jakim.
———, 'The Eucharistic Dogma', in: Jakim, Boris (ed.), The Holy Grail and the Eucharist, (Hudson, NY: Lindisfarne Books, 1997), 63-138, translated by Boris Jakim.
Rowan Williams (ed.). Sergii Bulgakov. Towards a Russian Political Theology, Edinburgh 1999, translated by Rowan Williams:
———, 'The Economic Ideal' [1903], 23–54
———, 'Heroism and the Spiritual Struggle' [1909], 55–112
———, 'The Unfading Light' [1917], 113–162
———, 'The Lamb of God: On the Divine Humanity' [1933], 163–228
———, 'The Soul of Socialism' [1932-33], 229–268
———, ''Social Teaching in Modern Russian Orthodox Theology' and 'The Spirit of Prophecy'' [1934/1939], 269–292
———, Philosophy of Economy: the world as household, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000), translated by Catherine Evtuhov.
———, The Bride of the Lamb, (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2002), translated by Boris Jakim.
———, 'Basic Problems of the Theory of Progress', in: Poole, Randall Allen (ed.), The Problems of Idealism. Essays in Russian Social Philosophy, (Yale: Yale University Press, 2003), 85-123, translated by Randall Allen Poole
———, The friend of the bridegroom: on the Orthodox veneration of the Forerunner, (Grand Rapids (Mich.): William B. Eerdmans, 2003), translated by Boris Jakim.
———, 'Dogma and Dogmatic Theology', in: Plekon, Michael (ed.), Tradition Alive: On the Church and the Christian Life in Our Time - Readings from the Eastern Church, (Lanham, MD: Sheed & Ward, 2003, translated by Peter Bouteneff.
———, The Comforter, (Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2004), translated by Boris Jakim.
———, 'Protopresbyter Sergii Bulgakov: Hypostasis and Hypostaticity: Scholia to the Unfading Light', in: St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 49/1-2 (2005), 5–46, translated by Brandon Anastassy Gallaher and Irina Kukota
———, Churchly joy: Orthodox devotions for the church year, (Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Publ., 2008), translated by Boris Jakim.
———, The Lamb of God, (Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2008), translated by Boris Jakim.
———, The burning bush: on the Orthodox veneration of the Mother of God, (Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans, 2009), translated by Thomas Allan Smith.
———, Jacob's ladder: on angels, (Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdmans, 2010), translated by Thomas Allan Smith.
———, Relics and Miracles. Two Theological Essays, (Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdmans, 2011), translated by Boris Jakim.
including: 'On Holy Relics' and 'On the Gospel Miracles'.
———, Icons and The Name of God, (Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdmans, 2012), translated by Boris Jakim.
———, Unfading Light, (Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdmans, 2012), translated by Thomas Allan Smith.
———, Partial Intercommunion (1935) , Appendix to: Brandon Gallaher, "Great and Full of Grace", in: William C. Mills, Church and World. Essays in Honor of Michael Plekon, Rollinsford 2013, 118–121
———, Augustinism and Predestination, in: Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies 2, 1 (2019), 65–99, translated by Roberto J. De La Noval.
———, The Apocalypse of John. An Essay in Dogmatic Interpretation (Münster: Aschendorff, 2019, translated by Mike Whitton, revised by Michael Miller
———, The Tragedy of Philosophy (Philosophy and Dogma), Angelico Press 2020, translated by Stephen Churchyard, Foreword by John Milbank
———, The Central Problematic of Sophiology, translated by Roberto J. De La Noval: https://afkimel.wordpress.com/2020/10/24/the-central-problematic-of-sophiology/
———,The Sophiology of Death, Wipf & Stock Publishers 2021, translated by Roberto J. De La Noval:
1 The Foundational Antinomy of the Christian Philosophy of History
2 On the Kingdom of God
3 Christianity and the Soul of Socialism (Part II)
4 The Problem of “Conditional Immortality”
5 On the Question of the Apocatastasis of the Fallen Spirits (in Connection with the Teaching of Gregory of Nyssa)
6 Apocatastasis and Theodicy
7 The Redemption and Apocatastasis
8 Augustinianism and Predestination
9 The Sophiology of Death
10 “Even so, Come”
11 Homily on the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God
12 Concerning My Funeral
Roberto de la Noval on Bulgakov, Sophiology, and Death
———, The Eucharistic Sacrifice, Notre Dame Press 2021, translated by Mark Roosien
———, Sergii Bulgakov: Easter Thoughts (1906), with a commentary by Regula Zwahlen, Public Orthodoxy 2022
———, Sergius Bulgakov: Spiritual Diary (1924/25), Angelico Press 2022, translated by Mark Roosien and Roberto J. De La Noval.
———,Sergii Bulgakov: Philosophy of the Name, translated by Thomas Allan Smith. Northern Illinois University Press 2022