Artikel & Dissertationen
Several articles on. Bulgakov in: Studies in East European Thought. Volume 77, Issue 1, ed. by Teresa Obolevitch
Williams, Rowan. 2024. "Sergii Bulgakov, Socialism, and the Church." Northwestern University Studies in Russian Philosophy, Literature, and Religious Thought. Volume 1, pp. 44–56.
Heath, J. (2024), The Eternal Sacrifice. Modern Theology.
Barbara Hallensleben: Rezension von "Panagopoulos, Georgios: Russische Sophiologie zwischen orthodoxer Tradition und moderner Philosophie. V. Soloviev, S. Bulgakov, G. Florovsky, Münster 2021: in Theologische Revue, Bd. 119 (2023).
Joshua Pulin Elvy Heath: Speaking (about) Substance: The Metaphysics of Rowan Williams and some Russian Philosophers. In: Modern Theology 40, 1 (2024), 256–281;
Charles Andrew Gottshall: Russian Sophiology and the Philosophers of Will: The Theanthropic Theology of Solovyov and Bulgakov and their Critical Appropriation of German Voluntarism. PhD thesis Durham University,
Ian Jordan Kissell: The Iconization of the World: Sergey Bulgakov's Sophiological Model of Revelation. PhD Thesis Wycliffe College and University of Toronto, 2023
Ivan Y. Ilin: Оцерковление общества изнутри, а не извне: рецепция идей протоиерея Сергия Булгакова в двух современных проектах политической теологии /Churching of Society from Within and Not from Without: Reception of Sergius Bulgakov's Ideas in Contemporary Political Theology (in Russian). In: Vestnik Sviato-Filaretskogo Instituta 48 (2023), 51–74
Walter Sisto: Cyborg Enhancements: Sergius Bulgakov and His Sophiological Perspective. Irish Theological Quarterly, first published online June 2023:
Yulia Antipina: The Ecclesiological Foundations of Fr. Sergius Bulgakov’s Project for Partial Intercommunion. In: The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute, 2023, iss. 45, pp. 29–44. DOI: 10.25803/26587599_2023_45_9
Barbara Hallensleben: What is Sophiology? In: With One Accord 3 (2022), 10–12
Хондзинский П. В. Два «Опыта катехизического учения о Церкви»: «Церковь одна» Хомякова и «Православие»
о. Сергия Булгакова (TWO “ESSAYS ON THE CATECHETICAL TEACHING ON THE CHURCH”: “THE CHURCH IS ONE” BY KHOMYAKOV AND “THE ORTHODOX CHURCH (PRAVOSLAVIE)” BY FR. SERGIUS BULGAKOV) // РУССКАЯ ЭМИГРАЦИЯ. Церковная жизнь и богословско-философское наследие. Материалы научной конференции 10–12 марта 2021 г. Москва 2021, 5-17
- Бежанидзе Г. В. Концепция церковно-государственных отношений С. Н. Булгакова (The concept of Church-state relations of S.N. Bulgakov) // ibid., 18–28
- Цвален Р. М. Да или Нет — софиология Сергия Булгакова в контексте протестантской «Диалектической теологии» в 1930-х гг. (YES OR NO — SERGII BULGAKOV’S SOPHIOLOGY IN THE CONTEXT OF PROTESTANT “DIALECTICAL THEOLOGY” OF THE 1930ies) // ibid., 29–48.
The Wheel 26/27 (2021): Bulgakov Anniversary Issue
Ivan Y. Il'in: Towards Religious Metaphysics: Overcoming Nietzschean Nihilism in Sergei Bulgakov’s Philosophy / На пути к религиозной метафизике: критика ницшеанского нигилизма в философии С.Н. Булгакова. // Вопросы философии. 2021. No 10. С. 130–137. DOI: 10.21146/0042-8744-2021-10-130-137
Biriukov, Dmitry: Two Russian Thinkers in Dialogue on Palamism: The Sophiological Palamism of Protopriest Sergius Bulgakov and the Neo-Palamism of Priest Georgy Florovsky in the 1920s. In: The Legacy of St. Gregory Palamas: Studies in Late Byzantine Theology, edited by Tikhon Alexander Pino and under review by Brepols (Turnhout) to be included in the Byzantios series (Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization) (forthcoming).
Joshua Heath: Sergii Bulgakov's Linguistic Trinity, in: Modern Theology 2021:
Joshua Heath: On Sergii Bulgakov’s The Tragedy of Philosophy, in: Modern Theology 2021:
Ivan Y. Il'in: Религиозная философия как опыт богопознания: С.Н. Булгаков и С.Л. Франк о взаимоотношении философии и религии // History of Philosophy 2020, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 29–39. DOI: 10.21146/2074-5869-2020-25-2-29-39
Ciprian Costin Apintiliesei: La Sophie divine ou les raisons-énergies incréées, Paris 2020
Regula M. Zwahlen: Sergii Bulgakov's Reinvention of Theocracy for a Democratic Age, in: Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies, Vol. 3, 2 (2020), 175–194.
Robert Slesinski: Sergius Bulgakov in Exile: The Flowering of a Systematic Theologian, in: The Oxford Handbook of Russian Religious Thought, ed. by Caryl Emerson, George Pattison, Randall Poole (Oxford University Press, 2020), 480–494
Nikolaos Asproulis: La réception de la sagesse dans la sophiologie russe. Rôle et controverses dans l’orthodoxie”, Revue des Sciences Religieuses 108/2 (2020): 27-48.
Giorgos Axaris, The Sophiology of Sergei Bulgakov. Critical Approach, Master thesis, Faculty of Theology, University of Thessaloniki, 2020 (
Pavel Khondzinsky, Персоналистическая экклесиология прот. Сергия Булгакова, прот. Георгия Флоровского и В. Н. Лосского (The Personalistic Ecclesiology of Archpriest Sergey Bulgakov, Archpriest Georges Florovsky and V. N. Lossky) // Научный журнал Санкт-Петербургской Духовной Академии Русской Православной Церкви 5 (2020), 10–22
Pavel Khondzinsky, Проблема языков богословия в «Большой трилогии» о. Сергия Булгакова (The Problem ofTheological Languages in “The Big Trilogy” by Fr. Sergius Bulgakov) // Государство, религия, церковь в России и за рубежом. 2020. №1 (38). С. 177–200.
Mark Roosien, "The Common Task: Eucharist, Social Action, and the Continuity of Bulgakov's Thought", in: Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies 3,1 (2020), 71–88.
Kozyrev, Alexej P. (ed.). Сергей Николаевич Булгаков. Философия Росси первой половины XX века. Москва: РОССПЭН (2020); Bestellen bei Exlibrus
Analogia. The Pemptousia Journal of Theological Studies 8 (2020): "The Theology of the Russian Diaspora"
- PAUL LADOUCEUR: Revolution, Exile and the Decline of Russian Religious Thought
- NIKOLAOS LOUDOVIKOS: What is Sophia? Bulgakov, or the Biblical Trinity between Kant and Hegel
- CHRISTOPH SCHNEIDER: Faith and Reason in Russian Religious Thought: Sergei Bulgakov, Pavel Florensky and the contemporary debate about onto-theology and fideism
Uwe Meixner, „Kenosis und Sophiologie: Sergej Bulgakows spekulative Theologie der Inkarnation“, in: T. Marschler und T. Schärtl (Hg.): Herausforderungen und Modifikationen des klassischen Theismus. Band 2: Inkarnation, Münster 2020, 227-252.
Uwe Meixner, Orthodox Panentheism: Sergius Bulgakov’s Sophiology, in: Godehard Brüntrup, Benedikt Paul Göcke und Ludwig Jaskolla (eds.), Panentheism and Panpsychism. Philosophy of Religion meets Philosophy of Mind, Brill/Mentis 2020, 205–229.
Natalia Danilkina, Immanuel Kant and the Pragmatic Turn of Science Through the Prism of Sergei Bulgakov's Metaphysics, in: Studia z historii filozofii 2,11 (2020), 33–46
Roberto De La Noval: “The Theological Condemnations of Fr. Sergius Bulgakov: Sophiology in Suspension”, Ph.D. Theology. University of Notre Dame 2020
Josephien Van Kessel: Sophiology and Modern Society. Sergei Bulgakov's conceptualization of an alternative modern society. PhD thesis, Radboud University Nijmegen 2020.
Бирюков Д. С. Два мыслителя в разговоре о паламизме: софиологический паламизм о. Сергия Булгакова и неопаламизм о. Георгия Флоровского (1920-е гг.) // Вопросы богословия. 2020. No 1 (3). С. 15–45.
Biryukov, Dmitry: Taxonomies of Beings in the Palamite Literature. Part 2. The Palamite Doctrine in the Context of the Previous Byzantine Tradition and Its Reception in the Russian Religious Thought of the XX Century (the Philosophy of Creativity by Sergei Bulgakov). In: Konstantinove Listy 12/2 (2019), 69–79;
Gleb (Tikhon) Vasilyev: Christian angelology in pseudo-Dionysius and Sergius Bulgakov. PhD thesis, Oxford University 2019
[Old but important:]
Khondzinskii, Pavel. "Problema Jazykov Bogoslovija V "Bol'šoj Trilogii" O. Sergija Bulgakova." Gosudarstvo, religiia, cerkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom 1, no. 38 (2020): 177–200.
Daniel Kisliakov, Encounter between Eastern and Oriental Orthodox: an Example of Spiritual Communion according to Sergius Bulgakov's Theology of Ecumenism, International Journal of Orthodox Theology 10,3 (2019), 43–72.
Smith, T. Allan. "In the Afterglow of the Russian Silver Age: Sergii Bulgakov's "Judas Iscariot–Apostle–Betrayer"." Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies 2, no. 2 (2019): 179–198.
(2019) Aspects of Schelling’s influence on Sergius Bulgakov and other thinkers of the Russian religious Renaissance of the twentieth century, International Journal of Philosophy and Theology, 80:1-2, 143-159, DOI: 10.1080/21692327.2018.142363
Moore, Harry: Russian Sophiology and the Hebrew Poetry of Proverbs 8:22‐31, in: Modern Theology, August 2019:
Sisto, Walter. "Near-Death Experience and Russian Theology: Sergius Bulgakov's near-Death Experience." Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 71, no. 1–2 (2019): 107–125.
Khondzinskii, Pavel, '"Na jazyke sofiologii": Kritika o. Sergiem Bulgakovym triadologii blazhennogo Avgustina', in: Vestnik PSTGU I: Bogoslovie. Filosofija 83 (2019), 11–25.
Andrey Teslya: The Protestant Ethic in the Russian Context: Peter Struve and Sergey Bulgakov Read Max Weber (1907-1909), in: RUSSIAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW. 2019. VOL. 18. NO. 2
Paul Gavrilyuk: ‘The Training for Dying and Death: A New Reading of Bulgakov’s Sophiology’, in Matthew Levering and George Kalantzis, eds., Christian Dying: Witnesses from the Tradition(Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2018), 160-178.
Papanikolaou, Aristotle (2018). From Sophia to Personhood. The Development of 20th Century Orthodox Trinitarian Theology. Phronema, 33, 2 (2018), 1-20.
Morgan, Brandon L., "Reimaging Aesthetics: Sergius Bulgakov on Seeing the Wisdom of Creation." Irish Theological Quarterly 83(2)(2018), 149–163.
Sisto, Walter, "The Beginning of the End: Bulgakov and the Ascension." Irish Theological Quarterly 83(2)(2018), 164–179.
Salapatas, Dimitrios Filippos, The Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius. Orthodox and Anglican Ecumenical Relations 1927–2012, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018.
Zwahlen, Regula, Sergij Bulgakov und Vasilij Kandinskij "über das Geistige in der Kunst"', in: Vergauwen, Guido / Steingruber, Andreas (ed.), Veni, Sancte Spiritus! Festschrift für Barbara Hallensleben zum 60. Geburtstag, (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2018), 684–698.
Stoyan Tanev, Energy in Orthodox Theology and Physics, 2017 (review in Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies 1/2018); chapter on Bulgakov.
Андрей Тесля: МЕЖДУ ВЛ. СОЛОВЬЕВЫМ И "НАЦИОНАЛИЗМОМ" : "РАЗМЫШЛЕНИЯ О НАЦИОНАЛЬНОСТИ" С. Н. БУЛГАКОВА В КОНТЕКСТЕ СПОРОВ О НАЦИОНАЛ-ЛИБЕРАЛИЗМЕ 1909-1910 ГГ // Philosophy: Journal of the Higher School of Economics, vol. 2, no 3, pp. 89-106.
В.И. Кейдан, Итальянская рецепция русской философской системы: Джузеппе Ло Верде о тринитарной онтологии протоиерея Сергия Булгаков, in: ВЕСТНИК РГГУ № 1 (7) 2017, 106–126. Russische Übersetzung von: Giuseppe LoVerde, La filosofia della Trinità di S. Bulgakow, in: «Logos» (Roma, 1938, Luglio-Settembre. Anno XXI, II della Nuova Serie. Fascicolo 3. P. 414-427 (Lo Verde schrieb den Artikel auf der Basis der damals verfügbaren deutschen Übersetzungen).
Antoine Arjakovsky, L’arrivée des penseurs orthodoxes en Europe occidentale à la suite de la révolution d’octobre, in: Recherches de science religieuse 105/4 (2017). (Kandinsky et Boulgakov)
Walter Nunzio Sisto, The Mother of God in the Theology of Sergius Bulgakov. The Soul of the World, London 2017.
Wood, Nathaniel Kyle, Deifying Democracy: Liberalism and the Politics of Theosis, PhD Thesis, Fordham University 2017.
WOOD, Nathanael: "I Have Overcome the World": The Church, the Liberal State, and Christ's Two Natures in the Russian Politics of Theosis. In: DEMACOPOULOS, G. E. & PAPANIKOLAOU, A. (eds.) Christianity, Democracy, and the Shadow of Constantine. New York: Fordham University Press 2017, 155–171. (on Bulgakov and Solovyov)
Papanikolaou, Aristotle (2017). Overcoming Political Nestorianism: Towards a Chalcedonian Politics. In M. G. Poulsom, S. van Erp, & L. Boeve (Eds.), Grace, Governance and Globalization (pp. 114–124). London: Bloomsbury
Andrew Louth, Sophia, the Wisdom of God, in St Maximos the Confessor, in: Theresia Hainthaler / Franz Mali / Gregor Emmeneggeru.a. (Hg.), Sophia. The Wisdom of God - Die Weisheit Gottes. Forscher aus dem Osten und Westen Europas an den Quellen des gemeinsamen Glaubens (=Pro Oriente. Wiener Patristische Tagungen), Innsbruck, Wien 2017, 349–357.
Angel Angelov / Pavel Pavlov / Stoyan Tanev, The Sophiological controversy as a clash of different patristic interpretations, in: Theresia Hainthaler / Franz Mali / Gregor Emmeneggeru.a. (Hg.), Sophia. The Wisdom of God - Die Weisheit Gottes. Forscher aus dem Osten und Westen Europas an den Quellen des gemeinsamen Glaubens (=Pro Oriente. Wiener Patristische Tagungen), Innsbruck, Wien 2017, 55–81.
Dunn, David J.; Davis, Joshua B.: The Politics of Sophia in the Socialism of Barth. In: Ashley John Moyse, Scott A. Kirkland, John C. McDowell (eds.): Correlating Sobornost: Conversations between Karl Barth and the Russian Orthodox Tradition. Minneapolis 2016, p. 273-310.
Gallaher, Brandon: "A Supertemporal Continuum": Christocentric Trinity and the Dialectical Reenvisioning of Divine Freedom in Bulgakov and Barth. In: Ashley John Moyse, Scott A. Kirkland, John C. McDowell (eds.): Correlating Sobornost: Conversations between Karl Barth and the Russian Orthodox Tradition. Minneapolis 2016, p. 95–134.
Hiroyuki Horie, "Ambivalentnost' "pervobytnoj materii" i genezis čelovečeskoj svobody v "Filosofii chozjajastva" o. Sergija Bulgakova." Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, ser. 7 filosofija 3 (2016), 3–21.
Assaad Elias Kattan, "Alle Schönheit bereitet uns darauf vor, die unvergängliche Stadt zu empfangen". Zu Kunst und Schönheit in der orthodoxen Theologie, in: Petra Bosse-Huber / Martin Illert / Roland Fritschu.a. (Hg.), Im Dialog mit der Orthodoxie. Festschrift für Reinhard Thöle (=Beihefte zur Ökumenischen Rundschau), Leipzig 2016 (u.a. über Bulgakov)
Noble, I., Bauerova, K., Noble, T., & Parushev, P. (2015). Wrestling with the Mind of the Fathers. New York: SVS Press (chapter on Sophiology)
Noble, I., Bauerova, K., Noble, T., & Parushev, P. (2015). The Ways of Orthodox Theology in the West. New York: SVS Press (chapter on The experience and theology of the Russian immigrants)
Kateřina Bauerová, "Geographical and Imaginary Spaces: Sergei Bulgakov and Joanna Reitlinger in Prague." Communio viatorum 57(2015), 193–209.
Paul L. Gavrilyuk, Bulgakov's Account of Creation: Neglected Aspects, Critics and Contemporary Relevance, International Journal of Systematic Theology 17/4 (October 2015), 450-463
Brandon Gallaher: Fr. Sergius Bulgakov' in Orthodox Handbook on Ecumenism: Resources for Theological Education (Volos, Greece: Volos Academy Publications in cooperation with WCC Publications, Geneva, and Regnum Books International, Oxford, 2014), 201-206.
Scott Allan Sharman, The Hour is Coming, and is Now Come: Sergei Bulgakov and the Search for the Ecumenical Future, PhD thesis, University of St. Michael's College, 2014.
Kirill J. Paromov: РЕЛИГИОЗНО-ПОЛИТИЧЕСКИЕ ИСКАНИЯ С. Н. БУЛГАКОВА (1905–1917): ОТ «АНТИХРИСТОВА САМОДЕРЖАВИЯ» К «ТЕОКРАТИИ БЕЛОГО ЦАРЯ», Vestnik PSTGU II: Istoriia. Istoriia Russkoi Pravoslavnoi Cerkvi 6, 55 (2013), 7-30
Regula M. Zwahlen: Religionsphilosophie [Bulgakov u.a. über Lev N. Tolstoj], in: In: Martin George u.a. (Hrsg.). Tolstoj als theologischer Denker und Kirchenkritiker. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (2014), 594-607
Johannes Miroslav Oravecz, God as Love. The Concept and Spiritual Aspects of Agape in Modern Russian Religious Thought. Grand Rapids 2014 (chapter on Bulgakov "God's Love-Humility for His Creation", pp. 292-323)
Sharman, Scott Allan: The Hour is Coming, and is Now Come: Sergei Bulgakov and the Search for the Ecumenical Future. University of St. Michael's College Faculty of Theology (Canada), ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2014. 3691008.
Bruce V. Foltz, The Noetics of Nature: Environmental Philosophy and the Holy Beauty of the Visible, New York 2013, 88–112 (chapter “The Resurrection of Nature: Environmental Metaphysics in Sergei Bulgakov’s Philosophy of Economy”)
Willis Jenkins, Ecologies of Grace, Oxford 2013 (chapter: Thinking like a Transfigured Mountain: Sergei Bulgakov's Wisdom Ecology)
Jürg Bräker, Kirche, Welt, Mission. Alexander Schmemann; eine ökumenisch relevante Ekklesiologie, Göttingen 2013 (unter Berücksichtigung des Einflusses Bulgakovs auf Schmemann)
Matthew L. Miller, The American YMCA and Russian Culture. The Preservation and Expansion of Orthodox Christianity, 1900–1940. Plymouth 2013
Brandon Gallaher, Great and full of Grace. Partial Intercommunication and Sophiology in Sergii Bulgakov. In: Church and World. Essays in Honor of Mikhel Plekon. New Hampshire 2013, 69-121.
Sisto, Walter Nunzio: The Soul of The Human Race: The Mother of God In The Theology of Sergius Bulgakov. University of St. Michael's College Faculty of Theology and University of Toronto (Canada), ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2013.
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Konstantin Antonov, Natal'ja Vaganova (ed.): Софиология и неопатристический синтез: два богословских итога философского развития. Сборник научных статей по итогам работы секции по истории русской мысли XXII Ежегодной богословской конференции ПСТГУ / Сост. К.М. Антонов, Н.А. Ваганова. М.: ПСТГУ, 2013. (content)
Rodnjanskaja, Irina: Sergej Bulgakov (Artikelsammlung). In: Gal'ceva, Renata; Rodnjanskaja, Irina: K portretam russkich myslitelej. Moskau 2012, 329-460.
Young, George M.: The Russian Cosmists: The Esoteric Futurism of Nikolai Fedorov and His Followers. Oxford 2012 (with chapter on Sergei Bulgakov)
Stroop, Christopher: Providential Empire: Russia's Religious Intelligentsia and the First World War, Ph. D. Thesis, Stanford University, 2012.
Regula M. Zwahlen: Спутники по разным путям: Николая Бердяев и Сергей Булгаков [Ungleiche Weggefährten: Nikolaj Berdjaev und Sergej Bulgakov]. In: Kolerov, M. A., Plotnikov, N. (Hrsg.): Issledovanija po istorii russkoj mysli. Ežegodnik 9 (2008/2009)[Studien zur russischen Ideengeschichte]. Moskau 2012, S. 334-424. Ins Russische übersetzt von Ekaterina Pavlova.
Kolerov, M.A: Призывал ли о. Сергий Булгаков к еврейским погромам в 1920 году? [Prizyval li o. Sergij Bulgakov k evrejskim pogromam v 1920 godu?]. 2012 (pdf 184kb)
Rezničenko, Anna: O smyslach imën: Bulgakov, Losev, Florenskij, Frank et dii minores [Über die Bedeutung der Namen]. Moskva 2012.
Breckner, Katharina A.: Beauty and Art in Solov'ev (1850- 1903) and in Bulgakov (1871 – 1944). Does Beauty save the World?, in: Logos i ethos, Kraków, 1 (32) 2012, 7-17.
Zwahlen, Regula: Sergej Bulgakov’s concept of human dignity (pdf), in: Alfons Brüning, Evert van der Zweerde (Hgs.). Orthodox Christianity and Human Rights (= Eastern Christian Studies, vol. 13). Leuven 2012, S. 169-186 (pdf)
Leamy, Katy: A comparison of the kenotic Trinitarian theology of Hans Urs Von Balthasar and Sergei Bulgakov. Marquette University, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2012. 3522514.
Nikolaos Asproulis, “Quid Athenae Hierosolymis? The dilemma between faith and reason in theology. The case of the Russian theology and philosophy», in Stavros Zoumboulakis (ed.) The God of the Bible and the God of Philosophers, Artos Zoes: Athens, 2012, pp. 501-531
Radu Costin Iacob, Sophia, the Wisdom of God: An Eastern Christian Political Theology in the Sophiology of Sergei Bulgakov, MA Thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2011
Kozyrev, Alexej P.: Sophiology of Archpriest Sergius Bulgakov: a "Theologomena" or a "Philosophema"?(Hrsg.): Philosophy of Religions. An Almanac. 2010-2011 (engl.-russ.). Moscow 2011, 226-240
Popova, Bronislava: Ju. N. Rejtlinger (sestra Ioanna) i o. Sergij Bulgakov: dialog chudožnika i bogoslova: dnevniki, zapisnye knižki, pisʹma [Ju. N. Rejtlinger und Sergij Bulgakov: Dialog zwischen einer Künstlerin und einem Theologen: Tagebücher, Notizhefte, Briefe]. Moskva 2011
Zaviyskyy, Roman: Shaping modern Russian Orthodox Trinitarian theology: a critical study of Sergii Bukgakov with reference to Vladimir Lossky and Georgii Florovsky, D. Phil. Thesis, University of Oxford, 2011
Zwahlen, Regula: Pravo als Weg zur Pravda. Sergej N. Bulgakovs Überlegungen zu Gerechtigkeit und Recht (pdf). In: Kuße, Holger, Plotnikov Nikolaj (Hgs.). Pravda. Diskurse der Gerechtigkeit in der russischen Ideengeschichte (= Specimina philologiae slavicae, Bd. 164). München, Berlin: Verlag Otto Sagner, 2011, S. 143-153.
Asproulis, Nikolaos: Sophiology vs. Neo-patristic synthesis. A comment on the relationship between created and uncreated in Bulgakov and Florovsky and the methodological issue in theology”, Postgraduate Scientific Review, ‘Studies in Orthodox Theology’, 1 (2010): 319-350 (in Greek).
Asproulis, Nikolaos: “‘Ad mentem patrum…’ The dialogue between G. Florovsky and S. Bulgakov on the way of reading the tradition. Preliminary comments», Theologia 81/4 (2010): 225-246 (in Greek).
Valliere, Paul: A Russian cosmodicy: Sergei Bulgakov's religious philosophy. In: Hamburg, Gary M. , Poole, Randall A. (Hrsg.): A History of Russian Philosophy 1830-1930. Faith, Reason, and the Defesnse of Human Dignity. Cambridge 2010, 171-189
Geffert, Bryn, Eastern Orthodox and Anglicans. Diplomacy, Theology, and the Politics of Interwar Ecumenism, Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2010. (Chapter 11. on Intercommunion and Sofiology)
Bobrinskoj, Boris: Prepodobnyj Sergij v Pariže [Der Heilige Sergij in Paris]. Moskva 2010.
Rubin, Dominic: Bulgakov and the sacred blood of jewry. In: Rubin, Dominic: Holy Russia, sacred israel. Brighton, Mass. 2010, 59-152
Kiejzik, Lilianna: Sergiusza Bułgakowa filozofia wszechjedności [Sergej Bulgakovs Philosophie des Alltags]. Warszawa 2010 (Filozofia rosyjska Bd. 1)
Thompson, Robert: From Glory to Glory: The Sophianic Vision of Fr. Sergius Bulgakov in Context of Tradition, Memphis Theological Seminary (Ph.D.), 2010
Williams, Rowan: Bogoslovie V. N. Losskogo: izloženie i kritika [The Theology of V. N. Lossky: an Exposition and Critique]. Kiev 2009, übersetzt von Dar'ja Morozova, Jurij Vestel'. [inkl. Spor s Bulgakovym].
Seiling, Jonathan R.: From Antinomy to Sophiology. Modern Russian Religious Consciousness and Sergei Bulgakov's Critical Appropriation of German Idealism, University of Toronto (Ph.D.), 2008
Nikolaev, Sergei V.: Church and reunion in the theology of Sergii Bulgakov and Georges Florovsky, 1918--1940. Southern Methodist University, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2007.
Filimonov, S. B: Религозно-философские общества в Крыму. Новые материалы о С. Н. Булгакове [Religiös-philosophische Gesellschaften auf der Krim. Neue Materialien über S. N. Bulgakov]. In: Вестник РХД 185, 1 (2003), 120-143
Evlampiev, Igorʹ I.: S.N. Bulgakov: pro et contra: ličnostʹ i tvorčestvo Bulgakova v ocenke russkich myslitelej i issledovatelej. Sankt-Peterburg 2003 (pdf, 9.8 mb)
С.Н. Булгаков: Религиозно-философский путь: Международная научная конференция, посвященная 130-летию со дня рождения / Научная редакция А.П.Козырева; Сост. М.А.Васильева, А.П.Козырев. М.: Русский путь, 2003. 524 с., ил. ISBN: 5-85887-157-7
Antonov, Konstantin: "Элементы психоанализа в философской публицистике С.Н.Булгакова". In: Философия хозяйства, № 2, 2002. С. 45-59
Dimitrios Baltas, Russian philosophers, 19-20 c., Savallas: Athens, 2002, pp. 54-67
Fr. Nicholas Loudovikos, “The ‘Pantheistic Archetype’ in Russian religious – philosophical ecclesiology and the sophiology of consubstantiality”, in Idem The apophatic ecclesiology of consubstantiality. The primitive Church today, Armos: Athens, 2002, pp. 275-327. (Published also in English in his Church in the Making: An Apophatic Ecclesiology of Consubstantiality, Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2016), pp. 179-211.
Chapter on Sergei N. Bulgakov in:
Tataryn, Myroslaw I.: Augustine and Russian Orthodoxy. Lanham 2000, p. 66–97