Building the House of Wisdom

Barbara Hallensleben, Regula M. Zwahlen, Aristotle Papanikolaou, Pantelis Kalaitzidis (eds.)
Building the House of Wisdom. Sergii Bulgakov and Contemporary Theology: New Approaches and Interpretations
Epiphania, Band 18
Münster: Aschendorff-Verlag, 2024, 538 Seiten, geb. xx,– EUR
ISBN 978-3-402-12061-3
Open Access Publication available at Aschendorff Verlag
Sergii Bulgakov (1871–1944) is one of the preeminent theologians of the 20th century whose work is still being discovered and explored in and for the 21st. A famous rival of Lenin in the field of economics, and, according to Wassily Kandinsky, “one of the deepest experts on religious life” in early twentieth-century Russian art and culture, Bulgakov, economist, publicist, politician, and later Orthodox theologian and priest, became a significant “global player” in both the Orthodox diaspora and the Ecumenical movement in the interwar period.
This anthology gathers a collection of papers given at the international conference on the occasion of Bulgakov’s 150th birthday at the University of Fribourg in September 2021. The chapters, written by established Bulgakov specialists, not least the keynote speaker Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury (2002–2012), as well as young researchers from different theological disciplines and ecclesiastical traditions, explore Bulgakov’s contribution to meeting the challenges of the modern world and to building bridges between East and West. The authors bring forth a wide range of new creative ways to critically engage with Bulgakov’s theological worldview and cover topics such as personhood, ecology, political theology and trinitarian ontology.
Publiziert mit Unterstützung des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (SNF)
von Jennifer Wasmuth, Professorin für Ökumenische Theologie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Orthodoxen Christentums und seiner globalen Wirkung in Geschichte und Gegenwart“ an der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Göttingen, in: Religion & Gesellschaft in Ost und West (RGOW) 9 (2024), S. 30.
Vyacheslav A. Yachmenik, Современное прочтение наследия С.Н. Булгакова: обзор нового сборника (Contemporary Reading of S.N. Bulgakov’s Legacy: A Review of a New Book). In: Отечественная философия (National Philosophy) 2 (2024), 126–136 (in Russian, abstract in English)
by Walter Sisto, in: