Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences

The Faculty SES offers university studies in management, economics, information systems and mass media and communication research. Our professors, researchers and PhD students introduce state-of-the-art scientific knowledge into their teaching and thus ensure the excellence of our study programmes.



Bei den öffentlich finanzierten Medien sollte es darum gehen, was einen Wert für die Allgemeinheit hat

Der Service public muss das Publikum nicht nur informieren, sondern auch für Zusammenhalt und Gemeinschaft sorgen. Interview mit Prof. R. Hänggli in SRF, Magazin Link.

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Guest lectures at the DCM in the spring semester 2025

An overview of the lectures by experts from practice and science in the DCM courses in the current semester. The guest lectures are open to all interested people.

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ALI-IMPACT, a regional and collaborative project to promote healthier food choices in collective restaurants

The Food Research & Innovation Center (FRIC) and the University of Fribourg are joining forces with Grangeneuve as part of the project

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Accroissement des clivages politiques et affectifs

Notre société est de plus en plus polarisée, pourquoi? Et comment s’en sortir? Interview avec la Prof. Alexandra Feddersen dans la Liberté du 28 janvier.

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