David Schindl

PhD in mathematics



Graph theory, discrete optimization (applications in logistics, supply chain, vehicle routes, scheduling/timetabling, etc.), statistics.


I obtained my PhD in mathematics from EPFL in 2004. After a 3-year postdoc at the Group for Research in Decision Analysis (GERAD) in Montreal, I was hired in 2008 at the Haute Ecole de Gestion (HEG) in Geneva, my main employer, where I am currently a lecturer.

My areas of research are graph theory and combinatorial optimization, with applications in logistics, vehicle routing and scheduling. In particular, since 2012 I have been in charge of course and exam timetabling at the HEG. 

My teaching areas are decision support and graph theory (UniFR), and statistics and mathematics applied to economics (HEG).

Research and publications

Teaching and courses

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