The Strategy Planning Process: Strategic Analyses, Objectives, Options and Projects
Rudolf Grünig and Richard Kühn and Dirk Morschett (Springer International Publishing, 2022)
| Book
Developing International Strategies
Rudolf Grünig and Dirk Morschett (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2017)
| Book
Strategic International Management
Dirk Morschett and Hanna Schramm-Klein and Joachim Zentes (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015)
| Book
Strategic Retail Management
Joachim Zentes and Dirk Morschett and Hanna Schramm-Klein (Gabler Verlag, 2012)
| Book
Handbuch Handel: Strategien – Perspektiven – Internationaler Wettbewerb
Joachim Zentes, Bernhard Swoboda, Dirk Morschett, Hanna Schramm-Klein, ed. by Joachim Zentes and Bernhard Swoboda and Dirk Morschett and Hanna Schramm-Klein (Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2012)
| Book
Fallstudien zum Internationalen Management: Grundlagen – Praxiserfahrungen – Perspektiven
Joachim Zentes, Bernhard Swoboda, Dirk Morschett, ed. by Joachim Zentes and Bernhard Swoboda and Dirk Morschett (Gabler Verlag, 2011)
| Book
Institutionalisierung und Koordination von Auslandseinheiten
Dirk Morschett (Gabler, 2007)
| Book
Joachim Zentes, Dirk Morschett, Hanna Schramm-Klein, ed. by Joachim Zentes and Dirk Morschett and Hanna Schramm-Klein (Gabler Verlag, 2004)
| Book
Kooperationen, Allianzen und Netzwerke
Joachim Zentes, Bernhard Swoboda, Dirk Morschett, ed. by Joachim Zentes and Bernhard Swoboda and Dirk Morschett (Gabler Verlag, 2003)
| Book
Retail Branding und Integriertes Handelsmarketing
Dirk Morschett (Deutscher Universitätsverlag, 2002)
| Book
Investigating the effects of institutional distance and experience on acquisition performance across emerging markets
Martin A. Goetz, Dirk Morschett, International Journal of Emerging Markets (2025) | Journal article
How EMNEs and DMNEs can attract applicants in emerging and developed countries – a cross-national conjoint analysis on the role of country-of-origin and CSR
Le, Bich Ngoc and Morschett, Dirk, The International Journal of Human Resource Management (2023) | Journal article
Retailers’ foreign market exits over time: A strategic management perspective
David Schmid, Dirk Morschett, International Business Review (2023) | Journal article
Light Touch Goes Where? A Longitudinal Study of the Post-Acquisition Integration Paths Adopted by Chinese Multinational Enterprises
Wu, Juan and Wang, Daojuan and Morschett, Dirk, Journal of International Management (2023) | Journal article
Under which conditions do manufacturing companies choose FDI for service provision in foreign markets? An investigation using fsQCA
Jelena Jovanovic and Dirk Morschett, Industrial Marketing Management (2022) | Journal article
Employer Attractiveness of EMNEs: The Role of CSR in Overcoming Country-of-Origin Image Constraints in Developed Host Countries
Bich Ngoc Le and Dirk Morschett, Management International Review (2022) | Journal article
International resource configuration of product-related services in the digital age – An analysis of its antecedents
Jelena Jovanovic and Dirk Morschett, Journal of Service Management (2021) | Journal article
Archetypes of Driver Combinations Leading to Foreign Market Exit: An Investigation into European Grocery Retailing
David Schmid and Finn de Thomas Wagner and Dirk Morschett, Management International Review (2021) | Journal article
M&As by Chinese multinational enterprises in developed economies
Juan Wu and Dirk Morschett, European J. of International Management (2021) | Journal article
Decades of research on foreign subsidiary divestment: What do we really know about its antecedents?
David Schmid, Dirk Morschett, International Business Review (2020) | Journal article
Foreign market selection of online retailers — A path-dependent perspective on influence factors
Matthias Schu, Dirk Morschett, International Business Review (2017) | Journal article
The Influence of Localised Corporate Social Responsibility and Perceived Brand Localness on Willingness to Buy at a Foreign Grocery Retailer
Marta Keane, Dirk Morschett, Marketing ZFP (2017) | Journal article
Internationalization Speed of Online Retailers: A Resource-Based Perspective on the Influence Factors
Matthias Schu, Dirk Morschett, Bernhard Swoboda, Management International Review (2016) | Journal article
Reducing the Negative Effect of Consumer Ethnocentrism on Patronage Behaviour at Foreign Retailers
Marta Keane, Dirk Morschett, Marketing ZFP (2016) | Journal article
Explaining the differing effects of corporate reputation across nations: a multilevel analysis
Bernhard Swoboda, Cathrin Puchert, Dirk Morschett, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2015) | Journal article
Retailer corporate social responsibility
Hanna Schramm-Klein, Dirk Morschett, Bernhard Swoboda, Dr Anne Wiese, Associate Professor Ste, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management (2015) | Journal article
Establishment of Online Shops by SME Retailers and Wholesalers - A Rational Decision or Institutional Pressure?
Dirk Morschett, Matthias Schu, Marketing ZFP (2014) | Journal article
Preferences and Performance of International Strategies in Retail Sectors: An Empirical Study
Bernhard Swoboda, Stefan Elsner, Dirk Morschett, Long Range Planning (2014) | Journal article
Retailer Corporate Social Responsibility Is Relevant to Consumer Behavior
Hanna Schramm-Klein, Joachim Zentes, Sascha Steinmann, Bernhard Swoboda, Dirk Morschett, Business & Society (2013) | Journal article
Internationalization of the Second Degree: Process Drivers and Restrictions in Modern MNCs
Nicolas Lohr, Dirk Morschett, Academy of Management Proceedings (2012) | Journal article
Does Centralising Global Account Management Activities in Response to International Retailers Pay Off?
Bernhard Swoboda, Andrea Schlüter, Edith Olejnik, Dirk Morschett, Management International Review (2012) | Journal article
Changes in foreign operation modes: Stimuli for increases versus reductions
Bernhard Swoboda and Edith Olejnik and Dirk Morschett, International Business Review (2011) | Journal article
International SME Alliances: The Impact of Alliance Building and Configurational Fit on Success
Bernhard Swoboda and Markus Meierer and Thomas Foscht and Dirk Morschett, Long Range Planning (2011) | Journal article
Cross-channel integration – is it valued by customers?
Hanna Schramm-Klein, Gerhard Wagner, Sascha Steinmann, Dirk Morschett, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research (2011) | Journal article
Decades of research on market entry modes: What do we really know about external antecedents of entry mode choice?
Dirk Morschett, Hanna Schramm-Klein, Bernhard Swoboda, Journal of International Management (2010) | Journal article
The impact of culture on brand perceptions: a six‐nation study
Thomas Foscht and Cesar Maloles and Bernhard Swoboda and Dirk Morschett and Indrajit Sinha, Journal of Product & Brand Management (2008) | Journal article
Brand personality of retailers – an analysis of its applicability and its effect on store loyalty
Joachim Zentes and Dirk Morschett and Hanna Schramm-Klein, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research (2008) | Journal article
Entry Modes for Manufacturers’ International After-Sales Service: Analysis of Transaction-specific, Firm-specific and Country-specific Determinants
Dirk Morschett and Hanna Schramm-Klein and Bernhard Swoboda, Management International Review (2008) | Journal article
An intersector analysis of the relevance of service in building a strong retail brand
Bernhard Swoboda and Frank Haelsig and Dirk Morschett and Hanna Schramm-Klein, Managing Service Quality: An International Journal (2007) | Journal article
Internet vs. brick-and-mortar stores - analysing the influence of shopping motives on retail channel choice among internet users
Hanna Schramm-Klein and Bernhard Swoboda and Dirk Morschett, Journal of Customer Behaviour (2007) | Journal article
Firm‐specific influences on the internalization of after‐sales service activities in foreign markets
Dirk Morschett, Journal of Services Marketing (2006) | Journal article
Competitive strategies in retailing—an investigation of the applicability of Porter's framework for food retailers
Dirk Morschett and Bernhard Swoboda and Hanna Schramm-Klein, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (2006) | Journal article
Electronic commerce‐based internationalisation of small, niche‐oriented retailing companies
Thomas Foscht and Bernhard Swoboda and Dirk Morschett, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management (2006) | Journal article
The Relationship between marketing performance, logistics performance and company performance for retail companies
Hanna Schramm-Klein and Dirk Morschett, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research (2006) | Journal article
Internationalisierung im Handel: Das Beispiel der Fressnapf-Gruppe
Dirk Morschett and Michael Neidhart, WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (2006) | Journal article
Perception of store attributes and overall attitude towards grocery retailers: The role of shopping motives
Dirk Morschett and Bernhard Swoboda and Thomas Foscht, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research (2005) | Journal article
Perspektiven und Strategien der Verbundgruppen in Handel und Handwerk
Joachim Zentes and Dirk Morschett, Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen (2003) | Journal article
Repositionierungsentscheidungen im Einzelhandel am Beispiel der kanadischen Kaufhauskette Eaton's
Dirk Morschett, Bernhard Swoboda, WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (2003) | Journal article
Gestaltung und Steuerung von Kooperationssystemen im Handel
Dirk Morschett and Michael Neidhart, Controlling (2003) | Journal article
Konzeptualisierung und Operationalisierung des Markenwerts von Einkaufsstätten
Dirk Morschett, Marketing ZFP (2002) | Journal article
Unternehmensentwicklung in internationalen Märkten am Beispiel der KBE GmbH
Bernhard Swoboda and Dirk Morschett, WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (2002) | Journal article
Urban Entertainment Center
Bernhard Swoboda and Dirk Morschett, WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium (2001) | Journal article
Strategy Planning Process
Rudolf Grünig and Richard Kühn and Dirk Morschett
, Springer International Publishing
(2022) | Other
Kundenbindung im vertikalen Marketing
Bernhard Swoboda and Dirk Morschett
, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
(2017) | Other
Retail Branding – Strategischer Rahmen für das Handelsmarketing
Dirk Morschett
, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
(2013) | Other
Herausforderungen des Handelsmanagements
Joachim Zentes, Bernhard Swoboda, Dirk Morschett, Hanna Schramm-Klein
(2013) | Other
Distanzhandel – Online-Shops und andere Formen
Dirk Morschett
, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
(2013) | Other
Disintermediation in Distribution Channels – A Transaction Cost-based Analysis of Wholesalers
Dirk Morschett
, Gabler Verlag
(2012) | Other
Retailing in Switzerland - Players, Strategies and Developments
Dirk Morschett and Thomas Rudolph and Johannes Bauer and Annett Donath and Niklas Meise
, Gabler
(2009) | Other
Contract Manufacturing
Dirk Morschett
, Gabler Verlag
(2005) | Other
Formen von Kooperationen, Allianzen und Netzwerken
Dirk Morschett
, Gabler Verlag
(2005) | Other
Kooperationen, Allianzen und Netzwerke — Entwicklung der Forschung und Kurzabriss
Joachim Zentes and Bernhard Swoboda and Dirk Morschett
, Gabler Verlag
(2005) | Other
Perspektiven der Führung kooperativer Systeme
Joachim Zentes and Bernhard Swoboda and Dirk Morschett
, Gabler Verlag
(2003) | Other
Markt, Kooperation, Integration: Asymmetrische Entwicklungen in der Gestaltung der Wertschöpfungsprozesse am Beispiel der Konsumgüterindustrie
Joachim Zentes and Bernhard Swoboda and Dirk Morschett
, Gabler Verlag
(2003) | Other
Michael Neidhart and Dirk Morschett and Henryk Biesiada
, Gabler
| Other
Retail-Branding — Strategischer Rahmen für das Handelsmarketing
Dirk Morschett
| Other