Ecologies of Memories: Memory Work Within and Between Organizations and Communities
Diego M. Coraiola and William M. Foster and Sébastien Mena and Hamid Foroughi and Jukka Rintamäki, Academy of Management Annals (2023) | Journal article
The Emerging Field of Political Innovation
Mair, Johanna and Kindt, Josefa and Mena, Sébastien, Stanford Social Innovation Review (2023) | Journal article
The Performativity of Literature Reviewing: Constituting the Corporate Social Responsibility Literature Through Re-presentation and Intervention
Gond, J.-P. and Mena, S. and Mosonyi, S., Organizational Research Methods (2023) | Journal article
Prosocial Organizing and the Distance between Core and Community Work
Cavotta, V. and Mena, S., Organization Studies (2023) | Journal article
The Role of Deliberative Mini-Publics in Improving the Deliberative Capacity of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives
Pek, S. and Mena, S. and Lyons, B., Business Ethics Quarterly (2023) | Journal article
The interview and researching collective memory
, in Handbook of Historical Methods for Management
Rintamäki, J. and Mena, S. and Foster, W.M. and Zundel, M. (2023), ISBN: 9781800883741 9781800883734
| Book chapter
Institutional work and (ir)responsible management
, in Research Handbook of Responsible Management
Lauren McCarthy and Sébastien Mena (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020)
| Book chapter
Managing the past responsibly: a collective memory perspective on responsibility, sustainability and ethics
, in Research Handbook of Responsible Management
Sébastien Mena and Jukka Rintamäki (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020)
| Book chapter
Organizational Memory Studies
Foroughi, H. and Coraiola, D.M. and Rintamäki, J. and Mena, S. and Foster, W.M., Organization Studies (2020) | Journal article
Book Review: Samuel F. Mansell, Capitalism, Corporations and the Social Contract: A Critique of Stakeholder Theory
Sébastien Mena, Organization Studies (2016) | Journal article
On the forgetting of corporate irresponsibility
Mena, Sébastien and Rintamäki, Jukka and Fleming, Peter and Spicer, André, Academy of Management Review (2016) | Journal article
Theorization as institutional work: The dynamics of roles and practices
Mena, Sébastien and Suddaby, Roy, human relations (2016) | Journal article
Advancing the business and human rights agenda: Dialogue, empowerment, and constructive engagement
Mena, Sébastien and de Leede, Marieke and Baumann, Dorothée and Black, Nicky and Lindeman, Sara and McShane, Lindsay, Journal of Business Ethics (2010) | Journal article
Input and output legitimacies in multi-stakeholder initiatives
Mena, S. and Palazzo, G.,
Academy of Management 2010 Annual Meeting - Dare to Care: Passion and Compassion in Management Practice and Research, AOM 2010:
(2010) | Conference