Open positions
Assistant.e diplômé.e
Mise au concours d’un poste d’assistant/e diplômé/e auprès de la Chaire de macroéconomie et d’économie monétaire, Département d’économie politique de la Faculté des Sciences économiques et sociales et du management.
Domaines d'activité
Le/la candidat/e doit avoir un intérêt pour l’enseignement et la gestion de projets de recherche. Il/elle sera appelé.e à travailler dans les domaines suivants: analyse macroéconomique, théorie et politique monétaire. Il/elle collaborera à la préparation des enseignements concernant la macroéconomie (niveau Bachelor) et l’économie monétaire (niveau Master). Il/elle participera au suivi des séminaires et des travaux pratiques des étudiant-e-s.
• Master en sciences économiques et sociales.
• Très bonnes connaissances de la langue française (oral et écrit).
• De bonnes connaissances de l’anglais seraient un avantage.
• Très bonnes capacités de rédaction et d’organisation.
• Capacité de travailler de manière indépendante et supportant des surcharges ponctuelles.
• Qualités humaines évidentes et très bon contact avec les étudiant-e-s.
• Très bonnes connaissances des logiciels usuels: Word, Excel, Powerpoint.
• De bonnes connaissances de logiciels pour le Webdesign (Webmaster) seraient un atout (gestion du
site internet de la chaire, Moodle, Gefri).
Entrée en fonction
1er septembre 2025 (ou à convenir). Conditions salariales selon le statut du personnel de l'Université. Place de travail: Pérolles II, Bd de Pérolles 90, bureau G502
Renseignements et offre
Cahier des charges et renseignements: Professeur Sergio Rossi. Les offres, accompagnées d'un CV avec photo, des copies de diplômes et d’attestation des notes et de recommandations éventuelles, sont à adresser au Professeur Sergio Rossi, Chaire de macroéconomie et d’économie monétaire, Université de Fribourg, Boulevard de Pérolles 90 (casier 22), 1700 Fribourg (Suisse).
Délai pour la réception des dossiers de candidature
Vendredi 11 avril 2025, à envoyer par la poste, par le courrier électronique à l’adresse ou à déposer auprès de Madame Patrizia Conforti, bureau G402. -
Ph. D. position at the Chair of Industrial Economics at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences
We are looking for a candidate with a strong interest in behavioral economics. The successful candidate will be employed at the Chair of Industrial Economics.
The envisioned starting date is August 1st 2025, but could also be arranged flexibly around that date if necessary. The latest start date should be January 1st 2026.
An interest in behavioral economics is required. A good command in programming (Python) and an interest in experimental methods is desirable. The position is mostly focused on conducting research. Supporting the chair in teaching and some administrative tasks will also be part of this position. Participation in an SNF grant project is possible if the successful candidate is interested. Participation in international conferences and in doctoral courses at the study center Gerzensee is encouraged.
Applicants should hold a degree in economics or a related field, preferably with a specialization in behavioral economics, organizational economics and /or empirical (experimental) methods. A good command of English and German would be a strong asset.
The University of Fribourg is located in the heart of Switzerland in a bilingual (German/French) environment. The salary is competitive (100% employment). Interested candidates are asked to send their application by email, containing a motivation letter, a detailed CV, all relevant educational records as well as references. until January 31st, 2025 to: holger.herz@unifr. ch If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Holger Herz via email. -
UnterassistentIn oder TutorIn (50%)
Im Departement für Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Freiburg/Schweiz, Lehrstuhl für Industrieökonomie, ist eine Stelle als UnterassistentIn oder TutorIn (50%) ab 15. Oktober oder nach Vereinbarung zu besetzen.
Die künftige StelleninhaberIn wird den Lehrstuhl primär in der Forschung unterstützen. Die Aufgaben sind abwechslungsreich und werden nach Kompetenzen zugewiesen. Die Aufgaben können beispielsweise beinhalten: Betreuung und Durchführung von Experimenten, Management der frilab-Mailbox und der TeilnehmerInnen-Datenbank, Programmieren von Experimenten (python), Datenaufbereitung (R/Stata).
BewerberInnen sollten VWL, BWL, Wirtschaftsinformatik oder Informatik im Bachelor oder Master studieren und gute Studienleistungen aufweisen können. Gute Deutsch- und/oder Französischkenntnisse sind vorteilhaft und gute Englischkenntnisse sind wünschenswert.
Die 50% Stelle umfasst ein Pensum von 5.5 Arbeitsstunden pro Woche. Die Stelle ist zunächst auf 4 Monate befristet, mit Option auf Verlängerung bis maximal Juli 2026. Vor Abschluss des zweiten Studienjahres erfolgt, gemäss Anstellungsreglement, eine Anstellung als Tutor:in. Bei abgeschlossenem zweitem Studienjahr erfolgt eine Anstellung als Unterassistent:in.
Interessierte Personen, die über die erforderlichen Qualifikationen verfügen, werden gebeten, ihre Bewerbung zusammen mit einem kurzen Anschreiben, einem Lebenslauf und einem aktuellen Notenauszug bis spätestens zum 4. Oktober 2024 einzureichen bei:
Christian Zihlmann, Lehrstuhl für Industrie- und Verhaltensökonomik, Universität Fribourg, Bd. de Pérolles 90, CH-1700 Fribourg.
Tel. +41 26 300 83 77, Fax: +41 26 300 82 66, E-Mail: Internet: http:///
Bei Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte direkt per email an Christian Zihlmann. -
Professeur·e (open rank) in « Digital Journalism »
The Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) invites applications for the full-time open-rank position of Professor in “Digital Journalism" (Assistant Professor with tenure track or Full Professor). The professorship is with the Department of Communication and Media Research (DCM) and comes with one fully funded PhD position. The appointment begins in fall 2025.
Profile: The professorship requires a specialization in digital journalism research from a social scientific perspective. In their research, candidates should critically explore how digitalization reshapes the production and dissemination of news. They may focus, for instance, on the transformation of journalistic practices and routines, newsroom structures, business models and editorial strategies, and/or the interrelationship between journalism and society. Candidates have to be familiar with social scientific research methods (both qualitative and quantitative). Additional research experience in media economics is not mandatory but would be of particular interest.
Language: Teaching will be in French and English. Ideally, candidates should also be able to teach in German. The University of Freiburg is bilingual (French/German). Knowledge of German (level B1 oral) is expected. If this is not the case, it must be acquired within two years of taking the position.
Requirements: Candidates must have completed a Ph.D. in communication studies or a closely related discipline (with proven experience in media and communication). They need a high-quality publication record, as well as positively evaluated teaching experience in the required specialization. Moreover, experience in acquiring competitive third-party research grants is advantageous.
Teaching: The teaching load is 6-7 hours per week and includes courses on (digital) journalism research (bachelor level), on media economics (bachelor level) as well as on social science research methods (master level), and on topics within the candidate’s research specialization (master level).The University of Fribourg offers excellent working conditions and a competitive salary. Seeking to promote an equitable representation of women and men, the University strongly encourages applications from women. Having signed the DORA declaration, the University of Fribourg emphasizes qualitative assessment of academic achievement.
Candidates should send their complete application to Ms. Jolanda Wehrli (, secretary at the DCM, until September 22, 2024 in a single PDF file that includes- a cover letter describing their motivation and qualifications for the position;
- a CV including lists of their publications, presentations, teaching experience, research projects/grants, and contribution to academic service (administrative duties); • teaching evaluations;
- a one-page statement of current and future research interests (research statement);
- a one-page statement with the candidate’s teaching philosophy (teaching statement);
- the names of three professional references;
- three academic papers recently published, forthcoming, or under revision
“Postdoc” Position in Network Science
Position in the chair of Applied Microeconomics and Business Economics, which belongs to the Department of Economics of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Fribourg (Switzerland).
This position belongs to the SNF-funded project Signed Networks: Strategic Network Formation and Centrality that starts in September 2024. Principal investigator is Prof. Dr. Berno Buechel, project partner is Prof. Dr. Tim Hellmann from the University of Southampton. For further information, please visit and contact
Requirements- Promising scientific record in the area of network science or economic theory with the potential to publish in top academic journals
- Strong mathematical background and advanced programming skills
- Good command of English (good command of German or French is an additional asset)
- Doctoral degree in Economics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Sociology, or a related discipline*
* If the doctoral degree has not been awarded yet, the PhD dissertation has to be submitted before the position starts and the application must include a positive reference letter of the PhD supervisor.
Start: September 1st, 2024 (or later upon agreement)
Duration: 40 months
Responsabilites:- Conduct research and publish in international, peer-reviewed journals
- Interact with project partners and peer
The University of Fribourg offers attractive working conditions in an international environment. It is located in the picturesque town of Fribourg, well-connected in Switzerland and Europe. We provide outstanding work conditions, a fruitful research atmosphere, and guidance for an academic career
According to the rules of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) and the University of Fribourg. The salary is competitive.
Please send the complete application in a single file named [lastname].pdf by email to using “Application Post-Doc SNF 2024” in the subject line. An application consists of a letter of motivation, the CV, the job market paper, the certificates, and the email addresses of two referees who are ready to submit a letter of reference upon request. The University of Fribourg is an equal opportunity employer. Seeking to promote an equitable representation of men and women among its staff, the University strongly encourages applications from women.Review of applications will begin on May 13th, 2024, and continue until the position is filled.
PhD position (100%) in Microeconomics
The chair of Applied Microeconomics and Business Economics is looking for a candidate with a strong interest in microeconomics, in particular in the fields of network science, industrial organization, behavioral economics, managerial economics, or game theory.
The position will be part of the chair of Applied Microeconomics and Business Economics, which belongs to the Department of Economics of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Fribourg in Switzerland.The successful candidate has a strong background in microeconomic (or mathematical) methods, a strong motivation to conduct own research, and the ability to teach exercise tutorials that motivate students. The largest part of the working time (more than 50%) is devoted to conducting own research and to receiving doctoral training. In addition, supporting the chair in teaching, research-related and administrative tasks is part of this full-time position (100%). The attractive salary remunerates the 100% degree of employment. Participation in international conferences or in doctoral courses, e.g., at the study center Gerzensee ( is encouraged and additionally supported.
Applicants should hold a degree in economics or a related field (including mathematics, sociology, and management), preferably with a specialization in microeconomics. An overall grade of 5.0 according to the Swiss grading system for the Master’s program is generally a minimum requirement. A good command of both English and German is necessary. The University of Fribourg offers attractive working conditions in an international environment.
We aim to fill the position by September 1st, 2024.
Interested candidates are asked to send their application in a single file named [Lastname].pdf by email to using “Application PhD-Micro-2024” in the subject line. An application consists of a letter of motivation, the CV, the transcripts (including all grades from the Master’s and Bachelor’s program), and the email address of at least one referee who is ready to submit a letter of reference upon request.
Review of applications will begin on May 13th, 2024, and continue until the position is filled. For further information please contact Prof. Dr. Berno Buechel via email.,