Eric Davoine
+41 26 300 8240
Professeur·e ordinaire,
Département des sciences du management
PER 21 bu. E424
Bd de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg -
Président·e de département,
Département des sciences du management
PER 21 bu. E424
Bd de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg
Recherche et publications
65 publications
Banking elites and the transformation of capitalism in Switzerland: A prosopographic analysis (1890–2020)
Pedro Araujo, Eric Davoine, Pierre-Yves Donzé, Business History (2024) | ArticleInternationalization and Organizations: Challenges and Prospects
Eric Davoine, Olivier Furrer, Sophie Nivoix (2024) | LivreIntroduction
Eric Davoine, Olivier Furrer, Sophie Nivoix (2024) | Chapitre de livreCultural influences in the integration of foreign healthcare workers
Eric Davoine, Xavier Salamin (2024) | Chapitre de livre -
Projets de recherche
Post-pandemic workspaces
Statut: En coursDébut 01.01.2025 Fin 31.12.2028 Financement FNS Voir la fiche du projet The COVID-19 pandemic has deeply affected European economies as well as both private organizations and public institutions. Through the generalized move toward compulsory remote working, many firms experienced unprecedented transformations in their work practices and processes. Early studies of the emergency transition towards remote working illustrated that many of the measures taken were not temporary, with many employees – up to 85% in Baert and colleagues’ study (2020, p. 35) – believing that teleworking was here to stay. While remote working has received much attention from researchers and practitioners in the past months, research projects on the longer-term impacts of the crisis on organizations have remained rather scarce. More specifically, the future of organizational workspaces in a postpandemic world has generated surprisingly little interest so far. Yet, early signs suggest that largescale transformations of workspaces and work contexts are about to unfold. A recent survey conducted among more than a hundred HR Directors of Belgian firms revealed that 41% of them had plans to “rethink” (i.e. shrink) their workspaces in the coming years (Jemine, 2023). This is indicative of a latent resurgence of interest among top managers for projects of workspace transformation – usually labelled “New Ways of Working” (NWoW) in the literature (e.g. Kingma, 2019), which, in many cases, have been abandoned or neglected in the past two years. It suggests that organizational leaders are increasingly looking to initiate strategic actions aimed at scaling down their workspaces and rethinking their work organization. This, in turn, is vowed to result in new spatial arrangements that might have a significant impact on social relations and managerial practices (Kornberger & Clegg, 2004). Consequently, this proposal builds on the observation that both public and private organizations from the third sector are increasingly prone to redesign and adjust their workspaces as a response to the pandemic and the rampant forms of hybrid work characterized by a mix of on-site and remote working (Ipsen et al., 2021). This project pursues three interrelated objectives: 1. To study the persistence of “old” forms of New Ways of Working and the ability of pioneer organizations to make innovative workspace transformations survive an exogenous shock such as the pandemic (O1); 2. To investigate the strategy work allowing “new” forms of space reorganizations to emerge in the wake of the pandemic (O2); 3. To examine organizational spaces under the lens of identity work, unveiling how space reorganizations affect organizational, team, and professional identities (O3). Spouses of expatriates : Vulnerability factors during self-initiated expatriation
Statut: TerminéCareer profiles of female managers
Statut: TerminéInstitutional Partnership between Ukraine, Russia and Switzerland for case study based curriculum on International Business and Human Resource Management development.
Statut: TerminéDébut 01.10.2011 Fin 31.12.2013 Financement FNS Voir la fiche du projet Institutional Partnership between Ukraine, Russia and Switzerland for case study based curriculum on International Business and Human Resource Management development. Learning Boussole
Statut: TerminéDébut 01.12.2005 Fin 31.10.2006 Financement Europe Voir la fiche du projet L'objectif du partenariat de rechercheLearning Boussole (projet européen co-financé dans le cadre du programme Leonardo da Vinci de la Commission Européenne ) vise à concevoir et expérimenter de nouvelles modalités de formation en ligne adaptées aux dirigeants de PME. Le prototype développé concerne la responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise. Le processus de recrutement : Passé, présent, futur
Statut: TerminéKMPlus: SME Knowledge Exploitation and Learning through Knowledge Management
Statut: TerminéDébut 01.10.2004 Fin 30.11.2006 Financement Europe Voir la fiche du projet Le projet a pour objectif de développer une boîte à outils de management des connaissances adaptée aux besoins des PME et de la tester dans 12 pays européens. Intégré au programme Leonardo, ce projet est piloté par IAGO (Leeds, UK, )et regroupe des partenaires (consultants ou instituts universitaires) de Suisse, d’Allemagne, d’Espagne, de France, d’Italie, des Pays-Bas, de Suède, du Portugal, de Finlande, du Royaume-Uni, de Bulgarie et de Slovénie. Ces outils viseront à accroître le développement des connaissances et la gestion des compétences dans les petites et moyennes entreprises en favorisant l’auto-apprentissage. From co-operation between to co-evolution of science and economy
Statut: TerminéDébut 01.04.2001 Fin 30.09.2003 Financement Europe Voir la fiche du projet This thematic network, carried out in five countries, will contribute both to the evaluation and improvement of public/private partnerships by testing, developing and disseminating an empowerment evaluation tool. Referring to the state of the art of innovation theory the thesis is that active promotion of co-evolution between public universities, research bodies and private companies is a key factor for the development oaf highly innovative knowledge society. Co-evolution is a joint learning process that merges the different worlds of public science and private companies. Successful co-evolution between public and private partners will be collaborative, based upon mutual trust and the willingness of the partners to learn from each other in order to create and apply new and higher level of knowledge. The empowerment evaluation tool is an actor driven means that can be used to actively promote co-evolution.