WorkshopPublié le 04.03.2025

"Fighting for our reproductive freedom"

The workshop "Fighting for our reproductive freedom: past and present feminist struggles for abortion care"  is co-organised by Marlyse Debergh (Swiss National Science Foundation, University of Bern and University of Fribourg) and Pauline Milani (University of Fribourg).

The workshop, held on the 10th of April (Campus Miséricorde, Rooms: MIS 04 4112/MIS 03 3118), aims to stimulate international and interdisciplinary exchanges, and to open up new directions for research on abortion, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and reproductive justice more broadly.

The event is free, but registration is required before the 31st of March. 

For further details on the event, click on this the link

Credit : Photo from Marie Sautier. 2019. Swiss Feminist Strike. Lausanne.