Budowski, Monica and Nina Jany (2024). The Inverted Pyramid and Beyond: Perceptions of Distributive Justice Among (Highly) Qualified Workers in Contemporary Cuba. Sociological Research Online, 0 (0). (DOI: 10.1177/13607804241259279)
Budowski, Monica and Ivo Staub (2024). Planning and preparation for ageing and old age. In: Federal Statistical Office (FSO), University of Neuchâtel (UNINE), University of Fribourg (UNIFR) & Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences (SAHS) (eds.). A Panorama of Swiss Society 2024: Ageing and Old Age in Contemporary Society, 90-102. Neuchâtel.
Budowski, Monica et Ivo Staub (2024). Planification et préparation au vieillissement et au grand âge. In : Office fédéral de la statistique (OFS), Université de Neuchâtel (UNINE), Université de Fribourg (UNIFR) & Académie suisse des sciences humaines et sociales (ASSH) (éds.). Panorama de la société suisse 2024 : Vieillesse et vieillissement dans la société contemporaine, 98-112. Neuchâtel.
Budowski, Monica und Ivo Staub (2024). Planung und Vorbereitung auf das Älterwerden und das hohe Alter. In: Bundesamt für Statistik (BFS), Universität Neuchâtel (UNINE), Universität Freiburg (UNIFR) & Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (SAGW) (Hrsg.). Panorama Gesellschaft Schweiz 2024: Älter werden und Alter in der heutigen Gesellschaft, 98-112. Neuchâtel.
Gago, Angie (2024). Social policies as a Tool of Migration Control: the Case of Switzerland., 1/2024, 1.3. (DOI: 10.18753/2297-8224-4440)
Gago, Angie (2024). The domestic politics of the Swiss-EU negotiations on the Institutional Framework Agreement (and beyond). Swiss Political Science Review. Early View (DOI: 10.1111/spsr.12623)
Gross, Christiane and Hadjar, Andreas (2024). Institutional characteristics of education systems and inequalities: Introduction III. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 65(1), 3-9. (DOI: 10.1177/00207152231221582)
Hadjar, Andreas and Christina Haas (2024). Social Inequalities in Study Trajectories: A Comparison of the United States and Germany. Sociology of Education, 97(3), 276-296. (DOI: 10.1177/00380407241228553)
Hadjar, Andreas and Naumann, Ingela K. (2024). Editorial: Migration - How social policies shape life chances of migrants., 1/2024, 1.1 (DOI: 10.18753/2297-8224-5856)
Hadjar, Andreas, Fabian Kratz and Robin Samuel (2024). 26:Social mobility and subjective wellbeing. In Encyclopedia of Happiness, Quality of life and Subjective Wellbeing. Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. (DOI: 10.4337/9781800889675.00034)
Künzler, Daniel (2024). Social Policies in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Non-Globalization of World Society. In: Suter, Christian and Patrick Ziltener (eds.). After Globalization: The Future of World Society. Zürich: Lit Verlag, 477-495 (
Künzler, Daniel (2024). Internal migration, formal sector employment and social security for old age in Kenya., 1/2024, Forum 1.1 (DOI: 10.18753/2297-8224-4776)
Sauer, Petra and Krzysztof Czarnecki (2024). The financial dimension of organizational stratification in European higher education. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 0(0). (DOI: 10.1177/00207152241233476)
Simoes Loureiro, Kevin and Andreas Hadjar (2024). Facilitators and barriers to policy implementation: A mixed-method study on the plurilingual policy in Luxembourg. European Eucational Research Journal. Early View. (DOI: 10.1177/14749041241272504)
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Hadjar, Andreas, Susanne Backes (2022). Gender, teaching style, classroom composition and alienation from learning: an exploratory study. Educational Research, (DOI: 10.1080/00131881.2022.2143388)
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Künzler, Daniel (2022). Colonialism, Nominal Socialism and Social Policies with a Focus on Civil Servants in the Republic of Congo. Special Issue “Beyond the North-West Frontier: Social Policies in the Global East and the Global South, edited by Paul Stubbs. Ревија за социјална политика [Journal of Social Policy], 15(18), 55-73. (DOI: 10.37509/socpol2218055k)
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Gross, Christiane & Andreas Hadjar (2021). Institutional characteristics of education systems and inequalities—Introduction I. International Journal of Comparative Sociology (early online; DOI: 10.1177/0020715220988040)
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Jany, Nina (2021).The “Economic Battle” Now and Then: (E)valuation Patterns of Distributive Justice in Cuban State‑Socialism. Social Justice Research, 34(3): 317-341. (DOI: 10.1007/s11211-021-00372-1)
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Budowski, Monica, Odermatt, Eveline, & Schief, Sebastian. (2020). Migrant’s Participation in the Swiss Welfare System: Social Protection for whom? . In Federal Statistical Office (FSO), University of Neuchâtel (UNINE), & University of Fribourg (UNIFR) (Eds.), A Panorama of Swiss Society 2020. Migration-Integration-Participation (pp. 69 – 79). Neuchâtel, Fribourg: Swiss Federal Office of Statistics, University of Neuchâtel, University of Fribourg. Link...
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Künzler, Daniel (2019b). Hip-Hop in Cameroon. In: Heidi Carolyn Feldman, David Horn John Shepherd and Gabrielle Kielich (eds.). Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World. Volume XII. Genres: Sub-Saharan Africa. York/London/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic, 234-235.
Künzler, Daniel (2019a). Täuschung und Moral in charismatischen Pfingstkirchen in Kenia. In: Stefan Joller und Marija Stanisavljevic (Hrsg.). Moralische Kollektive. Theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Einsichten. Wiesbaden: Springer, 177-198.
Nollert, M. (2019). Kulturelles Erbe und gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt. Schriftenreihe zur Kulturgüter-Erhaltung, Band 6, Kulturerbe, ein gemeinsames Gut. Für wen und warum?, S. 34-36.
Nollert, Michael (2019). Entschieden wird am Start. Was Herkunft mit Lebenszeit zu tun hat. universitas, 01/2019/20, S. 49-50.
Schief, Sebastian (2019). Elemente einer modernen gewerkschaftlichen Solidarität. In: Baumgartner, Doris A. und Beat Fux (Hrsg.): Sozialstaat unter Zugzwang? Zwischen Reform und radikaler Neuorientierung, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, S.149-162. -
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Epple, Ruedi und Anne Kersten (2017). In der Sackgasse: Soziale Arbeit zwischen Professionalität und Professionalismus. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziale Arbeit, 19/20, 107-131.Epple, Ruedi (2017). Leonhard Ragaz, der "Gartenhof" in Zürich und die Krise der Männlichkeit. Arbeit – Bewegung – Geschichte Vol. 2017 No. III, 35-54.
Epple, Ruedi (2017). Flucht und Unterstützung – Die "Auskunftsstelle für Flüchtlinge" in Zürich und ihre Netzwerke. Journal of Historical Network Research Vol. 1, No. 1, 106-145. Link...
Erne, Roland and Sebastian Schief (2017). Strong Ties between Independent Organizations. Unions and Political Parties in Switzerland. In: Allern, Elin and Tim Bale (eds.). Left-of-Centre Parties and Trade Unions in the Twenty-First Century (226-245). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Helmig, Bernd, Markus Gmür, Christoph Bärlocher, Georg von Schnurbein, Bernard Degen, Michael Nollert, S. Wojciech Sokolowski and Lester M. Salamon (2017). Switzerland: A Liberal Outlier for Europe. In: Lester M. Salamon, S. Wojciech Sokolowski and Megan A. Haddock (Eds.) Explaining Civil Society Development. A Social Origins Approach (131-142). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.Hostettler, Ueli, Marina Richter und Nicolas Queloz (2017). Einleitung: Lebensende im Gefängnis - Rechtlicher Kontext, Institutionen und Akteure. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Kriminologie, 2017(1), 18-20.
Künzler, Daniel and Michael Nollert (2017). Varieties and drivers of social welfare in sub-Saharan Africa: A critical assessment of current research., 2, article 2.1. Link...
Lenz, Hans-Joachim (2017). Rezension des Buches von Anne Kersten (2015). Opferstatus und Geschlecht. Entwicklung und Umsetzung der Opferhilfe in der Schweiz. Link...
Marti, Irene, Ueli Hostettler und Marina Richter (2017). Lebensende im Schweizer Justizvollzug: Fragen und Herausforderungen aus der Sicht der Anstalten sowie der Gefangenen. BAG-S Informationsdienst Straffälligenhilfe 25(1), 22-25. Link...
Marti, Irene, Ueli Hostettler and Marina Richter (2017). End of Life in High-Security Prisons in Switzerland: Overlapping and Blurring of “Care” and “Custody” as Institutional Logics. Journal of Correctional Health Care 23(1), 32-42. DOI: 10.1177/1078345816684782. Link...
Maschi, Tina and Marina Richter (2017). Human Rights and Dignity Behind Bars: A Reflection on Death and Dying in World Prisons. Journal of Correctional Health Care 23(1), 76-82. DOI: 10.1177/1078345816685116. Link...Mihailov, Dotcho, Paolo Ruspini and Marina Richter (2017). Social networks and transnational migration practices. In: Richter, Marina, Paolo Ruspini, Dotcho Mihailov, Vesselin Mintchev and Michael Nollert (eds.). Migration and transnationalism between Switzerland and Bulgaria (153-180). New York: Springer.
Mihailov, Dotcho and Michael Nollert (2017). Linking Social Inequalities and Migration. In: Marina Richter, Paolo Ruspini, Dotcho Mihailov, Vesselin Mintchev and Michael Nollert (eds.). Migration and Transnationalism between Switzerland and Bulgaria (61-89). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.Mintchev, Vesselin, Venelin Boshnakov, Marina Richter and Paolo Ruspini (2017). Determinants of migration and types of migration and mobility. In: Richter, Marina, Paolo Ruspini, Dotcho Mihailov, Vesselin Mintchev and Michael Nollert (eds.). Migration and transnationalism between Switzerland and Bulgaria (25-60). New York: Springer.
Nollert, Michael und Martin Gasser (2017). Gender Time-Use Gap and Task Segregation in Unpaid Work: Evidence from Switzerland. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 37(3/4), 148-165.
Nollert, Michael (2017). Der Tod ist kein Zufall. Ungleiche Lebenszeitchancen als Herausforderung für die Sozialpolitik., Vol. 1/2017, 1-14. Link...Richter, Marina und Michael Nollert (2017). Editorial: Sterben und Tod., Vol. 1/2017, 1-4. Link...
Richter, Marina, Paolo Ruspini, Dotcho Mihailov, Vesselin Mintchev and Michael Nollert (eds.) (2017). Migration and transnationalism between Switzerland and Bulgaria. New York: Springer.
Richter, Marina and Paolo Ruspini (2017). An introduction to migration and transnationalism between Switzerland and Bulgaria. In: Richter, Marina, Paolo Ruspini, Dotcho Mihailov, Vesselin Mintchev and Michael Nollert (eds.). Migration and transnationalism between Switzerland and Bulgaria (1-24). New York: Springer.Richter, Marina and Ueli Hostettler (eds.) (2017). Special Section: End of Life in Correctional Settings in France, Switzerland, UK, and the United States. Journal of Correctional Health Care 23(1). Link...
Richter, Marina and Ueli Hostettler (2017). End of life in prison: Talking across disciplines and across countries. Journal of Correctional Health Care, 23(1), 11-19. DOI: 10.1177/1078345816685368. Link...