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Sociological Abstracts – ProQuest
Sociological Abstracts indexes the international literature of sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. It includes the companion file Social Services Abstracts, which provides bibliographic coverage of current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas. Social Services Abstracts provides bibliographic coverage of current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development. The database includes abstracts of journal articles and dissertations as well as citations to book reviews drawn from thousands of serials publications, plus books, book chapters, dissertations, conference papers, and working papers.

More informations:
Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA) – ProQuest
The Applied Social Sciences Index Abstracts (ASSIA) is designed to meet the information needs of the caring professions, and spans the literature of health, social services, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, race relations and education. The database abstracts and indexes over 500 journals.

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FR est né de la volonté de quatre maisons d'édition (Belin, De Boeck, La Découverte et Erès) ayant en charge la publication et la diffusion de revues de sciences humaines et sociales, d’unir leurs efforts pour améliorer leur présence sur l’Internet, et de proposer à d’autres acteurs souhaitant développer une version électronique de leurs publications, les outils techniques et commerciaux développés à cet effet.
En février 2006, la Bibliothèque nationale de France s’est associée à ce projet, de façon à faciliter le développement d’une offre éditoriale francophone, sous forme numérique.

DE / entstand aus dem Wunsch von vier Verlagen (Belin, De Boeck, La Découverte und Erès), die für die Veröffentlichung und den Vertrieb von Zeitschriften in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften verantwortlich sind, ihre Anstrengungen zu bündeln, um ihre Präsenz auf der zu verbessern Internet zu nutzen und anderen Akteuren, die eine elektronische Version ihrer Veröffentlichungen entwickeln möchten, die zu diesem Zweck entwickelten technischen und kommerziellen Tools anzubieten.
Im Februar 2006 schloss sich die Nationalbibliothek von Frankreich diesem Projekt an, um die Entwicklung eines französischsprachigen redaktionellen Angebots in digitaler Form zu erleichtern.

EN / was born from the desire of four publishing houses (Belin, De Boeck, La Découverte and Erès) responsible for the publication and distribution of journals in the humanities and social sciences, to unite their efforts to improve their presence on the Internet, and to offer other players wishing to develop an electronic version of their publications the technical and commercial tools developed for this purpose.
In February 2006, the National Library of France joined this project, in order to facilitate the development of a French-language editorial offer, in digital form.

Child Development & Adolescent Studies – EBSCO
Child Development & Adolescent Studies is a database produced by the National Information Services Corporation (NISC) covering current and historical literature related to the growth and development of children up to the age of 21. It provides bibliographic records of and some full text access to book reviews and abstracts from hundreds of journals, as well as technical reports, books, book chapters, theses and dissertations. Content covers worldwide biomedical and social sciences sources and includes all of the issues of Child Development Abstracts & Bibliography from 1927 to 2001, previously published by the Society for Research in Child Development.
The database contains several hundreds of thousands of records. Over 50’000 new records are added each year.

More information: link
Human Resources Abstracts – EBSCO

Human Resources Abstracts is a superior index which includes bibliographic records covering virtually all essential areas related to human resources, including human resources management, employee assistance, organizational behavior and other areas of key relevance to the discipline. Within Human Resources Abstracts, users have access to more than 500,000 records, all of which are carefully selected from the most important sources within the discipline. EBSCO has digitized the full archive of this index, bringing coverage back to 1975.

More information: link

Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective – EBSCO
Containing over a million citations, Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective: 1907-1984 is an archive index covering important humanities and social sciences journals published from 1907 to 1984. High-quality indexing includes articles and book review.

More information: link
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) – ProQuest
The International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) includes over 3 million bibliographic references to journal articles and to books, reviews and selected chapters dating back to 1951. It is unique in its broad coverage of international material and incorporates over 100 languages and countries. It provides cross-disciplinary coverage across the social sciences, focused on four primary subject areas: anthropology, economics, political science and sociology.

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Internationale Bibliographie der geistes- und sozialwissenschaften Zeitschriftenliteratur (IBZ) – De Gruyter
The bibliography IBZ has been the leading international and interdisciplinary reference work documenting academic periodical literature in the humanities, social sciences and related fields for over a hundred years. The spectrum of subjects covered is unrivalled: in no other database are academic journals from so many fields covered. Publications from 40 countries in more than 40 languages are taken into consideration. The online version covers records from 1983 to present, weekly updates.
Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen (IBR) – De Gruyter
EN / Book reviews are an important element in the academic discussions. They are a tool for quality measurement with respect to amount of publications published annually and give an indication about the importance of a published work. IBR contains over 1.87 million entries on book reviews from the years 1983. The database is international and interdisciplinary, the reviews have been published in approx. 6.820 academic journals mainly in the Humanities and Social Sciences. More information:

FR / Les revues sont un élément important dans les discussions académiques. IIl s'agit d'outils de mesure de la qualité par rapport au nombre de publications parues annuellement et donnent une indication sur l'importance d'un travail publié. L'IBR contient plus de 1,87 million d'entrées sur des critiques de livres à partir de 1983. La base de données est internationale et interdisciplinaire, les critiques ont été publiées dans env. 6.820 revues académiques principalement en sciences humaines et sociales. Plus d'informations :

DE / Rezensionen sind ein Qualitätsfilter. Hieraus lassen sich Literaturempfehlungen für den Leser und die Beschaffung einer Bibliothek ableiten. Die interdisziplinäre, internationale Rezensionsbibliografie IBR ist hierfür eine einmalige Informationsquelle. Die Datenbank weist über 1,87 Millionen, vornehmlich die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften berücksichtigende Buchrezensionen nach. Jährlich werden 60.000 neue Rezensionen aus aktuell 7.000 ausgewerteten Zeitschrift aufgenommen. Weitere Informationen:
Medienwissenschaft Literaturdatenbank
Die Literaturdatenbank enthält über 34.500 bibliographische Angaben zu einschlägigen deutsch- und englischsprachigen Monographien, Buchbeiträgen und vor allem Zeitschriftenartikeln aus den Bereichen Kommunikations- und Medienforschung. Publikationen aus der Kommunikator- und Medieninhaltsforschung sowie insbesondere der rezipientenbezogenen Forschung (z.B. zur Mediennutzung, -verarbeitung und -wirkung) werden disziplin- und themenübergreifend berücksichtigt. Die Literautrdatenbank wird kontinuierlich aktualisiert.
OECD iLibrary
FR / OECD iLibrary, la bibliothèque en ligne de l’OCDE, offre un accès aux livres, périodiques, revues, documents de travail et statistiques, ainsi qu'aux analyses et données de l’OCDE.
Plus d'infos : À partir de janvier 2025, les publications de l'OCDE seront disponibles sur
Les liens DOI continueront de fonctionner.
L'OECD iLibrary cessera d'exister fin 2024.

EN / OECD iLibrary is the central knowledge base of OECD expertise. OECD publishes its recommendations, analysis and data on OECD iLibrary to help inform policy makers, researchers and analysts to implement the best possible responses in their countries. OECD iLibrary’s Books, Papers, and Statistical content provide the foundation for international planning and research projects delivered on an award-winning platform following solid and reliable standards.
More info:
As of January 2025, OECD publications will be available on
DOI links will continue to work.
OECD iLibrary will close end-2024.  
OLC-SSG Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften
Die Datenbank OLC-SSG Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft, Publizistik erschließt Inhaltsverzeichnisse von fachrelevanten Zeitschriften. Sie ist ein fachbezogener Ausschnitt aus der Swets-Datenbank Online Contents. Es ist vorgesehen, den Ausschnitt durch weitere ausgewählte Zeitschriften aus dem Bestand der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig als der zuständigen SSG-Bibliothek zu ergänzen.
Es werden ca. 504 Zeitschriften ausgewertet - in der Regel ab dem Erscheinungsjahr 1993. Damit enthält die Datenbank derzeit ca. 673.200 Aufsätze und Rezensionen.
Eine Übersicht über die ausgewerteten Zeitschriften finden Sie hier: Liste der Zeitschriften für SSG Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften.
OLC-SSG Sozialwissenschaften
Online Contents Social Sciences provides access to the tables of contents of journals in the field of sociology and social policy. It is a subject-oriented selection of bibliographic data from the Swets Database Online Contents. The database is regularly enhanced by table of contents data from additional periodicals out of the special collections of the University Library Cologne.
Currently app. 670 journals are being indexed back to the publication year 1993. Thus the database contains approximately 499,350 records from journal articles and reviews from the areas of sociology and social policy. A list with all integrated serials you can find here: List of journals for SSG Social Sciences. OLC-SSG Social Sciences can be used as a bibliographic database as well as an access point to Inter Library Loan (ILL) and document delivery service subito.
Oxford Encyclopedia of Climate Change Communication
Origine et évolution de notre compréhension des changements climatiques et de leur représentation dans la communication et les médias
Pascal & Francis - free archive
Pascal et Francis en accès libre est une archive des bases de données bibliographiques PASCAL et FRANCIS en sciences exactes, humaines et sociales, produites par l’Inist-CNRS entre 1972 et 2015.  Elle propose plusieurs millions de références bibliographiques d’articles, de communications de congrès et d’actes de congrès produites par l’Inist-CNRS. Elle s’enrichit progressivement avec d’autres types de documents et avec des notices de partenaires ayant coopéré à l’alimentation de PASCAL et de FRANCIS par le passé. Une partie des documents répertoriés est en français.

Pascal and Francis in Free Access is an archive of the PASCAL and FRANCIS bibliographic databases in exact, human and social sciences, produced by the Inist-CNRS from 1972 to 2015. It gives access to several millions of bibliographic references of articles, conference papers and conference proceedings produced by the Inist-CNRS. It is enriched progressively with other document types and with records from partners having cooperated to PASCAL and FRANCIS supply in the past. Some of the listed documents are in French.
Periodicals Archive Online (PAO) + Periodicals Index Online (PIO) – ProQuest

Periodicals Index Online (PIO) indexes articles from thousands of journals within the arts, humanities and social sciences covering the period 1665-1995. It covers more than 7000 journals and over 22 million journal articles across 37 key subject areas and 66 languages and dialects.
The fulltext part of the database Periodicals Archive Online (PAO) covers publications up to 2000 (2005 for some journals).

More information about PIO:
More informations about PAO:

PsycINFO is a bibliographic database produced by the American Psychological Association (APA). It provides abstracts and citations to the scholarly literature (journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations) in the field of psychology and the behavioral and social sciences. The vast majority of the documents described are in English, a few in other languages (incl. French and German). Updated weekly.
More information: link
Access to full text is possible for some of the documents (included in other resources paid for by the library, such as PsycARTICLES, PsycBOOKS, other…)
SAGE Research Methods (SRM) - Core
SAGE Research Methods (SRM) provides information and tools for learning and teaching research methodology in the social sciences. It offers full text access to dictionaries, encyclopedias, books and journal articles published by SAGE, including the complete Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences (Little Green Books) and Qualitative Research Methods (Little Blue Books) series.

More information:

In order to see only content that the library subscribes to (SRM Core) select “Available to me” on the search result page.
Social Services Abstracts – ProQuest
This database provides bibliographic coverage of current research focused on social work, human services and related areas, including social welfare, social policy and community development. The database abstracts and indexes thousands of serials publications and includes abstracts of journal articles and dissertations and citations to book reviews as of 1979.
SocINDEX with Full Text – EBSCO
In addition to nearly 900 full-text titles, SocINDEX with Full Text also contains informative abstracts for more than 1,300 "core" coverage journals dating as far back as 1895. In addition, this file provides data mined from more than 450 "priority" coverage journals as well as from over 2,900 "selective" coverage journals. Complete with extensive indexing for books/monographs, conference papers, and other non-periodical content sources the databse also includes searchable cited references are provided.

More information: link
Web of Science (WOS) – Clarivate Analytics
The Web of Science Core CollectionSM (formerly Web of Science) provides quick, powerful access to authoritative content from the highest impact journals worldwide, including Open Access journals, in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities :
- Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) - 1900-->
- Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) - 1956-->
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) - 1975-->
More info
WISO-Net - Referenzen & eBooks – GBI-Genios
WISO ist das Hochschulangebot von GBI-Genios. Wiso bietet Ihnen einen einfachen Zugang zu allen wichtigen Referenzdatenbanken sowie eBooks. Professionelle Recherche-Tools wie die Erweiterte Suche, die eingebundenen Thesauri, Filter- und Monitoring-Funktionen u.v.m. ermöglichen das schnelle und zuverlässige Finden der relevanten Informationen.

Die Kantons- und Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg hat nur Zugang zu den folgenden Inhalten:
  • Referenzen & eBooks - Wirtschaftswissenschaften
    • ca. 3800 E-Books
    • ca. 9 Mio. Referenzen aus den Datenbanken: IWPROD Arbeitswissenschaftliche Literatur, BEFO Betriebsführung und -organisation, BLISS Betriebswirtschaftliche Literatur, ECONIS Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Literatur, FinEcon Finanz- und Wirtschaftsdatenbank, ifo Katalog Volkswirtschaft, ifo Publikationen Volkswirtschaft, IHS Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Literatur, Kölner Betriebswirtschaftlicher Katalog, MIND Kreditwirtschaftliche Literatur
  • Referenzen & eBooks - Sozialwissenschaften
    • ca. 1120 E-Books
    • ca. 4 Mio. Referenzen aus den Datenbanken: BLISS Betriebswirtschaftliche Literatur, DZI SoLit Literatur für Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik, IHS Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Literatur, SOFIS Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungsinformation (SOLIS - Sozialwissenschaftliche Literatur und FORIS), WAO World Affairs Online
  • Referenzen & eBooks - Psychologie
    • ca. 890 E-Books
    • ca. 600'000 Referenzen aus den Datenbanken: PSYNDEX 
  • Referenzen & eBooks - Recht
    • ca. 1650 E-Books
    • ca. 5 Mio. Referenzen aus den Datenbanken: „Kuselit Rechtsbibliographie
World Press Trends Database – WAN-IFRA
Pour accéder au World Press Trends Report, merci de nous écrire à
Données internationales concernant l’industrie des journaux. La base permet de générer des rapports en format pdf ou excel.
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts – ProQuest
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts provides abstracts and indexing of the international literature of political science and international relations, along with complementary fields, including international law and public administration/policy. The database provides abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews drawn from over 1,500+ serials publications and also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, dissertations and working papers.

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