Information for refugees wishing to study at the University of Fribourg
The University of Fribourg has a long tradition of welcoming people who have had to leave their countries for political reasons. Therefore, it is with pleasure that we open our doors to refugees, to give them the opportunity to pursue their studies initiated in their country of origin or to start a new academic curriculum at the University of Fribourg.
Possibilities to enter UniFR
Any person over 18 years of age can follow, as a listener, the majority of the courses offered by the University of Fribourg. The status of listener is a great way to step (back) into the academic world, discover the University of Fribourg and test the course levels, as well as the language skills required. However, listeners do not have the possibility to validate credits or pass exams. They can only receive a written confirmation for the courses they have attended.
Regular student
Refugee candidates must fulfill the current conditions of admission as any other candidate to the University of Fribourg. People who meet the requirement for an admission to bachelor or master studies can submit their application to the Office for Admissions and Registration.
Further information:
The Admission and Registration Office is available for individual appointments and is pleased to advise refugee candidates as to the completing of their application files.
Teaching and working languages at the University of Fribourg are usually French and German. It is therefore mandatory to have sufficient language skills in one of these two languages. In addition, a proof of language skills must be provided for an admission to bachelor studies.
Hérodote and Hérodote Plus programmes
With Hérodote and Hérodote Plus, the University of Fribourg offers two preparatory programmes for studies for refugees (permits F, B, N, or protection status S). Applicants must be supported by their integration officer in their study project. The programme fee is CHF 3000.- per semester.
Hérodote is for refugees who have not yet reached a B2 level in their language of study but meet the other conditions of admission of the University.
This program lasts between one and four semesters as needed. During the programme, the participants improve their language skills with courses at the Language Centre, take courses in their field of study (and may take exams and receive ECTS points) as well as courses in transversal skills, are accompanied by a student mentor, can participate in university life and receive personal guidance. At the end, the participants take a B2 language exam.
Registration is possible until 30 April (Autumn semester) or until 30 November (Spring semester).
Hérodote Plus is for refugees who have a university background but whose prior degrees (upper secondary education and/or university education) do not grant them admission to the University of Fribourg. In addition, applicants must turn 25 by the end of the calendar year of the planned start of regular studies and be interested in a bachelor’s programme at the Faculty of Humanities.
This programme lasts between two and four semesters. During the programme, the participants improve their language skills with courses at the Language Centre, take courses in their field of study (and may take exams and receive ECTS points) as well as courses in transversal skills, are accompanied by a student mentor, can participate in university life and receive personal guidance. Towards the end, the participants sit an entrance exam for university studies.
Registration is possible until 30 April (Autumn semester only).
Contact: | 026 300 76 99
Student 30+
Any person who does not hold a diploma allowing an admission to the University of Fribourg and who is 30 years of age and over can submit an application for admission 30+.
Additional services for students registered at UniFR
Language Center
The Language Center of the University of Fribourg offers group language courses, including French and German. Autonomous learning methods are also offered to those wishing to learn a language individually.
Uni-Social offers support and advice to students, eg. psychosocial counselling or support with administrative procedures.