Traineeship with a SEMP grant

Students from European universities who do a traineeship at the University of Fribourg (Unifr) may be entitled to a grant under the Swiss-European Mobility Programme.

Students looking for a hospital internship are requested to contact directly the cantonal hospital of Fribourg: HFR internship

  • Conditions

    The following conditions must be observed to obtain a SEMP grant:

    1. The traineeship must take place during your studies (at Bachelor’s or Master’s level) and be academically recognised by your home university.
      Traineeships done after you have completed your studies cannot be funded by SEMP.
    2. The traineeship must have a minimum duration of 60 days from the first to the last day of work (that is, almost 9 weeks), with an activity rate of at least 80%. The maximum duration is 12 months.
    3. During the traineeship, you must be enrolled as a student at your home university.
    4. The traineeship has to take place at the University of Fribourg and must be completed on-site (no virtual or hybrid formats).

    N.B.: If you are a doctoral student, you are not eligible for a SEMP grant but may be registered as a visiting researcher. For questions about the procedure, please contact the Welcome Center for Academics.

  • Grants
    • The monthly grant for a traineeship is CHF 440. The grant is calculated according the effective duration of the traineeship while counting 30 days for one month: SEMP grant = Duration of the traineeship in days times X (CHF 440 : 30).
    • The entire grant is paid at the beginning of the traineeship. If the traineeship is shortened, a reimbursement will be required. If the traineeship is extended, an additional amount can be granted under the condition of remaining available funding.
    • The number of grants per academic year is limited. Requests are treated on a first-come, first-served basis.
    • Students who receive an Erasmus+ mobility grant from their home university for their traineeship at the University of Fribourg are not eligible for the SEMP grant.
    • Students from British universities are not entitled to a SEMP-grant either, but are invited to contact their home university for funding via the « Turing Scheme ». 


  • Green Travel Top Up

    SEMP students who choose to travel to and from Fribourg by train or bus can benefit from a unique top up of CHF 100.- for more environmentally friendly mobility. The amount of the top up is independent of the location of the home university (same amount for travelling from Lyon or Tartu) and cannot be split in case one way is made by train and the other by plane.

    If the Green Travel Top Up is requested, it must be indicated in the grant agreement. After arrival in Fribourg and no later than three weeks after the beginning of the classes, the travel receipts (train or bus ticket) for the outward journey must be submitted by e-mail to the IRO ( Receipts for other travels during the stay are not accepted. The top up will be paid afterwards, together with the SEMP-grant.

    Car-sharing is also accepted as a means of travel with low CO2 emissions for the Green Travel Top Up. In this case, instead of the travel tickets, the student fills in and submits the following form to the IRO:Proof of car-sharing

    Tips and tricks for travelling by train

    Arguments to travel by train

  • How to apply
    1. The person in charge of your traineeship at Unifr must inform the International Relations Office about your traineeship by email (
      The following information about the trainee must be sent:
      • Last name, first name
      • Nationality
      • Email address
      • Home university 
      • Study level during the traineeship (BA or MA)
      • Dates of the traineeship
      • Please also indicate whether the trainee will receive an Erasmus+ grant from the home university for the mobility stay at Fribourg or not. 

        The request has to be done at least 4 weeks before the start of the traineeship. 

    2. You will then receive a link to register online. Please enclose the following documents when you register:
      • Application form signed by the home university
      • Learning agreement for a traineeship (LAT)
      • Insurance certificate
      • Scan of your passport or identity card
    3. You will receive confirmation of admission once your application has been checked, followed by the information about your IT account at the Unifr.
    4. Two weeks before the start of your traineeship the accompanying process starts on MyUnifr, during which you receive for example the grant agreement or the final report.
    5. The entire grant is paid at the beginning of the traineeship (please check the chapter “Grant”)
    6. At the end of your traineeship, you must submit a final report on MyUnifr (at latest 30 days after the end of the traineeship). 
  • Prepare your stay

    Visa and residence permit



    Live in Fribourg

    Students with special needs

    Residence Permit