Housing and living in Fribourg

Good, but limited, housing is available in Fribourg. It is recommended that you take the necessary steps immediately upon admission to the University of Fribourg (Unifr).

Here are the different possibilities for housing:


Important information about rental:

  • Check how to get the key of the chosen housing and organize your stay/rental to last right to the end of the examination period!
  • As a tenant, you are responsible for paying the rent for your accommodation.
  • The rental contract is concluded directly between the landlord and the tenant. Read the terms and conditions of the contract carefully before signing.
  • You will have to budget for a deposit (CHF 600-1,000.-) which is refundable at the end of your stay minus any costs for cleaning that the landlord deems necessary or for possible damage caused by the tenant. To avoid problems, you are bound to maintain the accommodation during your stay by regularly cleaning your room and the communal areas.
  • Take care of the material and the apartment during your stay.
  • An inventory (état de lieu) is carried out when you move in. The form filled in by the landlord or agency must be countersigned and returned by the tenant. You can enclose photos with this document as proof of the state of the accommodation on your arrival.  We recommend you to take part in this process in order to protect your interests
  • Accommodation is sometimes rented for a semester or an academic year (September-June). In this case, the rent is payable until the end of the period, even if you leave early or move.