Scholarship from a partner university or a foreign government

If you wish to take up a research placement at the University of Fribourg (Unifr) with a scholarship from a partner university or a foreign government, please follow the procedure below: 

  1. Draft a scientific project with a member of the teaching staff or a research group at Unifr
  2. Obtain an invitation from a member of teaching staff at Unifr
  3. Send your CV, the official confirmation from a scholarship programme recognised by the University of Fribourg, the letter of invitation from a Professor at Unifr and the dates of your placement to:
  4. Register via the application link that will be sent to you by email. 

Once accepted at the Unifr, the International Relations Office will send you a confirmation of registration. This document is mandatory for your visa application.

It is up to you to find accommodation during your placement in Fribourg.

For further information, please read carefully the chapter "Preparing your stay".

If you wish to finance your research stay at the University of Fribourg with a scholarship other than from a partner university or a foreign government (e.g. scholarship from a foundation, donor, self-financing), please note that you cannot enrol via the International Relations Office. In this case, please contact the professor Unifr who invited you directly.