Structure of studies

The courses offered at the University of Fribourg are offered in compliance with the Bologna process. The University issues diplomas which are recognised in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

The education system is sub-divided into three cycles:

  1. Bachelor: an initial course earning 180 ECTS credits, corresponding in principle to 3 years of full-time studies and leading to the title of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Law or Bachelor of Medicine;
  2. Master: an in-depth course earning between 90 and 120 ECTS credits, corresponding in principle to 1, 5 or 2 years of full-time studies and leading to the title of Master of Arts, Master of Science, Master of Law or Master of Medicine;
  3. PhD: personal research followed by a thesis. Admission lies in the responsibility of the individual universities and is decided case-by-case on the basis of individual qualifications. The duration of studies is variable.

 In compliance with the Bologna process, it is possible to study for a bachelor’s degree in one university and a master’s degree in another university.

Organisation of the academic year

The university academic year is divided into 2 semesters. Autumn semester lessons start in mid-September (week 38) and end at the end of December (week 51). Spring semester lessons start in mid-February (week 8) and end at the start of June (week 22), i.e. in principle 14 weeks of lessons for each semester.

Structure of studies according to Faculty

Teacher Education for Secondary level

For this courses, please consult the following sources for the structure of studies: