Faculty of Law
Contact: ius-admin@unifr.ch
The University of Fribourg supports high performance athletes to help them successfully balance their academic and sporting aspirations.
With the approval of the faculties concerned, elite athletes may benefit, to the extent possible, of specific adjustments.
The aim of these adjustments is to arrange in the best way possible lessons and exams considering academic requirements and the schedule of sports events. It should be noted, however, that the “status” of elite athlete does not give right to adjustments.
Are considered elite athletes:
In addition, sportsmen and women in retraining or in a period of transition, who can demonstrate a past sporting level as defined in the above points, may apply for elite status.
Admission to the University has no bearing on the possible granting of elite athlete status by the faculties, just as the granting of elite athlete status has no bearing on the decision to admit to the University of Fribourg.
The granting of elite athlete status as well as the potential adjustments are decided on faculty level, on an individual basis, in order to best meet specific needs. The students concerned can contact their faculty at any time:
Faculty of Law
Contact: ius-admin@unifr.ch
Faculty of Humanities
Contact: lettres@unifr.ch
Faculty of Science and Medicine
Contact: comreq@unifr.ch
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences
Contact: decanat-ses@unifr.ch
Faculty of Theology
Contact: decanat-theol@unifr.ch
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