Prof. Dr. Jörg Stolz
Professor of sociology of religion at the University of Lausanne
ISSR, University of Lausanne
1015 Lausanne -
Altre attività
- President of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion
Principali aree di ricerca nel campo della storia religiosa e delle chiese
- Religion in Switzerland in the 20th century
- Secularization in Europe in the 20th century
Pubblicazioni selezionate nel campo della storia religiosa e della chiesa
- Stolz, Jörg, Judith Könemann, Mallory Schneuwly Purdie, Thomas Englberger and Michael Krüggeler. 2016. (Un)Believing in Modern Society. Religion, Spirituality, and Religious-Secular Competition. London: Routledge.
- Stolz, Jörg and Edmée Ballif. 2010. Die Zukunft Der Reformierten. Gesellschaftliche Megatrends - Kirchliche Reaktionen. Zürich: TVZ.
- Stolz, Jörg, Oliver Favre, Caroline Gachet and Emmanuelle Buchard. 2014. Phänomen Freikirchen. Analysen Eines Wettbewerbsstarken Milieus. Zürich: TVZ.