Master Theses
Students who are interested in pursuing a Master's thesis in the field of the Chair are invited to establish contact with Mathilde Pittet, by email.
The student :
- Must have attended at least one of Prof. Nüesch's courses: Developing an innovation strategy, Customer-centric innovation
- Have an interest in the subject or in a particular subject related to the Chair
Choice of subject
- Either the student submits a research proposal, which must be linked to the Chair's teaching and research.
- Or the student chooses a research topic from among those proposed by the Chair.
In both cases, the student must contact the assistant to discuss/validate the research topic before drawing up the proposal.
Topics proposed by the Chair
- Digital business models
- Open innovation and crowdsourcing
- Top management teams and digital innovation
- Technology management
- Strategic human resource management
Writing guide for the proposal and the thesis
The final proposal is a short document of approximately 5 pages that includes:
- Student's details (name, first name, student no) and title of the thesis (CF Template front page below)
- Description of the problem, contribution and main research questions
- Literature review
- Data that will be used
- Methodology (interviews, large-scale empirical surveys, etc.)
- Preliminary plan
- Bibliography
The next step after validating the proposal is to validate the plan and the data. Finally, the last stage before handing in the master's thesis is the intermediate correction. At this stage, the student will be able to hand in the thesis for correction. Master theses have to be written following the formal guidelines of the chair, which can be downloaded below.
The master thesis can be written in either of three languages: English, French, or German.
- Dean's regulations
Master's theses completed in previous years