Beschreibung |
From Big Data to Machine Learning, applications based on Data Analytics have become ubiquitous over the past decades, as we truly are in the Age of Information. This course aims at providing the basis to understand and navigate autonomously the topic, from both a theoretical and practical perspective. The Python programming language will also receive significant attention, as to provide the students with tools and skillset immediately useful in the modern industrial and academic landscape, including application-oriented Machine Learning. The course material is in English and available at all time. The students are encouraged to follow the lectures at their own pace, and start at any time. Support is provided at specific times during the academic year. This online course offers an overarching study of Data Analytics from multiple perspectives, which will be addressed as they become needed through the course progression. The main topics are: - Python programming: language fundamentals, Jupyter notebooks, object-oriented programming, advanced functionalities, core libraries, debugging.
- Handling data: data sources, defects and mitigation, access and formats, visualization.
- Analysis: experiment design, data selection, normalization, feature selection, fundamental statistics.
- Machine Learning: classification, regression, clustering, imputation, dimensionality reduction, with a few selected algorithms on each topic.
- Additional Python libraries: Numpy, IPython, Pandas, Seaborn/Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, Keras/Tensorflow.
Bemerkungen |
Auf Antrag der Studierenden werden für die besuchten Kurse Kompetenznachweise ausgestellt. Die Studierenden erhalten 3 ECTS, wenn sie alle angebotenen Module validieren. Um sich für eine Prüfung anzumelden, müssen Sie sich auf dem Portal anmelden. Studierende müssen vorab bei ihrer Fakultät, HES, einen Antrag auf Anerkennung von ECTS-Leistungspunkten in ihrem Studiengang stellen. |