Colloquium Research Methodology and Data Analysis: Data Analysis Part

  • Unterricht


    Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät
    Bereich Betriebswirtschaftslehre
    Code UE-EGE.00451
    Sprachen Englisch
    Art der Unterrichtseinheit Kolloquium
    Kursus Master
    Semester FS-2025

    Zeitplan und Räume

    Vorlesungszeiten Mittwoch 18:15 - 19:00, Wöchentlich, PER 21, Raum B230 (Frühlingssemester)
    Stunden pro Woche 1


    • Bambauer-Sachse Silke
    • Stuhldreier Sanja Maria
    • Schorro Olivier

     “Data analysis with SPSS” is one component of the course “Research Methodology and Data Analysis”. The other component “Research Methodology” is offered by the Chair of Prof. Furrer. Students who want to write their bachelor or master thesis in marketing need to take this course.

    For bachelor students, there is no inscription on MyUniFR available. Inscription will be handled offline by the Chairs involved. Bachelor students can get a participation certificate for the data analysis part if they have attended 12 out of 14 course weeks and submitted all exercises as expected. Later, bachelor students can validate the 3 ECTS for the two course parts in the context of their master studies (Master in Marketing: regular study plan, Master in Management: 3 out of 18 ECTS in optional courses, Master in International and European Business: 3 out of 27 ECTS in optional courses).

    Master students can subscribe to the course on MyUniFR when they have submitted their master thesis. They can get a participation certificate for the data analysis part if they have attended 12 out of 14 course weeks and submitted all exercises as expected. Master students can validate the 3 ECTS for the two course parts in the context of their master studies (Master in Marketing: regular study plan, Master in Management: 3 out of 18 ECTS in optional courses, Master in International and European Business: 3 out of 27 ECTS in optional courses).


    Overview of the course content (data analysis with SPSS):

    1. Brief introduction
      1. General information on the tutorial
      2. Functions of the SPSS menu bar
    2. Working with SPSS
      1. General information on SPSS databases
      2. Definition of variables
      3. Data input
    3. Calculation of reliable values for the model variables
      1. Reliability analysis
      2. Factor analysis
    4. Structural consistency checks
      1. Using a chi-square test for independence in the context of a structural consistency check
      2. Independent samples t-test in the context of a structural consistency check
      3. Analysis of variance in the context of a structural consistency check
    5. Test of the research hypotheses
      1. Transforming a metric variable into a dummy variable
      2. Cross-table analysis and chi-square test for independence in the context of hypotheses testing
      3. Comparing means
      4. Regression analysis
    6. Cluster Analysis
    7. Conjoint Analysis

    The course is open to Bachelor and Master students who are planning to write their thesis in marketing.

    Verfügbarkeit 30
    Soft Skills Nein
    ausserhalb des Bereichs Nein
    BeNeFri Nein
    Mobilität Nein
    UniPop Nein
  • Einzeltermine und Räume
    Datum Zeit Art der Unterrichtseinheit Ort
    19.02.2025 18:15 - 19:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum B230
    26.02.2025 18:15 - 19:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum B230
    05.03.2025 18:15 - 19:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum B230
    12.03.2025 18:15 - 19:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum B230
    19.03.2025 18:15 - 19:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum B230
    26.03.2025 18:15 - 19:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum B230
    02.04.2025 18:15 - 19:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum B230
    09.04.2025 18:15 - 19:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum B230
    16.04.2025 18:15 - 19:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum B230
    30.04.2025 18:15 - 19:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum B230
    07.05.2025 18:15 - 19:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum B230
    14.05.2025 18:15 - 19:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum B230
    21.05.2025 18:15 - 19:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum B230
    28.05.2025 18:15 - 19:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum B230
  • Leistungskontrolle

    Fortlaufende Evaluation

    Bewertungsmodus Nach bestanden/nicht bestanden
  • Zuordnung
    Zählt für die folgenden Studienpläne:
    Ma - Betriebswirtschaftslehre - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V03 - Dès SA-2024
    Kurse: mind. 72 ECTS > Weitere Wahlkurse > Research methodology > Research methodology (nur für die Vorbereitung einer Masterarbeit im Bereich Marketing)

    Ma - International and European Business - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V01 - dès SA-2024
    Courses > Additional courses > Research methodology > Research methodology (nur für die Vorbereitung einer Masterarbeit im Bereich Marketing)

    Ma - Marketing - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V03 - Dès SA-2024
    Kurse - 72 ECTS > Cours d'analyse de données > Research methodology > Research methodology (nur für die Vorbereitung einer Masterarbeit im Bereich Marketing)