tACS-Challenge – an introduction to transcranial alternating current stimulation

  • Unterricht


    Fakultät Philosophische Fakultät
    Bereich Psychologie
    Code UE-L25.01488
    Sprachen Englisch
    Art der Unterrichtseinheit Blockkurs
    Kursus Master
    Semester FS-2025

    Zeitplan und Räume

    Vorlesungszeiten Freitag 09:15 - 17:00, Blockkurs, RM 02, Raum S-1.133 (Frühlingssemester)
    Samstag 09:15 - 17:00, Blockkurs, RM 02, Raum S-1.133 (Frühlingssemester)


    • Passmann Sven
    • Passmann Sven

    In this two-day (hands-on) course, you will learn what transcranial alternating current stimulation (abbreviated tACS) is, how it exerts its effects in the brain, and what theories have been established. We will discuss safety and ethical aspects as well as different settings and parameters for planning a study. In addition, we will practice in various exercises how to prepare a measurement, how to model the distribution of the current in the brain, how to handle participants and how to apply the electrodes to each other.

    The workshop will conclude on the second day with a written exam (45min), which will be the basis for your grade in this course.

    Please note that this course contains exercises that require volunteers to be available as exercise subjects.


    Attendees learn what tACS is and how it works; attendees learn to plan and set up a tACS setting; attendees learn how to handle subjects.

    Soft Skills Nein
    ausserhalb des Bereichs Nein
    BeNeFri Nein
    Mobilität Nein
    UniPop Nein
  • Einzeltermine und Räume
    Datum Zeit Art der Unterrichtseinheit Ort
    21.03.2025 09:15 - 17:00 Kurs RM 02, Raum S-1.133
    22.03.2025 09:15 - 17:00 Kurs RM 02, Raum S-1.133
  • Leistungskontrolle

    Prüfung - FS-2025, Sommersession 2025

    Bewertungsmodus Nach Note

    The workshop will conclude on the second day with a written exam (45min), which will be the basis for their grade in the course.

    Prüfung - FS-2025, Herbstsession 2025

    Bewertungsmodus Nach Note

    The workshop will conclude on the second day with a written exam (45min), which will be the basis for their grade in the course.

    Prüfung - HS-2025, Wintersession 2026

    Bewertungsmodus Nach Note

    The workshop will conclude on the second day with a written exam (45min), which will be the basis for their grade in the course.

    Prüfung - FS-2026, Sommersession 2026

    Bewertungsmodus Nach Note

    The workshop will conclude on the second day with a written exam (45min), which will be the basis for their grade in the course.

  • Zuordnung
    Zählt für die folgenden Studienpläne:
    Psychologie 30 [MA]
    Version: SA22_MA_PS_fr_de_bil_v01
    Option Kognitive Neurowissenschaften > Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience – SCAN

    Psychologie 30 [MA]
    Version: SA21_MA_PS_fr_de_bil_v01
    Option Kognitive Neurowissenschaften > Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience – SCAN