User centered design

  • Unterricht


    Fakultät Math.-Nat. und Med. Fakultät
    Bereich Informatik
    Code UE-SIN.07504
    Sprachen Englisch
    Art der Unterrichtseinheit Vorlesung
    Kursus Master
    Semester SA-2021

    Zeitplan und Räume

    Vorlesungszeiten Montag 14:15 - 17:00, Wöchentlich (Herbstsemester)
    Strukturpläne 3h par semaine durant 14 semaines
    Kontaktstunden 42


    • Lalanne Denis
    • Horst Dorit Silvie
    • Lalanne Denis
    Beschreibung This master course will present User-Centered Design (UCD) process and methodologies. UCD provide methods to put in light the needs, wants, and limitations of end users of an interface at each stage of the design process. Further, UCD provides methods to support and evaluate early designs, low fidelity prototypes and products. In addition to design support and user requirements analysis, the class will present usability engineering methods to evaluate the performance and efficiency of a given user interface, as well as statistical methods to conclude on the significance of the results. All along the class, students will apply the methodologies learned on the design and prototyping of an interactive product.
    Lernziele At the end of the class, students should be able to:
    - Understand the development life-cycle of user interfaces;
    - Understand the principles of the various kinds of design and evaluation methods;
    - Understand when and how each specific design/evaluation methods can be used;
    - Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge on the whole set of:
    * design and prototyping methods;
    * evaluation methods;
    - Run user evaluations at any step of the usability engineering life-cycle.

    MSc-CS BENEFRI - (Code Ue: 03018/ Track: T0) The exact date and time of this course as well as the complete course list can be found at

    Soft Skills Nein
    ausserhalb des Bereichs Nein
    BeNeFri Ja
    Mobilität Ja
    UniPop Nein
  • Einzeltermine und Räume
    Datum Zeit Art der Unterrichtseinheit Ort
    20.09.2021 14:15 - 17:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum A230
    27.09.2021 14:15 - 17:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum A230
    04.10.2021 14:15 - 17:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum A230
    11.10.2021 14:15 - 17:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum A230
    18.10.2021 14:15 - 17:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum A230
    25.10.2021 14:15 - 17:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum A230
    08.11.2021 14:15 - 17:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum A230
    22.11.2021 14:15 - 17:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum A230
    29.11.2021 14:15 - 17:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum A230
    06.12.2021 14:15 - 17:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum A230
    13.12.2021 14:15 - 17:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum A230
    20.12.2021 14:15 - 17:00 Kurs PER 21, Raum A230
  • Leistungskontrolle

    Mündliche Prüfung

    Bewertungsmodus Nach Note
  • Zuordnung
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