Physiologie animale / Tierphysiologie

  • Teaching


    Faculty Faculty of Science and Medicine
    Domain Biology
    Code UE-SBL.00015
    Languages German , French
    Type of lesson Lecture
    Level Bachelor
    Semester SP-2023


    French Physiologie animale
    German Tierphysiologie
    English Animal Physiology

    Schedules and rooms

    Summary schedule Friday 10:15 - 12:00, Hebdomadaire (Spring semester)
    Struct. of the schedule 2h par semaines durant 14 semaines
    Contact's hours 28


    • Sprecher Simon
    • Egger Boris August
    • Fritsch Cornelia
    • Sprecher Simon
    Description Porte sur les bases de la physiologie animale et des thèmes choisis de la physiologie comparée des animaux.

    Beschreibt die Grundlagen der Physiologie sowie ausgewählte Themen der vergleichende Tierphysiologie.
    Training objectives Die Vorlesung vermittelt universitäres Grundwissen der Tierphysiologie. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Struktur-Funktionsbeziehungen, unterschiedliche Problemlösungen bei verschiedenen Tierstämmen sowie essentielle physiologische Prinzipien wie Energie-Bilanz, Homöostase, Signalübermittlung oder Wechselwirkungen zwischen Organismus und Umwelt. Die vermittelten Kenntnisse sollen eine kritische Evaluation der physiologischen Lebenssituationen der verschiedenen Tierarten ermöglichen. Im besonderen soll das Verständnis der evolutiven und umweltbedingten Zwänge auf den physiologischen Ist-Zustand gefördert werden. Kurzpräsentationen ausgewählter Themen durch die Studierenden erlauben eine Reflektion physiologischer Konzepte und fördern die Teamarbeit.
    Softskills No
    Off field No
    BeNeFri Yes
    Mobility Yes
    UniPop No
  • Dates and rooms
    Date Hour Type of lesson Place
    24.02.2023 10:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 04, Room 0.110
    03.03.2023 10:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 04, Room 0.110
    10.03.2023 10:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 04, Room 0.110
    17.03.2023 10:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 04, Room 0.110
    24.03.2023 10:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 04, Room 0.110
    31.03.2023 10:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 04, Room 0.110
    21.04.2023 10:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 04, Room 0.110
    28.04.2023 10:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 04, Room 0.110
    05.05.2023 10:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 04, Room 0.110
    12.05.2023 10:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 04, Room 0.110
    26.05.2023 10:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 04, Room 0.110
    02.06.2023 10:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 04, Room 0.110
  • Assessments methods

    Written exam - SP-2023, Autumn Session 2023

    Date 28.08.2023 08:30 - 10:00
    Assessments methods By rating
    Descriptions of Exams

    Épreuve écrite de 90 min pendant la session. Une note.


  • Assignment
    Valid for the following curricula:
    Additional Courses in Sciences
    Version: ens_compl_sciences
    Paquet indépendant des branches > Advanced courses in Biology (Bachelor level)

    Additional Programme Requirements to the MSc in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology [MA]
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    Additional Programme Requirements to the MSc Bioinformatics and Computational Biology > Advanced courses in Biology (Bachelor level)

    Additional Programme Requirements to the MSc in Biology [MA]
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    Supplement to the MSc in Biology > Advanced courses in Biology (Bachelor level)

    Additional TDHSE programme in Biology
    Version: 2023_1/V_01
    Additional TDHSE Programme Requirements for BIOLOGIE E 60 or +30 > Programme 60 or +30 > Additional Programme Requirements to BIOLOGIE E 60 > Additional TDHSE programme for Biology 60 (from AS2022 on)
    Additional TDHSE Programme Requirements for BIOLOGIE E 60 or +30 > Programme 60 or +30 > Additional Programme Requirements to BIOLOGIE E+30 > Additional TDHSE programme for Biology +30 (from AS2023 on)

    Biochemistry for Biomedical Sciences 60
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    Minor in Biochemistry 60 for Biomedical sciences (BC60-BMS) > Biochemistry, minor for biomedical sciences BC-60BMS, elective courses (from AS2018 on)

    Biology 120
    Version: 2023_1/V_01
    BSc in Biology, Major, 2nd-3rd year - Organisms and Bachelor Work > BSc in Biology, Major, 2nd-3rd year - Organisms and Bachelor Work (from AS2023 on)

    Biology +30 [MA] 30
    Version: 2023_1/V_01
    Minor in Biology +30 (BIOLOGY+30 for 90 ECTS) > BIOLOGY E +30, minor, elective courses (from AS2022 on)

    Biology A (for non biologists) 30
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    Minor in Biology 30 > Biology A for non biologists, Minor 30 ECTS, elective courses (from 2018 on)

    Biology B (for biologists and non biologists) 60
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    Biology, Minor 60 > Biologie B, for non biologists, Minor 60 ECTS, elective courses (from AS2018 on)

    Biology E (TDHSE compatible) 60
    Version: 2023_1/V_01
    Minor in Biology 60 (BIOLOGY E) > Biologie E, minor 60 ECTS (for TDHSE), elective courses (from AS2023 on)

    Biology [3e cycle]
    Version: 2015_1/V_01
    Continuing education > Advanced courses in Biology (Bachelor level)

    Biology [POST-DOC]
    Version: 2015_1/V_01
    Continuing education > Advanced courses in Biology (Bachelor level)

    Medical and molecular life sciences 30
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    Minor in Medical and molecular life sciences 30 > Medical and molecular life sciences, Minor 30 ECTS, elective courses (from 2022 on)

    Pre-Master-Programme to the MSc in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology [PRE-MA]
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    Prerequisite to the MSc in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology > Advanced courses in Biology (Bachelor level)

    Pre-Master-Programme to the MSc in Biology [PRE-MA]
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    Prerequisite to the MSc in Biology > Advanced courses in Biology (Bachelor level)