BA-SE De/Post/Anticolonial Debates and Actions in Central Asia

  • Teaching


    Faculty Faculty of Humanities
    Domain Social Sciences
    Code UE-L37.01100
    Languages English
    Type of lesson Seminar
    Level Bachelor
    Semester SP-2023

    Schedules and rooms

    Summary schedule Monday 13:15 - 15:00, Hebdomadaire (Spring semester)


    • Urmanbetova Zarina
    • Urmanbetova Zarina

    In recent years, intellectual, artistic, and activist circles in Central Asian countries have eagerly pursued discussions about Tsarist Russia's and the Soviet regime's colonial policies in Central Asia. Reflections on the Soviet past and de/anticolonial approaches to (re)thinking Soviet and post-Soviet experiences of people in the region have become trending topics of discussions in academia, in the media and among the general public. However, scholarly interest and analysis on the applicability of postcolonial concepts, decolonial and anticolonial approaches in Central Asia are just gaining traction.

    The course will start with an introduction to colonial, postcolonial, and decolonial literature to grasp what these concepts signify and to understand their histories. Then we will continue with decolonial debates and actions in Central Asia. Students will see the diversity of voices, practices, actions, and reactions in debates on the topic. We will examine scientific and media articles, book chapters, video talks and audio podcasts and analyze visual expressions of post/de/anticolonial debates. The questions that we will try to answer in this course include: What peculiarities does the Central Asian region present to us in comprehending post/de/anticolonial discussions and actions globally? How do the case studies from Central Asia differ from other examples of de/anticolonial actions? How are post/de/anticolonial concepts applicable in understanding socio-cultural, (geo)political, and historical processes in the region?

    Training objectives

    Students will broaden their horizons and knowledge on the diversity of debates and actions related to course topics. Furthermore, the course should enable students to shape their positionality concerning colonialisms and post/de/anticolonialisms. In addition, the course will also be helpful for students to practice the skills of presenting and reasoning their analytical reflections.


    Regular and active participation in discussions is compulsory.

    Students must be prepared for each class by reading the obligatory literature and preparing and sharing their reflections based on that literature with the class.

    As a course assignment, students will conduct a small research in pairs or in groups on a selected topic related to one of the discussion themes and prepare a presentation based on that research.

    Softskills Yes
    Off field Yes
    BeNeFri Yes
    Mobility Yes
    UniPop No
  • Dates and rooms
    Date Hour Type of lesson Place
    20.02.2023 13:15 - 15:00 Cours PER 21, Room G230
    27.02.2023 13:15 - 15:00 Cours PER 21, Room E230
    06.03.2023 13:15 - 15:00 Cours PER 21, Room E230
    13.03.2023 13:15 - 15:00 Cours PER 21, Room E230
    20.03.2023 13:15 - 15:00 Cours PER 21, Room E230
    27.03.2023 13:15 - 15:00 Cours PER 21, Room E230
    03.04.2023 13:15 - 15:00 Cours PER 21, Room E230
    17.04.2023 13:15 - 15:00 Cours PER 21, Room E230
    24.04.2023 13:15 - 15:00 Cours PER 21, Room E230
    01.05.2023 13:15 - 15:00 Cours PER 21, Room E230
    08.05.2023 13:15 - 15:00 Cours PER 21, Room E230
    15.05.2023 13:15 - 15:00 Cours PER 21, Room E230
    22.05.2023 13:15 - 15:00 Cours PER 21, Room E230
  • Assessments methods

    Séminaire - SP-2023, Session d'été 2023

    Date 05.06.2023 00:01 - 23:59
    Assessments methods By rating, By success/failure

    Séminaire - SP-2023, Autumn Session 2023

    Date 21.08.2023 00:01 - 23:59
    Assessments methods By rating, By success/failure

    Séminaire - SA-2023, Session d'hiver 2024

    Assessments methods By rating, By success/failure

    Séminaire - SP-2024, Session d'été 2024

    Assessments methods By rating, By success/failure
  • Assignment
    Valid for the following curricula:
    Eastern European Studies 120
    Version: SA13_BA_bi_v02
    Etudes Europe de l'Est: anthropologie sociale

    Eastern European Studies 120
    Version: SA13_BA_bi_v01
    Etudes Europe de l'Est: anthropologie sociale

    Eastern European Studies 120
    Version: SA22_BA_bi_v01
    Fachmodule > Modul 8: Sozialwissenschaften

    Eastern European Studies 30
    Version: SA13_BA_bi_v01
    Module à choix > Etudes Europe de l'Est: anthropologie sociale

    Eastern European Studies 60
    Version: SA22_BA_bi_v01
    2 von 3 Fachmodulen (Module 6/7/8) müssen entsprechend der Kombination der Einführungsmodule absolviert werden > Modul 8: Sozialwissenschaften

    Eastern European Studies 60
    Version: SA13_BA_bi_v01
    Etudes Europe de l'Est: anthropologie sociale

    Education / Psychology 120
    Version: SA20_BA_de_v01
    BP1.7-D Bereichsübergreifende Kompetenzen

    Education / Psychology 120
    Version: SA20_BA_bil_v01
    BP1.7-B Bereichsübergreifende Kompetenzen / Compétences transversales

    Educational Sciences 120
    Version: SA20_BA_bil_v01
    Variante B > BE1.7b-B Bereichsübergreifende Kompetenzen

    Educational Sciences 120
    Version: SA20_BA_de_v01
    BE1.8-D Bereichsübergreifende Kompetenzen

    Ens. compl. en Lettres
    Version: ens_compl_lettres

    History 120
    Version: SA16_BA_bi_v01
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    History 120
    Version: SA16_BA_bi_v02
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    Lettres [Cours]
    Version: Lettres_v01

    Philosophy 120
    Version: SH05_BA_bi_v01
    Soft skills > Soft skills 12

    Philosophy 120
    Version: SA20_BA_bi_v01
    Bereichsüberegreifende und erweiternde Kompetenzen / Softskills > Soft skills 12

    Philosophy 120
    Version: SA17_BA_bi_v02
    Bereichsüberegreifende und erweiternde Kompetenzen / Softskills > Soft skills 12

    Philosophy 120
    Version: SA17_BA_bi_v01
    Bereichsüberegreifende und erweiternde Kompetenzen / Softskills > Soft skills 12

    Politics and Society 60
    Version: SA21_BA_de_v01
    BApol01 - Basismodul

    Psychology 180
    Version: SA19_BA_fr_de_bil_v02
    Module 11 > M11 Soft skills

    Social Anthropology 120
    Version: SA17_BA_bi_v02
    Théories, concepts et histoire de l'anthropologie sociale (AS-BA17)

    Social Anthropology 60
    Version: SA17_BA-bi_v01
    Modules à choix selon le domaine I > Etudiant-e-s en domaine I Science des religions à 120 ECTS > Théories, concepts et histoire de l'anthropologie sociale (AS-BA17)
    Modules à choix selon le domaine I > Etudiant-e-s dans un autre domaine I que Sociologie ou Sciences des religions > Théories, concepts et histoire de l'anthropologie sociale (AS-BA17)
    Modules à choix selon le domaine I > Etudiant-e-s en domaine I Sociologie 120 ECTS > Théories, concepts et histoire de l'anthropologie sociale (AS-BA17)

    Sociology 60
    Version: SA17_BA_fr_v01
    Plan d'études - étudiant-e-s en domaine I "Science des religions" 120 ECTS > 1 module à choix > Théories, concepts et histoire de l'anthropologie sociale (AS-BA17)