Cours II : Corps et Santé : une approche sociologique

  • Teaching


    Faculty Faculty of Humanities
    Domain Social Sciences
    Code UE-L37.00256
    Languages French
    Type of lesson Lecture
    Level Bachelor
    Semester SA-2023

    Schedules and rooms

    Summary schedule Tuesday 08:15 - 10:00, Hebdomadaire (Autumn semester)


    • Parent Fanny
    • Parent Fanny

    How can we understand the body or health as being not simply biological or medical in nature, but as posing sociological questions? The health field is a perfect illustration of these relationships to the body.

    Using contemporary case studies in the sociology of the body and health, we will examine the situated nature of our own relationship to the body and health, as well as the role of numerous institutions in shaping this relationship. 

    The course is divided into 12 themes (1 course = one theme + an introduction and a synthesis) and will alternate between academic knowledge and collective discussion around a video extract or a scientific text.

    The course is validated by a written homework assignment (dissertation type), asking you to problematize a subject by crossing two themes from the course and mobilizing course content and readings.

    Training objectives

    Each session is designed to deepen your sociological knowledge by drawing on the theories and methods of the sociology of the body and the sociology of health. The theme also allows for cross-fertilisation with other areas of sociology covered in other courses, in particular the sociology of food, the sociology of gender, the sociology of work and the sociology of migration.

    Another aim of the course is to help you to critically decipher contemporary debates around health issues using the lenses and tools of the sociologist: for example, bioethical debates, discrimination, understanding risk behaviour, health in the workplace, alternative and complementary medicine, and so on.

    This course also aims to help students understand the value of using mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) to deal with sociological issues.

    Condition of access

    Remarque pour les étudiant.e.s du Bachelor en Sociologie : cours de 2ème et 3ème année

    Softskills Yes
    Softskills seats 20
    Off field Yes
    BeNeFri Yes
    Mobility Yes
    UniPop No
    Auditor Yes
  • Dates and rooms
    Date Hour Type of lesson Place
    19.09.2023 08:15 - 10:00 Cours PER 21, Room G230
    26.09.2023 08:15 - 10:00 Cours PER 21, Room G230
    03.10.2023 08:15 - 10:00 Cours PER 21, Room G230
    10.10.2023 08:15 - 10:00 Cours PER 21, Room G230
    17.10.2023 08:15 - 10:00 Cours PER 21, Room G230
    24.10.2023 08:15 - 10:00 Cours PER 21, Room G230
    31.10.2023 08:15 - 10:00 Cours PER 21, Room G230
    07.11.2023 08:15 - 10:00 Cours PER 21, Room G230
    14.11.2023 08:15 - 10:00 Cours PER 21, Room G230
    21.11.2023 08:15 - 10:00 Cours PER 21, Room G230
    28.11.2023 08:15 - 10:00 Cours PER 21, Room G230
    05.12.2023 08:15 - 10:00 Cours PER 21, Room G230
    12.12.2023 08:15 - 10:00 Cours PER 21, Room G230
    19.12.2023 08:15 - 10:00 Cours PER 21, Room G230
  • Assessments methods

    Travail écrit - SA-2023, Session d'hiver 2024

    Date 16.02.2024 00:01 - 23:59
    Assessments methods By rating


    Travail écrit - SP-2024, Session d'été 2024

    Date 28.06.2024 00:01 - 23:59
    Assessments methods By rating


    Travail écrit - SP-2024, Autumn Session 2024

    Date 13.09.2024 00:01 - 23:59
    Assessments methods By rating

    Travail écrit - SA-2024, Session d'hiver 2025

    Assessments methods By rating

    Travail écrit - SP-2025, Session d'été 2025

    Assessments methods By rating
  • Assignment
    Valid for the following curricula:
    Art History 120
    Version: SA14_BA_120_bi_v02
    Grundpfeiler > Module 05 / Soft skills

    Art History 120
    Version: SA14_BA_120_bi_v03
    Grundpfeiler > Module 05 / Soft skills

    Contemporary History 120
    Version: SA16_BA_bi-v02
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    Contemporary History 120
    Version: SA16_BA_fr_v02
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    Contemporary History 120
    Version: SA16_BA_de_v01
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    Contemporary History 120
    Version: SA16_BA_de_v02
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    Education / Psychology 120
    Version: SA20_BA_bil_v01
    BP1.7-B Bereichsübergreifende Kompetenzen / Compétences transversales

    Education / Psychology 120
    Version: SA20_BA_de_v01
    BP1.7-D Bereichsübergreifende Kompetenzen

    Educational Sciences 120
    Version: SA20_BA_bil_v01
    Variante B > BE1.7b-B Bereichsübergreifende Kompetenzen

    Educational Sciences 120
    Version: SA20_BA_de_v01
    BE1.8-D Bereichsübergreifende Kompetenzen

    English Language and Literature 120
    Version: SA15_BA_ang_V02
    Module Nine: Soft Skills

    Ens. compl. en Lettres
    Version: ens_compl_lettres

    Family, Children and Youth Studies 90 [MA]
    Version: SA15_MA_PA_bil_V01
    Module à choix > Famille
    Sciences sociales et humaines

    French 120
    Version: SA16_BA_fr_V04
    Module 8 - CTC

    French and German: Bilingualism and Cultural Exchange 180
    Version: SA17_BA_de_fr_V01
    1.4 CTC / Softskills > CTC - Soft Skills (pour étudiant-e-s germanophones)

    French and German: Bilingualism and Cultural Exchange 180
    Version: SA23_BA180_de_fr_V01

    German 120
    Version: SA16_BA_dt_V02
    Soft Skills

    German 120
    Version: SA23_BA_de_v01
    Soft Skills

    History 120
    Version: SA16_BA_bi_v02
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    History 120
    Version: SA16_BA_bi_v01
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    History of Modern Times 120
    Version: SA16_BA_fr_v02
    Module externe > Module externe: Studium Generale (Plan d'études 2016)
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    History of Modern Times 120
    Version: SA16_BA_de_v02
    CTC > Soft skills 12
    Module externe > Module externe: Studium Generale (Plan d'études 2016)

    History of Modern Times 120
    Version: SA16_BA_bi_v01
    CTC > Soft skills 12
    Module externe > Module externe: Studium Generale (Plan d'études 2016)

    History of Modern Times 120
    Version: SA16_BA_bi_v02
    Module externe > Module externe: Studium Generale (Plan d'études 2016)
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    Italian 120
    Version: SA22_BA_120_ital_v01
    M8P Softskills

    Italian 120
    Version: SA15_BA_ital_V02
    Soft Skills

    Italian 120
    Version: SA15_BA_ita_V01
    Soft Skills

    Lettres [Cours]
    Version: Lettres_v01

    Philosophy 120
    Version: SA17_BA_bi_v02
    Bereichsüberegreifende und erweiternde Kompetenzen / Softskills > Soft skills 12

    Philosophy 120
    Version: SA17_BA_bi_v01
    Bereichsüberegreifende und erweiternde Kompetenzen / Softskills > Soft skills 12

    Philosophy 120
    Version: SA20_BA_bi_v01
    Bereichsüberegreifende und erweiternde Kompetenzen / Softskills > Soft skills 12

    Philosophy 120
    Version: SH05_BA_bi_v01
    Soft skills > Soft skills 12

    Psychology 180
    Version: SA19_BA_fr_de_bil_v02
    Module 11 > M11 Soft skills

    Religious Studies 120
    Version: SA17_BA_bi_v02
    SR-Société, culture et religion (SR-BA17-120)

    Slavic Studies 120
    Version: SA15_BA_slav_V01
    Module 9: Compétences transversales et complémentaires

    Slavic Studies 120
    Version: SA15_BA_slav_V02
    Module 9: Compétences transversales et complémentaires

    Social Anthropology 120
    Version: SA17_BA_bi_v02
    Sociétés, cultures et religions (AS-BA17)

    Social Anthropology 60
    Version: SA17_BA-bi_v01
    Modules à choix selon le domaine I > Etudiant-e-s en domaine I Science des religions à 120 ECTS > Choix module SOCIAL SOCIO ou POL > Thèmes spécialisés
    Modules à choix selon le domaine I > Etudiant-e-s dans un autre domaine I que Sociologie ou Sciences des religions > Choix module METH ANTHRO ou SCR/GKR > Sociétés, cultures et religions (AS-BA17)

    Sociology 120
    Version: SA17_BA_bil_fr_v02
    Sociétés, cultures, religions
    Module à choix > Thèmes spécialisés

    Sociology 120
    Version: SA21_BA_bil_de_v01
    Sociétés, cultures, religions
    Thèmes spécialisés

    Sociology 120
    Version: SA17_BA_fr_v02
    Thèmes spécialisés
    Sociétés, cultures, religions

    Sociology 30
    Version: SA17_BA_fr_v01
    Thèmes spécialisés

    Sociology 60
    Version: SA17_BA_fr_v01
    Plan d'études - étudiant-e-s en domaine I autre que "Anthropologie sociale" ou "Science des religions" 120 ECTS > 1 module à choix > Sociétés, cultures, religions
    Plan d'études - étudiant-e-s en domaine I autre que "Anthropologie sociale" ou "Science des religions" 120 ECTS > Thèmes spécialisés
    Plan d'études - étudiant-e-s en domaine I "Science des religions" 120 ECTS > Thèmes spécialisés
    Plan d'études - étudiant-e-s en domaine I "Anthropologie sociale" 120 ECTS > Thèmes spécialisés

    Spanish 120
    Version: SA16_BA_esp_V02
    M7 - Competencias transversales (CTC)