Programmation scientifique

  • Teaching


    Faculty Faculty of Science and Medicine
    Domain Computer Science
    Code UE-SIN.00120
    Languages French
    Type of lesson Lecture
    Level Bachelor
    Semester SA-2023


    French Programmation scientifique
    German Wissenschaftliches Programmieren
    English Scientific programming

    Schedules and rooms

    Summary schedule Tuesday 15:15 - 17:00, Hebdomadaire (Autumn semester)
    Tuesday 17:15 - 19:00, Hebdomadaire (Autumn semester)
    Struct. of the schedule 2+2h par semaine durant 14 semaines
    Contact's hours 56


    • Ingold Rolf
    • Hennebert Jean
    • Schär Deborah
    Description Les aspects suivants des logiciels programmables seront étudiés dans ce cours:
    • introduction aux environnements programmables
    • notions de bases: expression, variable, affectation
    • traitements graphiques
    • calcul numérique
    • calcul symbolique
    • structures de données simples
    • récursivité
    • instructions de contrôle
    • résolutions de problèmes dans Python
    Training objectives Au terme de ce cours les étudiants auront acquis les compétences suivantes:
    • être apte à effectuer des calculs scientifiques, dans des domaines comme l'analyse, l'algèbre linéaire et les statistiques
    • avoir une bonne connaissance des fonctionnalités de Python
    • être apte à produire des illustrations graphiques
    • maîtriser les concepts élémentaires de la programmation : variables, fonctions, structures de données et structures de contrôle
    • être apte à résoudre des problèmes numériques représentatifs de leur domaine

    Les unités d’enseignement se composent généralement de deux heures de cours et deux heures d’exercices par semaine. Nous vous prions de bien vouloir vous conformer aux délais d’inscriptions aux épreuves de la Faculté des sciences et de médecine.

    Softskills No
    Off field No
    BeNeFri Yes
    Mobility Yes
    UniPop No
  • Dates and rooms
    Date Hour Type of lesson Place
    19.09.2023 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room G120
    19.09.2023 17:15 - 19:00 Exercice PER 21, Room E230
    26.09.2023 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room G120
    26.09.2023 17:15 - 19:00 Exercice PER 21, Room E230
    03.10.2023 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room G120
    03.10.2023 17:15 - 19:00 Exercice PER 21, Room E230
    10.10.2023 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room G120
    10.10.2023 17:15 - 19:00 Exercice PER 21, Room E230
    17.10.2023 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room G120
    17.10.2023 17:15 - 19:00 Exercice PER 21, Room E230
    24.10.2023 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room G120
    24.10.2023 17:15 - 19:00 Exercice PER 21, Room E230
    31.10.2023 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room G120
    31.10.2023 17:15 - 19:00 Exercice PER 21, Room E230
    07.11.2023 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room G120
    07.11.2023 17:15 - 19:00 Exercice PER 21, Room E230
    14.11.2023 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room G120
    14.11.2023 17:15 - 19:00 Exercice PER 21, Room E230
    21.11.2023 15:15 - 17:00 Cours ONL, Room Online
    21.11.2023 17:15 - 19:00 Exercice PER 21, Room E230
    28.11.2023 15:15 - 17:00 Cours ONL, Room Online
    28.11.2023 17:15 - 19:00 Exercice PER 21, Room E230
    05.12.2023 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room G120
    05.12.2023 17:15 - 19:00 Exercice PER 21, Room E230
    12.12.2023 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room G120
    12.12.2023 17:15 - 19:00 Exercice PER 21, Room E230
    19.12.2023 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room G120
    19.12.2023 17:15 - 19:00 Exercice PER 21, Room E230
  • Assessments methods

    Written exam - SA-2023, Session d'hiver 2024

    Date 07.02.2024 14:00 - 16:00
    Assessments methods By rating
    Descriptions of Exams Selon modalité A de l'annexe du plan d'études en informatique

    Avoir obtenu une note moyenne de 4.0 ou plus pour les travaux pratiques


    L'examen se fait en 2 parties. La première partie est closed book, la 2ème partie est open book.

    Written exam - SP-2024, Autumn Session 2024

    Date 09.09.2024 14:00 - 16:00
    Assessments methods By rating
    Descriptions of Exams Selon modalité A de l'annexe du plan d'études en informatique

    Avoir obtenu une note moyenne de 4.0 ou plus pour les travaux pratiques


    L'examen se fait en 2 parties. La première partie est closed book, la 2ème partie est open book.

  • Assignment
    Valid for the following curricula:
    Medien und Informatik 50 [BSc/BA SI]
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    BSc_SI/BA_SI, Medien und Informatik 50 ECTS, 1st-3rd years > Propaedeutic informatics (from SA2018 on)

    Additional Courses in Sciences
    Version: ens_compl_sciences
    Paquet indépendant des branches > Initiation courses in Computer Science

    Additional Programme Requirements to the MSc in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology [MA]
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    Additional Programme Requirements to the MSc Bioinformatics and Computational Biology > Initiation courses in Computer Science

    Additional Programme Requirements to the MSc in Computer Science [MA]
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    Supplement to the MSc in Computer science > Initiation courses in Computer Science

    Additional Programme Requirements to the MSc in Digital Neuroscience [MA]
    Version: 2023_1/V_01
    Supplement to the MSc in Computer science > Initiation courses in Computer Science

    BSc in Sport Sciences and Motor Control, option Health - Performance - Research 180
    Version: 2023_1/V_01
    BSc in Sport sciences and motor control, option Health-Performance-Research, 2nd-3rd year, scientific training > BSc-SP-HPR, specific education, elective courses (since SA2018 on) > BSc in sport and motricity, option HPR, 2nd-3rd years, specific education, elective courses, FacSciMed (since SA2015 on)
    BSc in Sport sciences and motor control, option Health-Performance-Research, 2nd-3rd year, practical-methodolical formation > BSc-SP-HPR, elective courses, max 12 ECTS > BSc-SP-HPR, specific education, elective courses, max 12 ECTS > BSc in sport and motricity, option HPR, 2nd-3rd years, specific education, elective courses, FacSciMed (since SA2015 on)

    Computer Science 30 [BSc/BA SI]
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    BSc_SI/BA_SI, Computer science 30 ECTS, 1st-3rd years > Propaedeutic informatics (from SA2018 on)

    Computer Science 50 [BSc/BA SI]
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    BSc_SI/BA_SI, Computer science 50 ECTS, 1st-3rd years > Propaedeutic informatics (from SA2018 on)

    Computer Science [3e cycle]
    Version: 2015_1/V_01
    Continuing education > Initiation courses in Computer Science

    Computer Science [POST-DOC]
    Version: 2015_1/V_01
    Continuing education > Initiation courses in Computer Science

    Earth Sciences 150
    Version: 2023_1/V_01
    BSc in Earth sciences, Major, 1st year

    Geography 120
    Version: 2023_1/V_02
    BSc in Geography, Major, 1st year > Propaedeutic informatics (from SA2018 on)

    Ma - Accounting and Finance - 120 ECTS
    Version: 2024/SP_V01_DD_Caen
    UniFr courses > Modules "Data Analytics" and "Audit et Fiscalité": min. 2 courses > DAT: Data Analytics

    Ma - Accounting and Finance - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021/SA_V01 Dès SA-2024
    Course - 72 ECTS > Modules "Data Analytics" and "Audit et Fiscalité": min. 3 courses > DAT: Data Analytics > Elective courses

    Ma - Business Communication : Business Informatics - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2020/SA_V02
    Courses - 60 ECTS > Option Group > Information Management > Cours > Modules management > DAT: Data Analytics

    Ma - Business Informatics - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2020/SA-v01
    Classes - min. 45 ECTS > Modules management - max. 15 ECTS > DAT: Data Analytics

    Ma - International and European Business - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021/SA_v01 dès SA-2024
    Courses > Modules > One complete module taken from the following list > DAT Module validation element group > DAT: Data Analytics > Elective courses
    Courses > Modules > Elective courses of the management modules > Elective courses of the management modules > Elective courses for the Master in management

    Ma - Management - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021/SA_v03 dès SA-2024
    Courses: min. 72 ECTS > Modules - min 54 ECTS > Elective courses taken outside a validating module > Elective courses in the management modules > Elective courses for the Master in management
    Courses: min. 72 ECTS > Modules - min 54 ECTS > Minimum of 3 modules with a minimum of 18 ECTS and 2 core courses > DAT Module validation element group > DAT: Data Analytics > Elective courses

    Ma - Marketing - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021/V03 dès SA-2024
    Courses - 72 ECTS > Complementary module > DAT Module validation element group > DAT: Data Analytics > Elective courses

    Mathematics 120
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    BSc in Mathematics, Major, 1st year > Propaedeutic informatics (from SA2018 on)

    MiMa - Business Informatics - 30 ECTS
    Version: 2020/SA_V01
    Cours > Modules management > DAT: Data Analytics

    MiMa - Gestion d'entreprise - 30 ECTS
    Version: 2021/SA_V01
    Elective courses - 30 ECTS > DAT: Data Analytics

    Physics 150
    Version: 2023_1/V_01
    BSc in Physics, Major, 1st year > Propaedeutic informatics (from SA2018 on)

    Pre-Master-Programme to the MSc in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology [PRE-MA]
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    Prerequisite to the MSc in Bioinformtics and Computational Biology > Initiation courses in Computer Science

    Pre-Master-Programme to the MSc in Computer Science [PRE-MA]
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    Prerequisite to the MSc in Computer science > Initiation courses in Computer Science

    Pre-Master-Programme to the MSc in Digital Neuroscience [PRE-MA]
    Version: 2023_1/V_01
    Prerequisite to the MSc in Computer science > Initiation courses in Computer Science