On Being Muslim in Switzerland: Engaging with diversity in public discourses, education, and spiritual care

  • Teaching


    Faculty Faculty of Humanities
    Domain Interdisciplinary
    Code UE-L26.00231
    Languages English and/or German
    Type of lesson Seminar
    Level Master
    Semester SP-2024


    French On Being Muslim in Switzerland: Engaging with diversity in public discourses, education, and spiritual care. / Muslimischsein in der Schweiz: Der Umgang mit Vielfalt in öffentlichen Diskursen, Bildung und Seelsorge
    German Muslimischsein in der Schweiz: Der Umgang mit Vielfalt in öffentlichen Diskursen, Bildung und Seelsorge
    English On Being Muslim in Switzerland: Engaging with diversity in public discourses, education, and spiritual care

    Schedules and rooms

    Summary schedule Thursday 10:15 - 12:00, Hebdomadaire (Spring semester)


    • Müller Dominik
    • Müller Dominik

    Diversity has become a recurring issue in public discourse. However, Islam is rarely associated with diversity, and when it is, the discussions usually focus on the supposed incompatibility of Islamic practices and convictions of pluralistic societies. This seminar approaches diversity within an interdisciplinary framework. In the first part of the seminar, we will explore how diversity is mobilised within public discourses relating to Islam. The aim is to understand the ways in which this notion is essentialised when it refers to groups identified as Muslim, while at the same time questioning the strategies used by these groups to emancipate themselves from this form of reification. In the second, more practice-related part of the seminar we will focus on two current issues in public discourse: education and spiritual care. By critically questioning the deficit framing which Muslim pupils are subjected to in Swiss schools, we pose the question of resources which enable them to navigate life in a social framework marked by diversity. Regarding the field of Spiritual Care, the pluralization of peoples religious and cultural backgrounds opens the question on how Spiritual Care has to adapt to these developments.

    Training objectives


    • understand different theoretical approaches to and models of diversity and orientation
    • understand the interconnectivity of the notions of diversity and orientation in different social fields.
    • understand the key issues and debates within the discourses around “Islam” in the classroom and in transcultural spiritual care
    Softskills Yes
    Off field Yes
    BeNeFri Yes
    Mobility Yes
    UniPop No
    Auditor Yes


    • Becci, I. (2021). Beyond the Rhetoric of recognition or separation: two Swiss cantons’ attempts at governing religious superdiversity. Religion, 12(4):234. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12040234.
    • Hetmanczyk, P. (2021). Religion als Grenzkategorie von «Diversität»: Zur politischen Verhandlung einer Handschlagverweigerung. Zürich: De Grutyer.
    • Schmid, H. (2020). Interfaith Chaplaincy in a Post-Secular Context. Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, 30(2), 163–185. https://doi.org/10.2143/SID.30.2.3288771
    • Salzbrunn, M. (2014). Vielfalt / Diversität. Bielefeld: Transcript.
    • Vertovec, S. (2007). Super-diversity and its implications. Ethnic and Racial Studies, vol.30, n°6, 1024-1054.
  • Dates and rooms
    Date Hour Type of lesson Place
    22.02.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 04, Room 4118
    29.02.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 04, Room 4118
    07.03.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 04, Room 4118
    14.03.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 04, Room 4118
    21.03.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 04, Room 4118
    28.03.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 04, Room 4118
    11.04.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 04, Room 4118
    18.04.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 04, Room 4118
    25.04.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 04, Room 4118
    02.05.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 04, Room 4118
    16.05.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 04, Room 4118
    23.05.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 04, Room 4118
  • Assessments methods

    Examen - SP-2024, Session d'été 2024

    Assessments methods By rating

    Examen - SP-2024, Autumn Session 2024

    Assessments methods By rating

    Examen - SA-2024, Session d'hiver 2025

    Assessments methods By rating

    Examen - SP-2025, Session d'été 2025

    Assessments methods By rating
  • Assignment
    Valid for the following curricula:
    Culture, Politics and Religion in Pluralist Societies 30 [MA]
    Version: SA18_MA_P2/PS_bi_v02
    Profils > Profil Religion et société > REL 1 Religion, politique et société

    Culture, Politics and Religion in Pluralist Societies 90 [MA]
    Version: SA18_MA_PA_bi_v01
    Option > Option Religion et société > REL 4 Interdisciplinaire
    Option > Option (Dés)ordres politiques et normatifs > ANTHRO 3 Interdisciplinaire

    Culture, Politics and Religion in Pluralist Societies 90 [MA]
    Version: SA18_MA_PA_bi_v02
    Options > Religion and Society > REL 4 Interdisciplinaire
    Options > Political and Normative (Dis)order > ANTHRO 3 Interdisciplinaire

    Etudes interreligieuses 90 [MA]
    Version: 2019/SA_v02
    M-3 Interreligiöse Ethik und Politik (MA 90/30) > Seminar nach Wahl in den beteiligten Disziplinen mit einem dem Modul entsprechendem Schwerpunkt (M-3 MA 90/30 IREL)

    European Studies 30 [MA]
    Version: SA14_MA_PS_bil_v01
    Espace culturel européen > Module "Christianisme et religions en Europe" (Option B)

    Family, Children and Youth Studies 90 [MA]
    Version: SA15_MA_PA_bil_V01
    Sciences sociales et humaines
    Module à choix > Enfance et jeunesse
    Module à choix > Famille

    German 120
    Version: SA23_BA_de_v01
    Soft Skills

    German 120
    Version: SA16_BA_dt_V02
    Soft Skills

    Interreligiöse Studien (Nebenprogramm MA für NIcht-Theologinnen) 30 ECTS
    Version: 2019/SA_v02 für Nicht-Theologinnen
    M-3 Interreligiöse Ethik und Politik (MA 90/30) > Seminar nach Wahl in den beteiligten Disziplinen mit einem dem Modul entsprechendem Schwerpunkt (M-3 MA 90/30 IREL)

    Interreligiöse Studien (Nebenprogramm MA für Theologinnen) 30 ECTS
    Version: 2019/SA_v02 für Theologinnen
    M-3 Interreligiöse Ethik und Politik (MA 90/30) > Seminar nach Wahl in den beteiligten Disziplinen mit einem dem Modul entsprechendem Schwerpunkt (M-3 MA 90/30 IREL)

    Islam and Society 30 [MA]
    Version: SA17_MA_P2_de_fr_V01
    Perspectives sociétales sur l'Islam

    Islam and Society 90 [MA]
    Version: SA19_PA_de_fr_V01
    L'islam dans les discours philosophiques et théologiques
    L'lslam dans les contextes sociaux

    Philosophy 120
    Version: SA17_BA_bi_v01
    Bereichsüberegreifende und erweiternde Kompetenzen / Softskills > Soft skills 12

    Philosophy 120
    Version: SA20_BA_bi_v01
    Bereichsüberegreifende und erweiternde Kompetenzen / Softskills > Soft skills 12

    Philosophy 120
    Version: SH05_BA_bi_v01
    Soft skills > Soft skills 12

    Philosophy 120
    Version: SA17_BA_bi_v02
    Bereichsüberegreifende und erweiternde Kompetenzen / Softskills > Soft skills 12