Digital Commerce in B2C and B2B Markets

  • Teaching


    Faculty Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences
    Domain Business Administration
    Code UE-EGE.00269
    Languages English
    Type of lesson Lecture
    Level Master
    Semester SS-2025

    Schedules and rooms

    Summary schedule Monday 08:15 - 11:00, Hebdomadaire, PER 21, Room C230 (Spring semester)
    Hours per week 3


    • Morschett Dirk
    • Lehmann Viviane Nadine Zoe

    Digital Commerce (or E-Commerce) has become highly relevant in many sectors in the last two decades, gaining market shares and leading to the emergence of new players, like Amazon or Zalando, who have become huge companies. Long established companies, e.g. Würth, have added digital sales channels. In addition to the already established online channels, like ordering over a PC or notebook, new channels emerge like mobile channels, scanning solutions or voice assistants as Alexa. In B2B markets, even more forms of digital ordering appear.

    In this course, the different aspects of Digital Commerce are presented and discussed. This covers, inter alia

    • the different players that are active in Digital Commerce and the changes in the competitive landscape
    • disintermediation and new intermediaries
    • different business models and business strategies in Digital Commerce (e.g. market places and the perspective of two-sided markets)
    • financial consideration of E-Commerce companies
    • digital channels that are available or emerging
    • theoretical foundations from a business strategy, networks and a customer behavior perspective
    • marketing instruments of digital commerce companies, e.g. retail branding, assortment, pricing and new price models, services
    • personalisation/individualisation
    • cross-channel and omni-channel strategies
    • relevant decisions along the value chain, e.g. with regard to delivery options.
    Training objectives

    The objective of the course is that students understand the most important aspects of digital commerce activities, i.e. selling of goods and services via the Internet, mobile networks and other emerging channels, to private consumers (B2C) and to commercial customers (B2B).

    Softskills Yes
    Off field Yes
    BeNeFri Yes
    Mobility Yes
    UniPop No



    to be anounced

  • Dates and rooms
    Date Hour Type of lesson Place
    17.02.2025 08:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 21, Room C230
    24.02.2025 08:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 21, Room C230
    03.03.2025 08:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 21, Room C230
    10.03.2025 08:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 21, Room C230
    17.03.2025 08:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 21, Room C230
    24.03.2025 08:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 21, Room C230
    31.03.2025 08:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 21, Room C230
    07.04.2025 08:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 21, Room C230
    14.04.2025 08:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 21, Room C230
    28.04.2025 08:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 21, Room C230
    05.05.2025 08:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 21, Room C230
    12.05.2025 08:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 21, Room C230
    19.05.2025 08:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 21, Room C230
    26.05.2025 08:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 21, Room C230
  • Assessments methods

    Written exam - SS-2025, Session d'été 2025

    Date 02.06.2025 11:00 - 12:00
    Assessments methods By rating
    Descriptions of Exams

    Exam duration: 60 min.

    Written exam - SS-2025, Session de rattrapage 2025

    Date 25.08.2025 11:00 - 12:00
    Assessments methods By rating
    Descriptions of Exams

    Exam duration: 60 min.

  • Assignment
    Valid for the following curricula:
    BeNeFri - Sciences économiques et sociales
    Version: 2018-SP_V01 - SES BeNeFri
    Course > Master course offering for BeNeFri Students

    Complementary learnings in SES or mobility students
    Version: ens_compl_ses
    Mster course offering for Mobility Students

    Doc - Business Informatics
    Version: 20210713
    Elective courses > Wahlkurse UNIFR

    Doc - Economics
    Version: 2002-SA_V01
    Cours a choix > Wahlkurse UNIFR

    Doc - Economie quantitative
    Version: 2002-SA_V01
    Cours a choix > Wahlkurse UNIFR

    Doc - Management
    Version: 2002-SA_V01
    Cours a choix > Wahlkurse UNIFR

    Doc - Management in Nonprofit-Organisation
    Version: 2002-SA_V01 -60 ECTS Théoriques
    Elective courses > Wahlkurse UNIFR

    Doc - Sciences sociales
    Version: 2002-SA_V01
    Cours a choix > Wahlkurse UNIFR

    Doc - Sciences économiques et sociales
    Version: 2002-SA_V01
    Cours a choix > Wahlkurse UNIFR

    Ma - Accounting and Finance - 120 ECTS
    Version: 2024-SP_V02 - DD Caen
    UniFr courses > Elective courses - Max 18 ECTS > SES Master level courses

    Ma - Accounting and Finance - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V02 - Dès SA-2024
    Course - 72 ECTS > Minimum 0 / maximum 1 optional master course offered at the University of Fribourg, if 72 ECTS not yet reached in the above modules > SES Master level courses

    Ma - Business Communication - Management - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2022-SA_V03
    Courses - 60 ECTS > Management > 30 ECTS parmi les modules : > DIG: Managing Digitalisation
    Courses - 60 ECTS > Management > 30 ECTS parmi les modules : > MAR: Marketing

    Ma - Business Communication : Business Informatics - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2024-SA_V03
    Information Management > Cours > Modules management > DIG: Managing Digitalisation
    Information Management > Cours > Modules management > MAR: Marketing

    Ma - Business Informatics - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2020-SA_V01
    Classes - min. 45 ECTS > Modules management - max. 15 ECTS > DIG: Managing Digitalisation
    Classes - min. 45 ECTS > Modules management - max. 15 ECTS > MAR: Marketing

    Ma - Communication and Society - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V03
    Forschungsbereiche > Inter- & Transdisciplinary Perspectives

    Ma - Data Analytics & Economics - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2020-SA_V02
    Courses min 63 ECTS > Mandatory Modules (45 to 63 ECTS) > Module II: Economics of Markets and Organisations (Eco)

    Ma - Economics - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V04
    Le choix de l'option se fait par l'inscription au premier cours dans l'une des options possibles. > Public Economics and Policy > Elective courses in Public Economics and Policy > Elective courses in Economics
    Le choix de l'option se fait par l'inscription au premier cours dans l'une des options possibles. > Public Economics and Policy > Elective courses in Public Economics and Policy > Elective courses of the SES Faculty - max. 15 ECTS > SES Master level courses
    Le choix de l'option se fait par l'inscription au premier cours dans l'une des options possibles. > Quantitative Economics > Elective courses in Quantitative Economics
    Le choix de l'option se fait par l'inscription au premier cours dans l'une des options possibles. > Quantitative Economics > Elective courses in Quantitative Economics > Courses from the SES faculty - max. 15 ECTS > SES Master level courses
    Le choix de l'option se fait par l'inscription au premier cours dans l'une des options possibles. > Business Economics > Elective courses in Business Economics > Elective courses in Economics
    Le choix de l'option se fait par l'inscription au premier cours dans l'une des options possibles. > Business Economics > Elective courses in Business Economics > Wahlkurse der SES-Fakultät - max. 15 ECTS > SES Master level courses
    Le choix de l'option se fait par l'inscription au premier cours dans l'une des options possibles. > Business Economics > Option : Business Economics
    Le choix de l'option se fait par l'inscription au premier cours dans l'une des options possibles. > Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility > Elective courses in Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility > Elective courses of the SES Faculty - max. 15 ECTS > SES Master level courses
    Le choix de l'option se fait par l'inscription au premier cours dans l'une des options possibles. > Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility > Elective courses in Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility > Elective courses in Economics
    Course selection for the Master WITHOUT options > Elective courses > Elective courses of the SES Faculty - max. 15 ECTS > SES Master level courses
    Course selection for the Master WITHOUT options > Elective courses > Elective courses in Economics

    Ma - International and European Business - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V01 - dès SA-2024
    Courses > Modules > One complete module taken from the following list > DIG Module validation element group > DIG: Managing Digitalisation > Core courses
    Courses > Modules > One complete module taken from the following list > MAR Module validation element group > MAR: Marketing > Elective courses
    Courses > Modules > Elective courses of the management modules > Elective courses of the management modules > Elective courses for the Master in management
    Courses > Additional courses > SES Master level courses

    Ma - Management - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V03 - Dès SA-2024
    Courses: min. 72 ECTS > Elective courses > SES Master level courses
    Courses: min. 72 ECTS > Modules - min 54 ECTS > Minimum of 3 modules with a minimum of 18 ECTS and 2 core courses > DIG Module validation element group > DIG: Managing Digitalisation > Core courses
    Courses: min. 72 ECTS > Modules - min 54 ECTS > Minimum of 3 modules with a minimum of 18 ECTS and 2 core courses > MAR Module validation element group > MAR: Marketing > Elective courses
    Courses: min. 72 ECTS > Modules - min 54 ECTS > Elective courses taken outside a validating module > Elective courses in the management modules > Elective courses for the Master in management

    Ma - Marketing - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V03 - Dès SA-2024
    Courses - 72 ECTS > Elective Master courses from the whole university > SES Master level courses
    Courses - 72 ECTS > Marketing Module > Marketing Module validation element group > MAR: Marketing > Elective courses
    Courses - 72 ECTS > Complementary module > DIG Module validation element group > DIG: Managing Digitalisation > Core courses

    Ma - Public Economics and Public Finance - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V01 - DD PEPF
    Cours > Up to 40 ECTS credits must fulfill the conditions required for the specialisation according to the approuved document "Individual choice of lectures". > Elective courses in Economics

    MiMa - Business Informatics - 30 ECTS
    Version: 2020-SA_V01
    Cours > Modules management > DIG: Managing Digitalisation
    Cours > Modules management > MAR: Marketing

    MiMa - Economics - 30 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V01
    Elective courses > Elective courses in Economics

    MiMa - Gestion d'entreprise - 30 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V01
    Elective courses - 30 ECTS > DIG: Managing Digitalisation
    Elective courses - 30 ECTS > MAR: Marketing