Altes Testament. Theologie Altes Testament I: "If God had a name...". Namen und Bilder von Gott im AT. Hauptvorlesung
Faculty Faculty of Theology Domain Faculty of Theology Code UE-TTH.01351 Languages German Type of lesson Lecture
Level Bachelor Semester AS-2024 Schedules and rooms
Summary schedule Wednesday 08:15 - 10:00, Hebdomadaire (Autumn semester)
Bibliography Bauks, Michaela: Theologie des Alten Testaments. Religionsgeschichtliche und bibelhermeneutische Perspektiven, Uni-Taschenbücher 4973, Göttingen 2019.
Keel, Othmar / Schroer, Silvia: Schöpfung. Biblische Theologien im Kontext altorientalischer Religionen, Fribourg / Göttingen 22008.
Spieckermann, Hermann / Feldmeier, Reinhard: Der Gott der Lebendigen: eine biblische Gotteslehre, Tübingen 32020.
Dates and rooms
Date Hour Type of lesson Place 18.09.2024 08:15 - 10:00 Cours MIS 03, Room 3025 25.09.2024 08:15 - 10:00 Cours MIS 03, Room 3025 02.10.2024 08:15 - 10:00 Cours MIS 03, Room 3025 09.10.2024 08:15 - 10:00 Cours MIS 03, Room 3025 16.10.2024 08:15 - 10:00 Cours MIS 03, Room 3025 23.10.2024 08:15 - 10:00 Cours MIS 03, Room 3025 30.10.2024 08:15 - 10:00 Cours MIS 03, Room 3025 06.11.2024 08:15 - 10:00 Cours MIS 03, Room 3025 13.11.2024 08:15 - 10:00 Cours MIS 03, Room 3025 20.11.2024 08:15 - 10:00 Cours MIS 03, Room 3025 27.11.2024 08:15 - 10:00 Cours MIS 03, Room 3025 04.12.2024 08:15 - 10:00 Cours MIS 03, Room 3025 11.12.2024 08:15 - 10:00 Cours MIS 03, Room 3025 18.12.2024 08:15 - 10:00 Cours MIS 03, Room 3025 -
Assessments methods
Assessments methods By rating, By success/failure -
Valid for the following curricula: Additional Programme Requirements to the Master of Theology [MA]
Version: 2010/SA_v01
Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
Education / Psychology 120
Version: SA20_BA_de_v01
BP1.7-D Bereichsübergreifende Kompetenzen
Education / Psychology 120
Version: SA20_BA_bil_v01
BP1.7-B Bereichsübergreifende Kompetenzen / Compétences transversales
Educational Sciences 120
Version: SA20_BA_de_v01
BE1.8-D Bereichsübergreifende Kompetenzen
Ens. compl. en Théologie
Version: ens_compl_theologie
Free courses (BA)Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
Etudes interreligieuses (Programme secondaire BA pour non-théologien-ne-s) 60 ECTS
Version: 2019/SA_v02
Free courses (BA)M-2 Hermeneutik Heiliger Schriften (BA 60/30 non-théol.) > Theologie AT oder NT (M-2 BA 60/30 non-théol. IREL)M-9 Wahlbereich (BA 60/30 non-théol.) > Nach Wahl (M-9 BA 60/30 non-théol. IREL)
Etudes interreligieuses (Programme secondaire BA pour théologien-ne-s) 60 ECTS
Version: 2019/SA_v02 für Theologinnen
M-7 Wahlbereich (BA 60/30 théol.) > Nach Wahl (M-7 BA 60/30 théol. IREL)Free courses (BA)
Etudes interreligieuses 120 [BA]
Version: 2019/SA_v02
Free courses (BA)M-2 Hermeneutik Heiliger Schriften (BA 120) > Theologie des Alten Testaments (M-2, BA 120 IREL)M-10 Wahlbereich (BA 120) > Nach Wahl (M-10, BA 120 IREL)
Etudes interreligieuses 90 [MA]
Version: 2019/SA_v02
Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
French and German: Bilingualism and Cultural Exchange 180
Version: SA17_BA_de_fr_V01
1.4 CTC / Softskills > CTC - Soft Skills (pour étudiant-e-s francophones)
French and German: Bilingualism and Cultural Exchange 180
Version: SA23_BA180_de_fr_V01
Interreligiöse Studien (Nebenprogramm BA für Nicht-TheologInnen) 30 ECTS
Version: 2019/SA_v02 für Nicht-Theologinnen
Free courses (BA)M-9 Wahlbereich (BA 60/30 non-théol.) > Nach Wahl (M-9 BA 60/30 non-théol. IREL)M-2 Hermeneutik Heiliger Schriften (BA 60/30 non-théol.) > Theologie AT oder NT (M-2 BA 60/30 non-théol. IREL)
Interreligiöse Studien (Nebenprogramm BA für TheologInnen) 30 ECTS
Version: 2019/SA_v02 für Theologinnen
M-7 Wahlbereich (BA 60/30 théol.) > Nach Wahl (M-7 BA 60/30 théol. IREL)Free courses (BA)
Interreligiöse Studien (Nebenprogramm MA für NIcht-Theologinnen) 30 ECTS
Version: 2019/SA_v02 für Nicht-Theologinnen
Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
Interreligiöse Studien (Nebenprogramm MA für Theologinnen) 30 ECTS
Version: 2019/SA_v02 für Theologinnen
Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
Interreligiöse Studien [PRE-MA]
Version: 2019/SA_v01
Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
Optionsprogramm 30 ECTS
Version: 2010
Free courses (BA)Options programme 30 CPFree courses (MA / 3e cycle)
Religious education 50 ECTS
Version: 2021/SA_v02
Free courses (BA)9. Matière(s) aux choix > Elective area (DAES)
Specialisation: Orthodoxy and interchristian studies 120 ECTS [MA]
Version: 2021/SA_v01
Spécialisation > Orthodoxy and Interchristian Studies > Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
Study of Religion [3e cycle]
Version: 2009/SA_v01
Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
Supplement to the Master of Theology with specialisation [MA]
Version: 2010/SA_v01
Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
Theological Studies 90 ECTS [MA]
Version: 2019/SA_v01
Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
Theological Studies with Specialisation 90 ECTS [MA]
Version: 2022/SP_v01
Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
Theological Studies with Specialisation 90 ECTS [MA]
Version: 2016/SA_v01 N/A
Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
Theological studies [3e cycle]
Version: 2010/SA_v01
Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
Theologie (Nebenprogramm Master) 30 ECTS
Version: 2016/SA_v01
Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
Theology (Canonical License) 60 ECTS [3e cycle]
Version: 2019/SA_v01
Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
Theology 120 ECTS [BA]
Version: 2016/SA_v01
Free courses (BA)D'autres obligations d'études et d'éxamens > Compulsory elective areas (BA 120)
Theology 120 ECTS [MA]
Version: 2019/SA_v01
Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
Theology 180 ECTS [BA]
Version: 2023/SP_v01
Free courses (BA)Études bibliques > Theologie AT (5./6. Sem. BA 180)Études bibliques > Elective specialisation in Biblical Studies
Theology with Specialisation 120 ECTS [MA]
Version: 2022/SP_v01
Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
Théologie (Dip.eccl.) 300 ECTS
Version: 2023/SA_v01
Free courses (BA)Études bibliques > Theologie AT (5./6. Sem. BA 180)Études bibliques > Elective specialisation in Biblical Studies
Théologie (Nebenprogramm - Bachelor) 60 ECTS
Version: 2016/SA_v01
Compulsory elective area (BA 60)Exegesis or Theology OT or NT (BA 60)Free courses (BA)
Théologie (programme secondaire Bachelor ANEC) 60 ECTS
Version: 2020/SP_01 ANEC
Free courses (BA)
Théologie [3e cycle]
Version: 2010/SA_v01
Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
Théologie [Cours]
Version: 1950/SA_v01
Free courses (BA)Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)