Altes Testament. Chatten mit Abraham. Interaktive Bibelarbeit in digitaler und analoger Form. Kolloquium

  • Teaching


    Faculty Faculty of Theology
    Domain Faculty of Theology
    Code UE-TTH.01354
    Languages German
    Type of lesson Colloquium
    Level Master, Bachelor
    Semester SS-2025

    Schedules and rooms

    Summary schedule Thursday 17:15 - 19:00, Cours bloc, MIS 04, Room 4128 (Spring semester)
    Friday 13:15 - 18:00, Cours bloc, MIS 04, Room 4128 (Spring semester)
    Saturday 09:15 - 14:00, Cours bloc, MIS 04, Room 4128 (Spring semester)


    • Eder Sigrid
    • Eder Sigrid

    An der Schnittstelle zwischen modernen Technologien und biblischen Texten erhebt die Lehrveranstaltung in einem ersten Teil die vielfältigen KI-gestützten Angebote im Rahmen der interaktiven Bibelarbeit und beleuchtet diese kritisch aus exegetischer Perspektive. Der zweite Teil widmet sich dem Kennenlernen und der Anwendung verschiedener Methoden der Bibelarbeit für den Gebrauch in unterschiedlichen theologischen Praxisfeldern.

    Softskills Yes
    Off field Yes
    BeNeFri Yes
    Mobility Yes
    UniPop No



    Backhaus, Arno / Peter, Jörg: Bibel dir deine Meinung: Die Bibel kreativ – lesen wie noch nie, Moers 42012.

    Nordhofen, Eckhard: Künstliche Intelligenz und die Gottesfragen, in: Herder-Korrespondenz 78 / 1 (2024) 28-28.

    Strecker, Franziska u.a.:  Bibel kreativ: Methodenbuch: einfach Workshops gestalten mit 12 Modellentwürfen und zahlreichen Kreativideen, Stuttgart 2019.

  • Dates and rooms
    Date Hour Type of lesson Place
    06.03.2025 17:15 - 19:00 Cours MIS 04, Room 4128
    04.04.2025 13:15 - 18:00 Cours MIS 04, Room 4128
    05.04.2025 09:15 - 14:00 Cours MIS 04, Room 4128
    09.05.2025 13:15 - 18:00 Cours MIS 04, Room 4128
    10.05.2025 09:15 - 14:00 Cours MIS 04, Room 4128
  • Assessments methods


    Assessments methods By rating, By success/failure
  • Assignment
    Valid for the following curricula:
    Additional Programme Requirements to the Master of Theology [MA]
    Version: 2010/SA_v01
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)

    Educational Sciences 120
    Version: SA20_BA_de_v01
    BE1.8-D Bereichsübergreifende Kompetenzen

    Ens. compl. en Théologie
    Version: ens_compl_theologie
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)

    Etudes interreligieuses 90 [MA]
    Version: 2019/SA_v02
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)

    German 120
    Version: SA23_BA_de_v01
    Soft Skills

    Interreligiöse Studien (Nebenprogramm MA für NIcht-Theologinnen) 30 ECTS
    Version: 2019/SA_v02 für Nicht-Theologinnen
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)

    Interreligiöse Studien (Nebenprogramm MA für Theologinnen) 30 ECTS
    Version: 2019/SA_v02 für Theologinnen
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)

    Interreligiöse Studien [PRE-MA]
    Version: 2019/SA_v01
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)

    Optionsprogramm 30 ECTS
    Version: 2010
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)

    Specialisation: Orthodoxy and interchristian studies 120 ECTS [MA]
    Version: 2021/SA_v01
    Spécialisation > Orthodoxy and Interchristian Studies > Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)

    Study of Religion [3e cycle]
    Version: 2009/SA_v01
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)

    Supplement to the Master of Theology with specialisation [MA]
    Version: 2010/SA_v01
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)

    Theological Studies 90 ECTS [MA]
    Version: 2019/SA_v01
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)

    Theological Studies with Specialisation 90 ECTS [MA]
    Version: 2016/SA_v01 N/A
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
    Spécialisation > Theological Ethics > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Canon Law > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Interreligious Dialogue > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Dogmatic Theology > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Studies in Faith and Philosophy > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Philosophy of Human Life > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Orthodoxy and Interchristian Studies > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Practical Theology > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Patristics and History of the Early Church > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Liturgical Studies > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > The Christian East > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Ecumenical Theology > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Moral Theology and Ethics > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > New Testament and its cultural context > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Fundamental Theology > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Hebrew Bible and its cultural context > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Modern and Contemporary History of the Church and of Theology > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Elective area (MA SPEC 90)
    Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)

    Theological Studies with Specialisation 90 ECTS [MA]
    Version: 2022/SP_v01
    Elective area (MA SPEC 90)
    Spécialisation > Hebrew Bible and its cultural context > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Ecumenical Theology > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Theological Ethics > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Studies in Faith and Philosophy > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Philosophy of Human Life > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Patristics and History of the Early Church > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Orthodoxy and Interchristian Studies > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Canon Law > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Practical Theology > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Fundamental Theology > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Interreligious Dialogue > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Moral Theology and Ethics > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Liturgical Studies > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > New Testament and its cultural context > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > The Christian East > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Modern and Contemporary History of the Church and of Theology > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Spécialisation > Dogmatic Theology > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)

    Theological studies [3e cycle]
    Version: 2010/SA_v01
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)

    Theologie (Nebenprogramm Master) 30 ECTS
    Version: 2016/SA_v01
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)

    Theology (Canonical License) 60 ECTS [3e cycle]
    Version: 2019/SA_v01
    Other (can. lic.)
    Specialisation (Can. lic.)
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)

    Theology 120 ECTS [MA]
    Version: 2019/SA_v01
    Specialisation (MA 120)
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)

    Theology with Specialisation 120 ECTS [MA]
    Version: 2022/SP_v01
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)
    Elective area (MA SPEC 120)
    Specialisation > Practical Theology > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Specialisation > The Christian East > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Specialisation > Hebrew Bible and its cultural context > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Specialisation > Dogmatic Theology > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Specialisation > Liturgical Studies > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Specialisation > Ecumenical Theology > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Specialisation > New Testament and its cultural context > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Specialisation > Canon Law > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Specialisation > Theological Ethics > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Specialisation > Modern and Contemporary History of the Church and of Theology > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Specialisation > Moral Theology and Ethics > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Specialisation > Studies in Faith and Philosophy > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Specialisation > Patristics and History of the Early Church > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)
    Specialisation > Fundamental Theology > Further MA specialisation courses (MA 120/90)

    Théologie (Dip.eccl.) 300 ECTS
    Version: 2023/SA_v01
    Specialisation (MA 120)

    Théologie [3e cycle]
    Version: 2010/SA_v01
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)

    Théologie [Cours]
    Version: 1950/SA_v01
    Free courses (MA / 3e cycle)