Intercultural Business Projects

  • Teaching


    Faculty Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences
    Domain Business Administration
    Code UE-EGE.00250
    Languages English
    Type of lesson Seminar
    Level Master
    Semester SS-2025

    Schedules and rooms

    Summary schedule Wednesday 16:15 - 19:00, Cours bloc, PER 21, Room A403 (Spring semester)
    Wednesday 16:15 - 18:00, Cours bloc, PER 21, Room A403 (Spring semester)
    Hours per week 3


    • Davoine Eric
    • Morschett Dirk
    • André Olivia Lina
    • Zagato Christelle

    Available Places: 12

    In this course, the participants from the University of Fribourg will be a part of a global virtual team. Each student will be in a different team, together with students coming from many different countries.

    Overall, thousands of students and professionals from over 40 countries participate in this experience. An external educational organization (X-Culture) provides real business projects presented by their corporate partners.

    In regular virtual meetings, the teams develop ideas and solutions. Overall, about two months are given to develop a solution to the case.

    There are weekly deadlines that the teams must meet. At the end of the project, the teams will submit their solutions in the form of team reports. A detailed description of this process can be found on A more detailed information package will be provided in the preparatory first meeting of the course.

    In Fribourg, the participants will meet ca. bi-weekly (from March 3 – April 28) with one of the lecturers or the assistants to present their progress and plans. In the end, every student shortly presents its group paper to all course participants (ca. 10 min presentation).

    The grading will be based on a paper that each student must submit to the lecturers (usually the team report) (50%), the final case presentation at UniFR (20%) and a grade for participation and commitment (30%).

    Training objectives

    The objective of this course is to learn to apply the theoretical and conceptual knowledge from courses in international management, marketing and intercultural management to real business projects and experience and learn the collaboration within global virtual teams.

    Condition of access

    The number of participants in this course is limited to 12; hence, a selection of good and motivated students is made. We therefore place you on the waiting list upon registration and in the second week of the semester, we select the 12 students that can participate.

    For this selection process, you must send a short application to one of the assistants for this course (listed above) by e-mail. This should include a grade list (already completed courses in the master, plus grades in bachelor).

    You should send these documents at the latest when you register online but you can already submit them before the registration opens.

    Softskills No
    Off field No
    BeNeFri Yes
    Mobility Yes
    UniPop No
  • Dates and rooms
    Date Hour Type of lesson Place
    26.03.2025 16:15 - 18:00 Cours PER 21, Room A403
    02.04.2025 16:15 - 18:00 Cours PER 21, Room A403
    02.04.2025 16:15 - 18:00 Cours PER 21, Room A303
    07.05.2025 16:15 - 19:00 Cours PER 21, Room A403
  • Assessments methods

    Evaluation continue - SS-2025, Session d'été 2025

    Assessments methods By rating
    Descriptions of Exams

    Course with continuous evaluation: after the registration period, you can no longer cancel your registration (see session calendar on the Faculty's website).

    No retake exam

  • Assignment
    Valid for the following curricula:
    BeNeFri - Sciences économiques et sociales
    Version: 2018-SP_V01 - SES BeNeFri
    Course > Master course offering for BeNeFri Students

    Complementary learnings in SES or mobility students
    Version: ens_compl_ses
    Mster course offering for Mobility Students

    Doc - Business Informatics
    Version: 20210713
    Elective courses > Wahlkurse UNIFR

    Doc - Economics
    Version: 2002-SA_V01
    Cours a choix > Wahlkurse UNIFR

    Doc - Economie quantitative
    Version: 2002-SA_V01
    Cours a choix > Wahlkurse UNIFR

    Doc - Management
    Version: 2002-SA_V01
    Cours a choix > Wahlkurse UNIFR

    Doc - Management in Nonprofit-Organisation
    Version: 2002-SA_V01 -60 ECTS Théoriques
    Elective courses > Wahlkurse UNIFR

    Doc - Sciences sociales
    Version: 2002-SA_V01
    Cours a choix > Wahlkurse UNIFR

    Doc - Sciences économiques et sociales
    Version: 2002-SA_V01
    Cours a choix > Wahlkurse UNIFR

    Ma - Accounting and Finance - 120 ECTS
    Version: 2024-SP_V02 - DD Caen
    UniFr courses > Elective courses - Max 18 ECTS > SES Master level courses

    Ma - Accounting and Finance - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V02 - Dès SA-2024
    Course - 72 ECTS > Minimum 0 / maximum 1 optional master course offered at the University of Fribourg, if 72 ECTS not yet reached in the above modules > SES Master level courses

    Ma - Business Communication - Management - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2022-SA_V03
    Courses - 60 ECTS > Management > 30 ECTS parmi les modules : > STR: Strategy
    Courses - 60 ECTS > Management > 30 ECTS parmi les modules : > EUGB: European and Global Business

    Ma - Business Communication : Business Informatics - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2024-SA_V03
    Information Management > Cours > Modules management > EUGB: European and Global Business
    Information Management > Cours > Modules management > STR: Strategy

    Ma - Business Informatics - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2020-SA_V01
    Classes - min. 45 ECTS > Modules management - max. 15 ECTS > EUGB: European and Global Business
    Classes - min. 45 ECTS > Modules management - max. 15 ECTS > STR: Strategy

    Ma - Communication and Society - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V03
    Forschungsbereiche > Inter- & Transdisciplinary Perspectives

    Ma - Economics - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V04
    Le choix de l'option se fait par l'inscription au premier cours dans l'une des options possibles. > Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility > Elective courses in Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility > Elective courses of the SES Faculty - max. 15 ECTS > SES Master level courses
    Le choix de l'option se fait par l'inscription au premier cours dans l'une des options possibles. > Public Economics and Policy > Elective courses in Public Economics and Policy > Elective courses of the SES Faculty - max. 15 ECTS > SES Master level courses
    Le choix de l'option se fait par l'inscription au premier cours dans l'une des options possibles. > Business Economics > Elective courses in Business Economics > Wahlkurse der SES-Fakultät - max. 15 ECTS > SES Master level courses
    Le choix de l'option se fait par l'inscription au premier cours dans l'une des options possibles. > Quantitative Economics > Elective courses in Quantitative Economics > Courses from the SES faculty - max. 15 ECTS > SES Master level courses
    Course selection for the Master WITHOUT options > Elective courses > Elective courses of the SES Faculty - max. 15 ECTS > SES Master level courses

    Ma - International and European Business - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V01 - dès SA-2024
    Courses > Additional courses > SES Master level courses
    Courses > Modules > Elective courses of the management modules > Elective courses of the management modules > Elective courses for the Master in management
    Courses > Modules > One complete module taken from the following list > STR Module validation element group > STR: Strategy > Elective courses
    Courses > Modules > Mandatory module > EUGB: European and Global Business > Elective courses

    Ma - Management - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V03 - Dès SA-2024
    Courses: min. 72 ECTS > Modules - min 54 ECTS > Minimum of 3 modules with a minimum of 18 ECTS and 2 core courses > EUGB Module validation element group > EUGB: European and Global Business > Elective courses
    Courses: min. 72 ECTS > Modules - min 54 ECTS > Minimum of 3 modules with a minimum of 18 ECTS and 2 core courses > STR Module validation element group > STR: Strategy > Elective courses
    Courses: min. 72 ECTS > Modules - min 54 ECTS > Elective courses taken outside a validating module > Elective courses in the management modules > Elective courses for the Master in management
    Courses: min. 72 ECTS > Elective courses > SES Master level courses

    Ma - Marketing - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V03 - Dès SA-2024
    Courses - 72 ECTS > Elective Master courses from the whole university > SES Master level courses
    Courses - 72 ECTS > Complementary module > Module STR validation element group > STR: Strategy > Elective courses

    MiMa - Business Informatics - 30 ECTS
    Version: 2020-SA_V01
    Cours > Modules management > STR: Strategy
    Cours > Modules management > EUGB: European and Global Business

    MiMa - Gestion d'entreprise - 30 ECTS
    Version: 2021-SA_V01
    Elective courses - 30 ECTS > STR: Strategy
    Elective courses - 30 ECTS > EUGB: European and Global Business