Thematische Vorlesung/ Kunstgeschichte des Mittelalters: Mediterrane Begegnungen: al-Andalus, Sizilien, Heiliges Land/Rencontres méditerranéennes : al-Andalus, Sicile, Terre Sainte.

  • Teaching


    Faculty Faculty of Humanities
    Domain Art History
    Code UE-L17.01526
    Languages German
    Type of lesson Lecture
    Level Master, Préalable master, Bachelor
    Semester AS-2024

    Schedules and rooms

    Summary schedule Tuesday 10:15 - 12:00, Hebdomadaire (Autumn semester)


    • Bacci Michele

    The Middle Ages was a time of conflict, but also a time of interaction between the different cultures of the Mediterranean. This course aims to illustrate the dynamics through which the arts of Byzantium, Islam and Latin Europe met and exchanged ideas, forms and objects. In particular, it will illustrate the importance of this exchange in Islamic Andalusia, Norman Sicily and Latin- and Ayyubid-ruled Palestine from the 11th through the 13th century.

    Training objectives

    The analysis of the specific contexts of Andalusia, Sicily and Palestine will provide an in-depth knowledge of the different forms of expression that were the result of the encounter of several artistic traditions: namely, the art of the Islamic Maghreb and Christian Spain, the traditions of Northern Europe, Southern Italy, the Mediterranean countries under Byzantine and Latin domination and the Islamic and Christian cultures of the Near East.

    Softskills Yes
    Off field Yes
    BeNeFri No
    Mobility Yes
    UniPop Yes
    Auditor Yes



    Arcidiacono, Giulia, Pittura medievale rupestre in Sicilia: il territorio di Siracusa tra Oriente e Occidente, Spoleto 2020.

    Becker, Oliver, Die Architektur der Normannen in Süditalien im 11. Jahrhundert, Affalterbach 2018.

    Bella, Tancredi, La cattedrale medievale di Catania: un cantiere normanno nella contea di Sicilia, Milan 2023.

    Boloix-Gallardo, Bárbara (ed.), A Companion to Islamic Granada, Leiden 2022.

    Borsook, Eve, Messages in Mosaic: The Royal Programmes of Norman Sicily (1130-1187), Woodbridge 1998.

    Brenk, Beat, The Mosaics of Roger II in Sicily: Visualizing Sacred Authority, Wiesbaden 2022.

    Brodbeck, Sulamith (ed.), San Filippo di Fragalà: monastero greco della Sicilia normanna. Storia, architettura e decorazione pittorica, Bari 2018.

    Calvo Capilla, Susana, Las mezquitas de al-Andalus, Almería 2014.

    Campagna Cicala, Francesca, Pittura medievale in Sicilia, Veneria Reale 2020.

    Cross-Cultural Interaction between Byzantium and the West, 1204-1669. Whose Mediterranean Is It Anyway?, ed. by A. Lymberopoulou, London-New York 2018.

    Demus, O., The Mosaics of Norman Sicily, London 1949.

    Dittelsbach, Thomas, Rex imago Christi: Der Dom von Monreale. Bildsprachen und Zeremoniell in Mosaikkunst und Architektur, Wiesbaden 2003.

    Dolezalek, Isabelle, Arabic Script on Christian Kings: Textile Inscriptions on Royal Garments from Norman Sicily, Berlin 2017.

    El esplendor de los Omeyas cordobeses: la civilización musulmana de Europa occidental, Granada 2001.

    Fernández-Puertas, A., and Marinetto Sánchez, P. (eds.). Arte y cultura. Patrimonio Hispanomusulmán en al-Andalus, Granada, 2009.

    Fishhof, Gil, Shaping Identities in a Holy Land. Crusader Art in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem: Patrons and Viewers, Abingdon and New York 2024.

    Fleck, Cathleen A., Reimagining Jerusalem’s Architectural Identities in the Later Middle Ages, Leiden 2023.

    Folda, Jaroslav, The Art of the Crusaders in the Holy Land, 1098-1187, Cambridge 1995.

    Folda, Jaroslav, The Art of the Crusaders in the Holy Land, from the Third Crusade to the Fall of Acre, 1187-1291, Cambridge 2005.

    Gandolfo, Francesco, La scultura nella Sicilia normanna, Tivoli 2019.

    Giese, Francine, and Varela, Ariane (eds.), The Power of Symbols: The Alhambra in a Global Context, Berlin 2018.

    Interactions: Artistic Interchange between the Eastern and Western Worlds in the Medieval Period, ed. by C. Hourihane, Princeton 2007

    James, Liz, Mosaics in the Medieval World. From Late Antiquity to the Fifteenth Century, Cambridge 2017.

    Kitzinger, E., The Mosaics of Saint Mary’s of the Admiral in Palermo, Washington, DC, 1990.

    Kühnel, Bianca, Crusader Art of the Twelfth Century: A Geographical, an Historical, or an Art Historical Notion?, Berlin 1994.

    Kühnel, Gustav, Wall Painting in the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem, Berlin 1988.

    Lateinisch-griechisch-arabische Begegnungen: kulturelle Diversität im Mittelmeerraum des Spätmittelalters, hrsg. von M. Mersch und U. Ritzerfeld, Berlin 2009.

    Leone, Nicola G. (ed.), L’arte siculo-normanna. La cultura islamica nella Sicilia medievale, Palermo 2007.

    Lintz, Yannick et alii (eds.), Le Maroc médiéval, Paris 2014.

    López Guzmán, Rafael, Arquitectura mudéjar, Madrid 2016.

    Madīnat Qurṭuba. Ciudad and materia, curated by Mª. Dolores Baena Alcántara and José Escudero Aranda, Córdoba, 2013.

    Mechanisms of Exchange. Transmission in Medieval Art and Architecture of the Mediterranean, ca. 1000-1500, ed. by H.E. Grossman and A. Walker, Leiden 2013.

    Monferrer-Sala, Juan Pedro, and Monterroso-Checa, Antonio (eds.), A Companion to Late Antique and Medieval Islamic Cordoba, Leiden 2023.

    Noto, Vittorio, Guida alla Sicilia normanna, Palermo 2019.

    Patton, Pamela, and Rossi, Maria Alessia (eds.), Out of Bounds. Exploring the Limits of Medieval Art, University Park, PA, 2023.

    Pavón Maldonado, Basilio, Arte toledano: islámico y mudéjar, Madrid 1988.

    Pavón Maldonado, Tratado de arquitectura hispano-musulmana, Madrid 1999-2009.

    Puerta Vílchez, El sentido artístico de Qurtuba, Granada-Madrid, Edilux-Casa Árabe, 2015.

    Puerta Vílchez, José Miguel, Leer la Alhambra. Guía visual del monumento a través de sus inscripciones, Granada 2010.

    Reilly, Lisa A., The Invention of Norman Visual Culture: Art, Politics, and Dynastic Ambition, Cambridge 2020.

    Romanesque and the Mediterranean: Points of Contact Across the Latin, Greek and Islamic Worlds c. 1000 to c. 1250, ed. Bacile, Rosa, Leeds 2015.

    Tabanelli, Margherita, Architettura sacra in Calabria e Sicilia nell’età della Contea normanna, Rome 2019.

    The Art of Islamic Spain, New York 1992.

    Tranchina, Antonino, Monaci sullo stretto: architettura e grecità medievale tra Calabria e Sicilia, Cinisello Balsamo 2023.

    Transkulturelle Verflechtungen. Mediävistische Perspektiven, ed. by Christ, Georg, et alii, Göttingen 2016.

    Tronzo, William, The Cultures of His Kingdom: Roger II and the Cappella Palatina in Palermo, Princeton, NJ, 1997.

    Ziadé, Raphaëlle, L’art des Chrétiens d’Orient de l’Euphrate au Nil, Paris 2022.

  • Dates and rooms
    Date Hour Type of lesson Place
    17.09.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 02, Room 2029
    24.09.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 02, Room 2029
    01.10.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 02, Room 2029
    08.10.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 02, Room 2029
    15.10.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 02, Room 2029
    22.10.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 02, Room 2029
    29.10.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 02, Room 2029
    05.11.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 02, Room 2029
    12.11.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 02, Room 2029
    19.11.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 02, Room 2029
    26.11.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 02, Room 2029
    03.12.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 02, Room 2029
    10.12.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 02, Room 2029
    17.12.2024 10:15 - 12:00 Cours MIS 02, Room 2029
  • Assessments methods

    Examen - AS-2024, Session d'hiver 2025

    Assessments methods By rating, By success/failure

    Examen - SS-2025, Session d'été 2025

    Assessments methods By rating, By success/failure

    Examen - SS-2025, Autumn Session 2025

    Assessments methods By rating, By success/failure

    Examen - AS-2025, Session d'hiver 2026

    Assessments methods By rating, By success/failure

    Examen - SS-2026, Session d'été 2026

    Assessments methods By rating, By success/failure
  • Assignment
    Valid for the following curricula:
    Archaeology 30 [MA]
    Version: SA21_MA_P2_V01
    Archéologie et Histoire de la Méditerranée antique

    Archeology 90 [MA]
    Version: SA21_MA_PA_V01
    Archéologie et Histoire de la Méditerranée antique

    Art History 120
    Version: SA14_BA_120_bi_v02
    Grundpfeiler > Module 05 / Soft skills
    Options > Kunstgeschichte > Module 06-07-08 / Approfondissement histoire de l'art médiéval

    Art History 120
    Version: SA14_BA_120_bi_v03
    Filière > Histoire de l'Art > Module 06-07-08 / Approfondissement histoire de l'art médiéval
    Grundpfeiler > Module 05 / Soft skills

    Art History 120
    Version: SA23_BA_120_bi_v01
    Profils > Histoire de l'art > Module 8 : Thématique
    Profils > Histoire de l'art > Module 10 : Soft Skills
    Profils > Archeology > Archeology > Module 10 : Soft Skills
    Tronc commun > Module 1 : Introduction à l’histoire de la discipline et aux méthodes scientifiques

    Art History 30
    Version: SA24_BA_30_bi_v01
    Module 2 : Exercices en Histoire de l’art

    Art History 30 [MA]
    Version: SA14_MA_P2_bi_v01
    Approfondissement à l'Histoire de l'Art 2 > Approfondissement / Histoire de l'art médiéval II
    Approfondissement à l'Histoire de l'Art 1 > Approfondissement / Histoire de l'art médiéval I

    Art History 60
    Version: SA23_BA_60_bi_v01
    Module 5 : Thématique
    Module 1 : Introduction à l’histoire de la discipline et aux méthodes scientifiques

    Art History 90 [MA]
    Version: SA14_MA_PA_bi_v01
    Vertiefung in die Kunstgeschichte 3 > Approfondissement / Histoire de l'art médiéval I
    Vertiefung in die Kunstgeschichte 3 > Approfondissement / Histoire de l'art médiéval II

    Contemporary History 120
    Version: SA16_BA_de_v02
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    Contemporary History 120
    Version: SA16_BA_de_v01
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    Contemporary History 120
    Version: SA16_BA_bi-v02
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    Contemporary History 120
    Version: SA16_BA_fr_v02
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    Education / Psychology 120
    Version: SA20_BA_de_v01
    BP1.7-D Bereichsübergreifende Kompetenzen

    Education / Psychology 120
    Version: SA20_BA_bil_v01
    BP1.7-B Bereichsübergreifende Kompetenzen / Compétences transversales

    Educational Sciences 120
    Version: SA20_BA_bil_v01
    Variante B > BE1.7b-B Bereichsübergreifende Kompetenzen

    English Language and Literature 120
    Version: SA15_BA_ang_V02
    Module Nine: Soft Skills

    Ens. compl. en Lettres
    Version: ens_compl_lettres

    French 120
    Version: SA16_BA_fr_V04
    Module 8 - CTC

    French and German: Bilingualism and Cultural Exchange 180
    Version: SA23_BA180_de_fr_V01

    French and German: Bilingualism and Cultural Exchange 180
    Version: SA17_BA_de_fr_V01
    1.4 CTC / Softskills > CTC - Soft Skills (pour étudiant-e-s francophones)

    German 120
    Version: SA23_BA_de_v01
    Soft Skills

    German 120
    Version: SA16_BA_dt_V02
    Germanistische Mediävistik - Aufbaumodul
    Soft Skills

    German 30 [MA]
    Version: SA16_MA_P2_dt_V02
    Germanistische Mediävistik 5

    German 90 [MA]
    Version: SA16_MA_PA_dt_V02
    Germanistische Mediävistik 5
    Germanistische Mediävistik 2

    German 90 [MA]
    Version: SA24_MA_VP_de_v01
    1 Profilmodul > Deutschsprachige Literatur des Mittelalters im europäischen Kontext

    History 120
    Version: SA16_BA_bi_v01
    Pflichtteil > Module de base Histoire médiévale (plan d'études 2016)
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    History 120
    Version: SA16_BA_bi_v02
    Pflichtteil > Module de base Histoire médiévale (plan d'études 2016)
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    History 30
    Version: SA16_BA_bi_v01
    Wahlpflichtteil > Module de base Histoire médiévale (plan d'études 2016)

    History 60
    Version: SA16_BA_bi_v01
    Wahlpflichtteil > Mittelalter > Module de base Histoire médiévale (plan d'études 2016)

    History of Modern Times 120
    Version: SA16_BA_fr_v02
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    History of Modern Times 120
    Version: SA16_BA_de_v02
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    History of Modern Times 120
    Version: SA16_BA_bi_v02
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    History of Modern Times 120
    Version: SA16_BA_bi_v01
    CTC > Soft skills 12

    Italian 120
    Version: SA22_BA_120_ital_v01
    M8P Softskills

    Italian 120
    Version: SA15_BA_ita_V01
    Soft Skills

    Italian 120
    Version: SA15_BA_ital_V02
    Soft Skills

    Lettres [Cours]
    Version: Lettres_v01

    Medieval Studies 30 [MA]
    Version: SA21_MA_P2_de_fr_V01
    Module III : Kunstgeschichte des Mittelalters / Histoire de l’art du Moyen Âge

    Slavic Studies 120
    Version: SA15_BA_slav_V01
    Module 9: Compétences transversales et complémentaires

    Slavic Studies 120
    Version: SA15_BA_slav_V02
    Module 9: Compétences transversales et complémentaires

    Slavic Studies 120
    Version: SA24_BA_slav_v01
    MODUL 9: Wahlbereich / Bereichsübergreifende Kompetenzen