Advanced Seminar in Strategic International Management
Faculty Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences Domain Business Administration Code UE-EGE.00486 Languages English Type of lesson Seminar
Level Master Semester SS-2025 Schedules and rooms
Summary schedule Tuesday 17:15 - 19:00, Cours bloc, PER 21, Room B130 (Spring semester)
Thursday 08:15 - 18:00, Cours bloc, PER 21, Room B130 (Spring semester)
Friday 08:15 - 18:00, Cours bloc, PER 21, Room B130 (Spring semester)
Dates and rooms
Date Hour Type of lesson Place 25.02.2025 17:15 - 19:00 Cours PER 21, Room B130 06.05.2025 17:15 - 19:00 Cours PER 21, Room B130 22.05.2025 08:15 - 18:00 Cours PER 21, Room B130 23.05.2025 08:15 - 18:00 Cours PER 21, Room B130 -
Assessments methods
Travail et exposé - SS-2025, Session d'été 2025
Assessments methods By rating Descriptions of Exams The grade for the Advanced Seminar in International and European Business is composed of a grade for the written seminar thesis (60%) and a grade for the seminar itself (i.e. presentation, discussion, participation) (40%)
Course with continuous evaluation: after the registration period, you can no longer cancel your registration (see session calendar on the Faculty's website).
Re-take evaluation: The re-take evaluation for the seminar will be held under the same condition as the initial evaluation of the seminar. This means the student has to write a second paper and present it on the re-take seminar date under the same condition as in the original seminar. The participation grade can’t be re-taken. If the written part of the seminar is passed and the overall grade insufficient, the student can only re-take the presentation part.
Oral exam - SS-2025, Session de rattrapage 2025
Assessments methods By rating Descriptions of Exams Oral exam 15 minutes - retake only
Re-take evaluation: The re-take evaluation for the seminar will be held under the same condition as the initial evaluation of the seminar. This means the student has to write a second paper and present it on the re-take seminar date under the same condition as in the original seminar. The participation grade can’t be re-taken. If the written part of the seminar is passed and the overall grade insufficient, the student can only re-take the presentation part.
Valid for the following curricula: BeNeFri - Sciences économiques et sociales
Version: 2018-SP_V01 - SES BeNeFri
Course > Master course offering for BeNeFri Students
Complementary learnings in SES or mobility students
Version: ens_compl_ses
Mster course offering for Mobility Students
Doc - Business Informatics
Version: 20210713
Elective courses > Wahlkurse UNIFR
Doc - Economics
Version: 2002-SA_V01
Cours a choix > Wahlkurse UNIFR
Doc - Economie quantitative
Version: 2002-SA_V01
Cours a choix > Wahlkurse UNIFR
Doc - Management
Version: 2002-SA_V01
Cours a choix > Wahlkurse UNIFR
Doc - Management in Nonprofit-Organisation
Version: 2002-SA_V01 -60 ECTS Théoriques
Elective courses > Wahlkurse UNIFR
Doc - Sciences sociales
Version: 2002-SA_V01
Cours a choix > Wahlkurse UNIFR
Doc - Sciences économiques et sociales
Version: 2002-SA_V01
Cours a choix > Wahlkurse UNIFR
Ma - Accounting and Finance - 120 ECTS
Version: 2024-SP_V02 - DD Caen
UniFr courses > Elective courses - Max 18 ECTS > SES Master level courses
Ma - Accounting and Finance - 90 ECTS
Version: 2021-SA_V02 - Dès SA-2024
Course - 72 ECTS > Minimum 0 / maximum 1 optional master course offered at the University of Fribourg, if 72 ECTS not yet reached in the above modules > SES Master level courses
Ma - Business Communication - Management - 90 ECTS
Version: 2022-SA_V03
Courses - 60 ECTS > Management > 30 ECTS parmi les modules : > STR: StrategyCourses - 60 ECTS > Management > 30 ECTS parmi les modules : > DIG: Managing DigitalisationCourses - 60 ECTS > Management > 30 ECTS parmi les modules : > EUGB: European and Global Business
Ma - Business Communication : Business Informatics - 90 ECTS
Version: 2024-SA_V03
Information Management > Cours > Modules management > DIG: Managing DigitalisationInformation Management > Cours > Modules management > STR: StrategyInformation Management > Cours > Modules management > EUGB: European and Global Business
Ma - Business Informatics - 90 ECTS
Version: 2020-SA_V01
Classes - min. 45 ECTS > Modules management - max. 15 ECTS > DIG: Managing DigitalisationClasses - min. 45 ECTS > Modules management - max. 15 ECTS > EUGB: European and Global BusinessClasses - min. 45 ECTS > Modules management - max. 15 ECTS > STR: Strategy
Ma - Communication and Society - 90 ECTS
Version: 2021-SA_V03
Forschungsbereiche > Inter- & Transdisciplinary Perspectives
Ma - Economics - 90 ECTS
Version: 2021-SA_V04
Le choix de l'option se fait par l'inscription au premier cours dans l'une des options possibles. > Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility > Elective courses in Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility > Elective courses of the SES Faculty - max. 15 ECTS > SES Master level coursesLe choix de l'option se fait par l'inscription au premier cours dans l'une des options possibles. > Quantitative Economics > Elective courses in Quantitative Economics > Courses from the SES faculty - max. 15 ECTS > SES Master level coursesLe choix de l'option se fait par l'inscription au premier cours dans l'une des options possibles. > Business Economics > Elective courses in Business Economics > Wahlkurse der SES-Fakultät - max. 15 ECTS > SES Master level coursesLe choix de l'option se fait par l'inscription au premier cours dans l'une des options possibles. > Public Economics and Policy > Elective courses in Public Economics and Policy > Elective courses of the SES Faculty - max. 15 ECTS > SES Master level coursesCourse selection for the Master WITHOUT options > Elective courses > Elective courses of the SES Faculty - max. 15 ECTS > SES Master level courses
Ma - International and European Business - 90 ECTS
Version: 2021-SA_V01 - dès SA-2024
Courses > Modules > One complete module taken from the following list > STR Module validation element group > STR: Strategy > Core CoursesCourses > Modules > Elective courses of the management modules > Elective courses of the management modules > Elective courses for the Master in managementCourses > Modules > Mandatory module > EUGB: European and Global Business > Elective coursesCourses > Additional courses > SES Master level courses
Ma - Management - 90 ECTS
Version: 2021-SA_V03 - Dès SA-2024
Courses: min. 72 ECTS > Modules - min 54 ECTS > Minimum of 3 modules with a minimum of 18 ECTS and 2 core courses > EUGB Module validation element group > EUGB: European and Global Business > Elective coursesCourses: min. 72 ECTS > Modules - min 54 ECTS > Minimum of 3 modules with a minimum of 18 ECTS and 2 core courses > STR Module validation element group > STR: Strategy > Core CoursesCourses: min. 72 ECTS > Modules - min 54 ECTS > Elective courses taken outside a validating module > Elective courses in the management modules > Elective courses for the Master in managementCourses: min. 72 ECTS > Elective courses > SES Master level courses
Ma - Marketing - 90 ECTS
Version: 2021-SA_V03 - Dès SA-2024
Courses - 72 ECTS > Elective Master courses from the whole university > SES Master level coursesCourses - 72 ECTS > Complementary module > Module STR validation element group > STR: Strategy > Core Courses
MiMa - Business Informatics - 30 ECTS
Version: 2020-SA_V01
Cours > Modules management > DIG: Managing DigitalisationCours > Modules management > EUGB: European and Global BusinessCours > Modules management > STR: Strategy
MiMa - Gestion d'entreprise - 30 ECTS
Version: 2021-SA_V01
Elective courses - 30 ECTS > EUGB: European and Global BusinessElective courses - 30 ECTS > STR: StrategyElective courses - 30 ECTS > DIG: Managing Digitalisation