d3c1ph3r hacking

  • Teaching


    Faculty Faculty of Humanities
    Domain Interdisciplinary
    Code UE-L26.00281
    Languages English
    Type of lesson Seminar
    Level Master
    Semester SS-2025

    Schedules and rooms

    Summary schedule Thursday 15:15 - 17:00, Hebdomadaire, PER 21, Room E130 (Spring semester)


    • Bozzini David Manuel
    • Bozzini David Manuel

    h4ck3r5 (in leet speak) comes in many flavors: phreakers, crackers, black hats, white hats, open source wizards, corporate hackers, cypherpunks, script kiddies, hacktivists, advanced persistent threats, overclockers and a few more. At different times, hackers have either instilled fear and hostility or admiration and   respect, and as such they have either been considered deviant and childish or wise and prescient, respectively. Given the different ways hackers are defined, this seminar aims to delve into the many activities hacking encompasses, in order to explore how hackers approach and interact with digital technology. From an anthropological perspective, we will debate whether or not hacking is a culture in and of itself and to what extent hackers have influenced the larger social context in which they are embedded. We will also explore how hackers as malevolent actors have reshaped crime and warfare. This exploration will set in motion multiple reflections on the vulnerabilities inherent to our modern and increasingly digitized societies. 


    Each participant will develop an original research agenda on hacking and will contribute with a blog article to a growing archive of curious feats and events related to digital technologies hosted at the University of Fribourg.

    Softskills Yes
    Off field Yes
    BeNeFri Yes
    Mobility Yes
    UniPop No
  • Dates and rooms
    Date Hour Type of lesson Place
    20.02.2025 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room E130
    27.02.2025 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room E130
    06.03.2025 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room E130
    13.03.2025 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room E130
    20.03.2025 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room E130
    27.03.2025 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room E130
    03.04.2025 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room E130
    10.04.2025 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room E130
    17.04.2025 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room E130
    01.05.2025 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room E130
    08.05.2025 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room E130
    15.05.2025 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room E130
    22.05.2025 15:15 - 17:00 Cours PER 21, Room E130
  • Assessments methods

    Evaluation continue - Outside session

    Assessments methods By rating
  • Assignment
    Valid for the following curricula:
    Culture, Politics and Religion in Pluralist Societies 90 [MA]
    Version: SA18_MA_PA_bi_v01
    Option > Option (Dés)ordres politiques et normatifs > ANTHRO 3 Interdisciplinaire
    Option > Option Dynamiques sociales et culturelles > SOCIO 3 Interdisciplinaire

    Culture, Politics and Religion in Pluralist Societies 90 [MA]
    Version: SA18_MA_PA_bi_v02
    Options > Political and Normative (Dis)order > ANTHRO 3 Interdisciplinaire
    Options > Social and Cultural Dynamics > SOCIO 3 Interdisciplinaire

    Culture, Politics and Religion in Pluralist Societies 90 [MA]
    Version: SA24_MA_PA_fr_de_bi_v01
    Options > Social and Cultural Dynamics > SOCIO 3 Interdisziplinär
    Options > Social Anthropology, Politics, Technology > ANTHRO 3 Interdisziplinär

    Digital Society 30 [MA]
    Version: SA23_MA_P2_en_V01
    DSS 2 - Theories and case studies

    English Language and Literature 120
    Version: SA15_BA_ang_V02
    Module Nine: Soft Skills