Climate change: state of the art and debates

  • Teaching


    Faculty Faculty of Science and Medicine
    Domain Geography
    Code UE-SGG.00426
    Languages English
    Type of lesson Seminar
    Level Master
    Semester SA-2021

    Schedules and rooms

    Summary schedule Tuesday 11:15 - 12:00, Cours bloc (Autumn semester)
    Struct. of the schedule Séminaire bloc
    Contact's hours 28


    • Graefe Olivier
    • Graefe Olivier
    • Hauck Christian
    Description This seminar gives an overview of the actual scientific knowledge on climate change. Both perspectives from natural and social sciences are presented in order to identify and understand the mis/match between the empirical evidences and the political, social and economic practices in terms of CO2 emissions, climate change mitigation and adaptation. The topic gives also the opportunity to reflect on the relationships between knowledge production, perceptions and practices.

    Learning outcomes: On successful completion of the module, you will be able to:
    - Be familiar with the terms of the debates and its complexity
    - Clarify the importance of perspectives, language and understandings of the object “climate”
    - Improve scientific skills: confident and autonomous, critical and self reflexive
    - Raise awareness about how you think on the issue of climate change
    - Relate theoretical and empirical research with the example of climate change

    Condition of access
    • Zulassung nur mittels eines gültigen Covid-19-Zertifikats gemäss Art. 7A der Richtlinien des Rektorats vom 29. Oktober 2020 (Stand am 18. August 2021) über die Prävention und ein Schutzkonzept im Hinblick auf die Minimierung des Übertragungsrisikos für COVID-19.
    • Admissible au moyen d’un certificat Covid-19 valable conformément à l’art. 7A des Directives du Rectorat du 29 octobre 2020 (Etat au 18 août 2021) concernant la prévention et un plan de protection en vue de minimiser le risque de transmission du COVID-19.

    Dates of the bloc seminar taking place in Moléson : 25-26.11.2021.

    Preparation of the seminar and distribution of topics: 21.09.2021, 11 a.m., room 026. The attendance is compulsory. 

    - - - - Requirement for students from other Swiss universities - - - -

    The participation to the course and the registration for the exam are conditional to the enrollment as BENEFRI or guest students. At the beginning of the semester at latest :

    - Students from the universities of Bern and Neuchâtel (BENEFRI) are invited to follow the steps of the procedure described on in order to be identified as BENEFRI students.

    - Students from other Swiss universities are invited to follow the procedure described on in order to be enrolled as guest students.

    Below is some information concerning the registration to exams. Please be aware that registration to exams is mandatory and does not automatically happen if you are registered to a class:

    Softskills Yes
    Off field Yes
    BeNeFri Yes
    Mobility Yes
    UniPop No
    Auditor Yes
  • Dates and rooms
    Date Hour Type of lesson Place
    21.09.2021 11:15 - 12:00 Cours
  • Assessments methods


    Assessments methods By rating
    Descriptions of Exams Présentation et projet
  • Assignment
    Valid for the following curricula:
    Additional Courses in Sciences
    Version: ens_compl_sciences
    Paquet indépendant des branches > Specialized courses in geography (Master level)

    Additional TDHSE programme in Geography
    Version: 2023_1/V_01
    Additional TDHSE Programme Requirements for Geographie 60 or +30 > Programmes 60 or +30 > Additional Programme Requirements to Geography +30 > Additional TDHSE programme for Geography +30 (from AS2023 on)

    Additional programme requirements for PhD studies [PRE-DOC]
    Version: 2020_1/v_01
    Additional programme requirements for PhD studies (Faculty of Science and Medicine) > Specialized courses in geography (Master level)

    Environmental Sciences and Humanities [MA] 30
    Version: 2024_1/V_01
    Environmental Sciences and Humanities, minor Master > Geosciences Module, elective courses (from AS2023 on)

    Geography +30 [MA] 30
    Version: 2023_1/V_01
    Minor in Geography +30 (GEOG+30 for 90 ECTS) > Geography, Minor +30 [MA], option human geography and physical geography (from AS2023 on)

    Geography [3e cycle]
    Version: 2015_1/V_01
    Continuing education > Specialized courses in geography (Master level)

    Geography [POST-DOC]
    Version: 2015_1/V_01
    Continuing education > Specialized courses in geography (Master level)

    Geosciences [3e cycle]
    Version: 2015_1/V_01
    Continuing education > Specialized courses in geography (Master level)

    Geosciences [POST-DOC]
    Version: 2015_1/V_01
    Continuing education > Specialized courses in geography (Master level)

    MSc in Environmental Sciences and Humanities [MA] 120
    Version: 2024_1/V_01
    MSc in Environmental Sciences and Humanities, compulsory courses > MSc-SE, Geosciences Module, compulsory courses (from AS2020 on)

    MSc-GG - Dynamics in Glaciology and Geomorphology [MA] 120
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    MSc in Geography, Dynamics in Glaciology and Geomorphology, compulsory lectures and seminars (from AS2020 on) > MSc in Geography, common module, compulsory courses (from AS2013 on)

    MSc-GG - Nature, Society and Politics [MA] 120
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    MSc in Geography, Nature, Society and Politics, compulsory lectures and seminars (from AS2020 on) > MSc in Geography, common module, compulsory courses (from AS2013 on)

    sp-MSc-GG - Dynamics in Glaciology and Geomorphology [MA] 120
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    sp. MSc in Geography, Dynamics in Glaciology and Geomorphology, compulsory lectures and seminars (from AS2020 on) > MSc in Geography, common module, compulsory courses (from AS2013 on)

    sp-MSc-GG - Nature, Society and Politics [MA] 120
    Version: 2022_1/V_01
    sp. MSc in Geography, Nature, Society and Politics, compulsory lectures and seminars (from AS2020 on) > MSc in Geography, common module, compulsory courses (from AS2013 on)