Nuclear organization and chromatin dynamics - Nuclear organization and chromosome dynamics

  • Enseignement


    Faculté Faculté des sciences et de médecine
    Domaine Biologie
    Code UE-SBL.00130
    Langues Anglais
    Type d'enseignement Cours
    Cursus Master
    Semestre(s) SA-2022


    Français Organisation nucléaire et dynamique chromosomale
    Allemand Organisation im Zellkern und Chromosomen Dynamik
    Anglais Nuclear organization and chromatin dynamics - Nuclear organization and chromosome dynamics

    Horaires et salles

    Horaire résumé Mardi 09:15 - 11:00, Hebdomadaire (Semestre d'automne)
    Heures de contact 8


    • Wicky Collaud Chantal
    • Wicky Collaud Chantal

    DNA associated processes, such transcription, replication, recombination, but also chromosome pairing during meiosis occur in the context of the highly organized cell nucleus. Several structural elements of the nucleus such as the nuclear lamina or special nuclear compartments are known to regulate these processes. Changes in the nuclear organization are accompanying development and differentiation processes and defects in the nuclear architecture are known to be responsible for several human diseases. This course will focus on the elements that are shaping the nuclear architecture and their role in the activity of the genome, such as transcription, replication and DNA recombination. Since meiotic nuclei are the home of a beautiful chromosome choreography and an intense nuclear reorganisation, this course will also include an overview of the mechanisms underlying these processes. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying nuclear organisation and chromosome dynamics is essential for human health and fertility.

    Key concepts of the lecture are nuclear architecture, chromatin domains, nuclear compartment, chromosome territories and pairing, recombination and genome stability.

    Objectifs de formation

    At the end of this course, the student has an overview of the nuclear organization and its role in the regulation of processes associated with the DNA. He/she is able to use this knowledge to read and analyse the specialized literature on the topic and to appreciate the research of a lab working on nuclear architecture and chromosome dynamics.)

    Softskills Non
    Hors domaine Non
    BeNeFri Non
    Mobilité Non
    UniPop Non
  • Dates et salles
    Date Heure Type d'enseignement Lieu
    18.10.2022 09:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 04, salle 0.109
    25.10.2022 09:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 04, salle 0.109
    08.11.2022 09:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 04, salle 0.109
    15.11.2022 09:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 04, salle 0.109
    22.11.2022 09:15 - 11:00 Cours PER 04, salle 0.109
  • Modalités d'évaluation

    Examen écrit - SP-2023, Session d'automne 2023

    Mode d'évaluation Par note

    Written exam (30 min.) during the semester. One mark.

    Changement de modalité quant à la période: Written exam (30 min.) during the session. One mark.

  • Affiliation
    Valable pour les plans d'études suivants:
    Biologie +30 [MA] 30
    Version: 2023_1/V_01
    Branche complémentaire biologie E +30 (BIOLOGIE+30 pour 90 ECTS) > BIOLOGIE E +30, br. complémentaire, Molecular life and health (dès SA2023)

    Biologie [3e cycle]
    Version: 2015_1/V_01
    Formation continue > UE de spécialisation en Biologie (niveau master)

    Biologie [POST-DOC]
    Version: 2015_1/V_01
    Formation continue > UE de spécialisation en Biologie (niveau master)

    Complément DEEM en biologie
    Version: 2023_1/V_01
    Complément DEEM pour BIOLOGIE E 60 ou +30 > Programmes 60 ou +30 > Complément au programme BIOLOGIE E+30 > Complément DEEM pour Biologie +30 (dès SA2023)

    Complément au doctorat [PRE-DOC]
    Version: 2020_1/v_01
    Complément au doctorat ( Faculté des sciences et de médecine) > UE de spécialisation en Biologie (niveau master)

    Enseignement complémentaire en sciences
    Version: ens_compl_sciences
    Paquet indépendant des branches > UE de spécialisation en Biologie (niveau master)