Advanced software engineering

  • Enseignement


    Faculté Faculté des sciences et de médecine
    Domaine Informatique
    Code UE-SIN.07602
    Langues Anglais
    Type d'enseignement Cours
    Cursus Master
    Semestre(s) SA-2020

    Horaires et salles

    Horaire résumé Jeudi 09:15 - 12:00, Hebdomadaire (Semestre d'automne)
    Struct. des horaires 3h par semaine durant 14 semaines
    Heures de contact 42


    • Pasquier Jacques
    • Pasquier Jacques
    • Durand Arnaud
    • Gremaud Pascal

    Today's Internet is the dominating communication infrastructure for supporting distributed scalable software systems as different as social networks, interactive games, smart homes, smart cites, IoT infrastrucure or supply chain management. In this lecture, we will investigate some of the main technologies, which will shape the future of Internet from a software engineering perspective. This journey will start with a recap of web basics such as URIs, HTTP, JSON; then continue with web services (WS) with a strong focus on RESTful ones and some notions of asynchronous programming with event loops; and conclude with actual topics such as the Web of Things (WoT), the semantic web and cloud computing for resource sharing and optimization.

    The theoretical part of the lecture is accompanied by a larger software project, where you will apply your new knowledge to design and implement a state of the art web application, complete with a web-based UI and a service-driven application logic using languages such as Python and/or Node.JS, smart devices such as Thingy:52 boxes of environmental sensors and Node-RED workflow engine. The project will be developed by groups of four students following a strict agile methodology (SCRUM) and will count for half of your grade. For a successful completion of the project, good programming skills are an absolute must. The latters will be tested after three weeks on an individual basis within a first pass or fail small REST server application project.

    Objectifs de formation

    On successful completion of this course, you will have:
    • learned about key Internet technologies and applications, including interaction with smart sensors and the increasing role of         services and cloud computing
    • become familiar with agile development within a small group using SCRUM
    • designed and implemented a state of the art Internet application.


    MSc-CS BENEFRI - (Code Ue: 13000/ Track: T1, Code Ue: 23000/ Track: T2) The exact date and time of this course as well as the complete course list can be found at

    Softskills Non
    Hors domaine Non
    BeNeFri Oui
    Mobilité Oui
    UniPop Non
  • Dates et salles
    Date Heure Type d'enseignement Lieu
    17.09.2020 09:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 21, salle G230
    24.09.2020 09:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 21, salle G230
    01.10.2020 09:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 21, salle G230
    08.10.2020 09:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 21, salle G230
    15.10.2020 09:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 21, salle G230
    22.10.2020 09:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 21, salle G230
    29.10.2020 09:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 21, salle G230
    05.11.2020 09:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 21, salle G230
    12.11.2020 09:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 21, salle G230
    19.11.2020 09:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 21, salle G230
    26.11.2020 09:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 21, salle G230
    03.12.2020 09:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 21, salle G230
    10.12.2020 09:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 21, salle G230
    17.12.2020 09:15 - 12:00 Cours PER 21, salle G230
  • Modalités d'évaluation

    Examen écrit

    Mode d'évaluation Par note
  • Affiliation
    Valable pour les plans d'études suivants:
    BcMa - Informatique de gestion - 30 ECTS
    Version: 2020-SA_V01
    Cours > Modules informatique > Security
    Cours > Modules informatique > Distributed Software Systems

    Complément au doctorat [PRE-DOC]
    Version: 2020_1/v_01
    Complément au doctorat ( Faculté des sciences et de médecine) > UE de spécialisation en Informatique (niveau master)

    Enseignement complémentaire en sciences
    Version: ens_compl_sciences
    Paquet indépendant des branches > UE de spécialisation en Informatique (niveau master)

    Informatique [3e cycle]
    Version: 2015_1/V_01
    Formation continue > UE de spécialisation en Informatique (niveau master)

    Informatique [POST-DOC]
    Version: 2015_1/V_01
    Formation continue > UE de spécialisation en Informatique (niveau master)

    MSc en informatique (BeNeFri)
    Version: 2023_1/V_01
    MSc en informatique (BeNeFri), cours, séminaires et travail de Master > T1 : Distributed Software Systems

    Ma - Business Communication : Informatique de gestion - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2024-SA_V03
    Informatique de gestion > Cours > Modules informatique > Security
    Informatique de gestion > Cours > Modules informatique > Distributed Software Systems

    Ma - Informatique de gestion - 90 ECTS
    Version: 2020-SA_V01
    Cours - min. 45 ECTS > Modules informatique/informatique de gestion > Distributed Software Systems
    Cours - min. 45 ECTS > Modules informatique/informatique de gestion > Security