Séminaire. "Un temps pour parler et un temps pour se taire" - Comment parler et se taire à bon escient ?
MASTER, BACHELOR | SA-2023 | UE-TTH.01137 | 4 ECTS
Théologie morale et éthique. "Un temps pour parler et un temps pour se taire" - Comment parler et se taire à bon escient ? Séminaire
We 17:15 - 19:00, MIS 04 - 4122, every week
Teachers: Prof. Luc-Thomas Somme o.p., Prof. Thierry Collaud
This seminar will explore the ethical conditions for the use (and therefore also the non-use) of the word. Among the themes that could be explored are: the theological notion of Logos-Word, listening, the example of the words (particularly the parables) and silences of Jesus, pseudology (false speech, intentionally or unintentionally), circumvented speech (secrecy, non-verbal speech, mental restriction), speech that is withheld or prevented (silence, psychosis, abuse, etc.), anonymous speech and its potential for violence on social networks, the community and temporal aspects of speech (for example in African culture). Other topics may be suggested by participants. The seminar will seek to bring together the contributions of the philosophical-theological tradition and life experience, and to make them interact with a view to genuine ethical discernment.