Final Exams

Procedure for the final examinations

The exam board of this oral examination is formed by the two professors of moral theology in the French language section of the faculty. The  exam is structured around the content of these professors' areas of study. Each student is required to prepare responses to 8 topics (thèses), one topic from each of the eight groups of topics. (The requirement to prepare written responses has been abolished.)


At the beginning of the exam, the student will indicate to the examiners the topics on which her or she is prepared to be examined.  The student will be examined on only two topics, one from each of the two domains of moral theology.  The student will choose by lot which domain of moral theology (Fundamental or Special) will be considered first and be the primary focus of the exam.  The examiner who teaches this domain will choose the topic to be considered, choosing from the four in his area that the student has prepared.  The Student will give a ten minute presentation on that topic.  Then the examiner who teaches in this domain will ask the student questions about the topic for the next ten minutes.  The examiner from the other domain of Moral Theology will then examine the student for ten minutes on one of the prepared topics from his domain of study.  This second topic is not prefaced by an introductory presentation.  


The grade will take into consideration not just the knowledge that has been acquired, but also the depth of the student's reflection on the material and his ability to present this knowledge from within a synthetic view of the whole of moral theology, to present it clearly and articulately in debate.  the grade also takes into account the branch of study that the student is pursuing. It is hoped that the examination will bring to light the student's ability to draw on the tradition but also place this tradition in dialogue with contemporary questions. 

  • Scale of grades

    Examinations are graded according to a six point scale from 1 to 6, with 6 being the highest (best) grade, and 1 being the lowest (worst) grade :

    Excellent 6 summa cum laude
    Very  good 5,5 insigni cum laude
    Good 5 magna cum laude
    Pretty good 4,5 cum laude
    Satisfactory 4 rite
    Unsatisfactory less than 4 insufficienter


  • Topics for the final exam


    1. Beatitude and Human Action

    1. La place du bonheur et du plaisir dans la morale
    2. L’être humain peut-il être heureux ?
    3. Le volontaire dans les actes humains
    4. La place de la raison et de la volonté dans le choix
    5. Morale et liberté


    2. Passions and Virtues

    1. Nature et moralité des passions
    2. Passions et vertus, passions et vices
    3. La place de la colère dans la morale
    4. Nature et typologie de la vertu
    5. Vertus infuses et dons du Saint-Esprit


    3. Sin and Law

    1. Définition et typologie du péché 
    2. La loi de gradualité
    3. Définition et typologie thomasiennes de la loi
    4. La loi naturelle
    5. La Loi Nouvelle


    4.  Grace

    1. Nature de la grâce
    2. Nécessité de la grâce
    3. Lumière et ombres de l’héritage augustinien dans la doctrine de la grâce
    4. La justification
    5. Le mérite


    5.  Faith and Hope

    1. Nature et objet de la foi
    2. L’opposition morale de la foi et morale autonome
    3. La foi qui transforme et dont on témoigne
    4. Nature et objet de l’espérance
    5. L’espérance dans la théologie de l’histoire


    6. Charity

    1. Charité : données scripturaires
    2. La charité dans le Magistère contemporain
    3. La conception thomasienne de la charité
    4. Philia, Eros et Agapè
    5. Les péchés et les vices contraires à la charité


    7. Prudence, Courage and Temperance

    1. La prudence chez Aristote et St Thomas
    2. La conscience
    3. La tempérance
    4. Humilité, douceur, chasteté
    5. Le courage


    8. Justice and Christian Social Ethics

    1. La justice dans l’Écriture. Que dit-elle de plus que les philosophes?
    2. Définition et typologie de la justice
    3. Les théories philosophiques de la justice et les critiques qu’on peut leur faire d’un point de vue théologique
    4. La justice dans l’enseignement social de l’Église
    5. La justice comme rapport à Dieu, à autrui, à la vie, à la création et aux biens matériels
  • Dates for the final exams

    The final exam sessions take place during the examination weeks that take place during the week before classes begin and during the week after classes end.

    See Règlement du 25 mai 2010 (État le 21 mai 2019) pour l’obtention des diplômes universitaires et ecclésiastique à la Faculté de théologie de l’Université de Fribourg (Suisse) [art. 25.2].


    Academic Year 2023 / 2024

    • Wednesday 13 September 2023
    • Wednesday 14 February 2024
    • Wednesday 5 June 2024


    To enrole for the final exam, the student is invited to contact   Ass. dr. Magdalena Burlacu.